8-The Canadian Champion, Frîday, Match 18, 2005 Suspicious incident on Trudeau Drive \511] a -~snîîî icidell ont I îlc,îî 1)1Ss Match 10i. Ai about 3:20 p.in., a number if' chitdren just g1eiiing off a school bus sviinessed a greett 2(X)0( Foîrd vaît pull up itear tbem, at svhîch point the driver rîîlled dossi t bs svîtdîîss aid took tîteir pho- to-raph bebore c1uickly leavittg the area. The driver is described as a shîic ioule ss tii suit glasses, a black leather jackei attd a red gilalce. while the descriptioni un the passenger svas that oîf a sshite maie with a britwn leaiber jacket. Atîyîne svth informnatioîn regardiîtg tis incident is asked tut cali Haltitî Regional Poîlice at (90151 878-5511 or Crime Stuippers of Halion ai 1 800X) 222-8477. Indecent exposure Tvmu teenage girls reporied a mule driver coin- mitiing an indeceni act on Laurier Avenue Marcb I>oice Blotter The driver ol a bIack, four-door vehicle allegèed- ly reversed int a drivcway, openied the door and \\,as 'cen perfornn the indecent act \vbile talking on a cellulai phoîne.' le's desci bed sinmply as a white maie. Documents swiped Tbree mnaie suspect,, ssere seen leaving Arnold Brothers Transport on Lawson Drive with a garbage bag in the early momting hours Monday. The men were spotied taktng off in a black Ford pick-up truck ai about 2:43 ar.. while the comipa- ny ssas Juter found to have been broken int and documents removed. outher thuti tîtat tile 55c1 rtC eai1îi dait k ltil" Blockbuster targeted Unkîîown suspects stuile 125 vîdeo gaines antd CDs valued at a cîîmbîned 5,900 fîtîtu the ite\s Blockbusîer lin Derry Ritad Monday ionuint. At abuout 3:35 atît. , poîlice responded lii att alarn activation and ibund the vident store's rear glass door sîttasbed svîtb a rock antd the retîtal -aittes rnissttlg. Impaired charges laid A 51 year uîld Oakvîlle mttrn laces charges in conneciutn with a miotor vehicle collision un Ninth 1.ine and Brîtanîtia Road Saturday aftertuon. Charged wiîh împaired driving and baving over the legal linit of alcohol in bis blotid. the suspect will appear iu Bur-lington provincial coîurt April 19. «Fraud case in court A Miltoni couple facing numerous charges in counection witb a series of mortgage frauds will return lui Ontariot Court oîf Justice in Newmarket May 6 for the conttinuation of their pre-trial. Frank Basso. 47, and bis svilè, Catherine, 46, botb of Rutlerige Road. suere charged witb a total of 16 and 10 counts respecîively of fraud over $5,000. conspiracy te, commit fraud, uttering a forged document, obtuiniug money by a forged document and obtaining credit by false pretence along with tbree other non-Milton residents. The pre-trial got underway lasi Friday ai Newinarket court. A pre- trial is beld to hammer oui legal issues betore a trial. The charges relate bo two incidents lu 2001 and 2002 lu whicb fraudulent mortgages were arranged ou bouses unbeknownst to the owners - rela- tives of the suspects - 10 obtain money. York Regional Police allege $1.7 million was pocketed by the tise sus- pects from a total of tbree incidents lu Toronto and Vaughan, ne in wbich no charges were laid against tihe Milton couple. You want them to live a long and happy life. Don't forget they waont the same for you. Evvruty vr, t Itusai i fl n tis stoil) stsîokittg, For t ettls<s. For iliumr farniltos. For life. You ('art t o. Si sul îour qut datei. Anid 1<ot lpl, call SîttokersIliu' : I1-877-51i3-5;il3. (5 Ontario Crime Stppr ofHl Milton Mail kiosk broken into Halton Regional Police are iuvestigatiug a The total value of the siolen property is to gîte vour naine oir teaofry it court. Crime break-in ai a kiosk ai Milton Mail. $3,000. Sriîpperî of Halton doeoi subscribe to ca/I dis- Overuight February 13, thieves broke int the jf vou have anv itn/ortutiion t/uat Ieads Io ai pla-v. Go/i J 800-222-liPS (1-800-222-8477) oîr Gaieway News stand. Cash and 30 cartons of arrest in this or ai,t ot/ter moatter, voil maY he check out Crime' Stoppers Weh site ai wwwh'/îi- cigarettes were siolen. e/îgib/efiîr a cash r-eivarr. Yoit i/l tierer haie toncrlmesroppers.comn.