Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Mar 2005, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 18, 2005 * The Canadian Champion Box 248, l91 Matin St. L- Miltmn, Ont. 1_9T -tN9 (905) 878-2341 ix: 905-878-4943 ax: 905-876-2364 d: 905-875-3300) in: 905-878-5947 Publisher Assrrrîrre Paabtratîer Iadilr-raîîChief- 1managing Iriirtr Adrerîîsrî Di)re<îrrî Parlîriclrn Mrrîîat'r Disîtrtin Mrîrager Office Mraîa.r The Canaiean Champin. plblistnn'sn e Ocaa uday anti Fniitiap i tOi Matn Sn E ,Milton, Ont .LOT 4N9 (Ban 248r is oae oft The Mniruaat Priainq. Pablistanq & O, tn Outiag LTi gluna 01 ai sasansatl CW amo[ ns l it rîilucars OAn ixPicknning Nents AOanniisniuiraî litti Hr/otir nnatis Advaaiîn Btlon Entnaprisen Bnamptan Gittan Botninton Post tanlaijian botinpinO Nets City Pannnt, Cty ni Tanin Guarani ClingttaatWaaga Coi.nîciai Fast onk Minnan Ern Adoa C r n Rnoutn latns Etaaitakn Gtandian Fli ,ttttnnntti Rnvînta Fnnntnn Yountg Gnongetown iîîdnpnndnnltlActai Fee Prnss, Battittaia BusisTines -iinaa Business OTmns t îîîdsap Tis Wenk, Mankhant Etanantist & Bita Mîitanti Pnnntîtg- arsina Mînnan Mlttar Shopping Newrs MîssISasstga tasiness OTmns Mississaata News, Naparîr Guide, Nassata-arpa ews, NewîanktAna Ena-tanner, Narthambrland News. North Yank Miranr Otiair traten. Bakaîtte Bhoppngn News, Oitimnna Hockanp Ners. Onarnarinl Balmnen Brlia Poata OsBawatNoitop CianitttantPaor Prrp This Wlntn PeterrBough Bhit Week, Pitiar Coaîîtp Guidan Richonn HaittThanroititVaaghan Lîoîri Otan banrtO Mmiro, BiaaffilîteiOîoîtge Orbntoe. BAtvrtsîro ta acceptît an the candirtionar in tae tOn ofîna a typa- graphîcat ilion that poTin ai Bhe adanntisittg space attapina Bp tOn nrao nons ntem, tatnthnn arit anneasanabin aiiowarn ion signaturen trit rat Bn thangît tan, bai Bhe balanîce ai thn aOanatisntnnt roui bn pat ion ai tOe appi tablirnain Phr paotîsher nespians tnp riqht ta catroanizn adtitsenîaîs an Onection Pair ariai ard aaanrlisîrt tantent ai Bne taant Chamapin ta praircirat Bp capyright OînaiOaîîaet ran is praBiOtino The Malon Canadiao Chamrpion is a Reryoiabte Produar Nightmare in waiting [ast sveek's demîse of discount air carri- er Jetsgo dempinstrates thai consumer pro- tectioîn in the oirline indttatry is. oit besi. a toi nonter. That an airline Crold strand 17,(0)1 cita tomersai oitn1e aftth1e bustest travel seasoîts ovas hard trI fathoîm Up) oUtil ioist F-tidoiî Alsrt hard trI ssaalloms' Evas prime Mintater Pautl Mairtin's srind-bite respotise trI the industry disasier. "I tell yoia iloats pretty tougi." Pretiy tiotplî1 \Ve doutîb the individuals anîd families svhose iravel plains sacre itipacted. tir the 1,3501 Jetsgo empîrryces avhr bhive loat iheir jobs. svould offer up such a înîld character- ization of th1e situaiont. Where Evas the protection for consumners? While those who bookcd through travel agencies or charged their tickets to a major credit card are likely to see refunds, the experience bas left many others with hlte recourse. To Ihose wbo closely followed thte eco- nomie decline of Jetsgo president Michel Leblanc's fourth foray inter lte highly-com- pelitive world of passenger airlines, ail of lte wamning signs were Ihere toi predictlIst week's shutdown. By ail accounts, Jetsgo - whose mottor svas pay a htile. tly at loi - sas a budget- iîîîîîded traveller's avîrst nigîtitinare svaitiig t bappeui. While the airline beg-aî bleeditg ilttlions tîf'dollars in tIsses 1ast year - î situationt made loir wrlrse by recenîly sai iît prices antd a Trantspoîrt Canauda directive duat prevenied Jetsgri plantes frront ily iitg- abtîve 29,0(X) leet the ctiiaity cîlr'tîtai ued to oeil] tickets ici consutîners as tri ltad tai sýainns an the air clisister that .îsvated tlîem. Equally disîurbing is the tevelaîtrîn th0it Jetsgrî's safety recoîrd )tad conîte undertlire by Transport Caînada, and inclîîded att oîder 10 dlean up ils aci by April 11 or face possi- bic grounding. Ironically. Leblanc's grand plan Esas to provide the most basic. low-cosi air carrier service in Canada. For mosi of th1e 17,000 sîranded Jetsgo passengers Leblane's dreamn of affordabie air travel has cost 111cm dearly. If there's a black box' to be studied from the wreckage of titis faiied airline experi- ment, it's that the industry and the govers- ment must show lte air-travelling public tey're prepared to lake steps tol ensure this doesn't itappen again. * Our Readers Write MîIton's snowplowîng service flot so great Dear Editor: Afier rcŽiding, reprorter Meloînte Hcnttessey's stitty tut siEs plaîsa îîîg, in the Mat-ch 8 Chiampioîn. i elÎ niMi acontinenit tit te moulter. as lc extrcttîcly irustroted %v it lthe cor- relit sntawphtsving efitons in titis toson. l'vc been a resideni tif Milton uîîy entire lie. and in mny opinion the quaiity and timeiiness of th1e snow- piowing service has deciined dra- maticaliy over the lasi few years. Please note Ihat Ibis is not a person- ai refiection on the story's subject. Chris Tonner. i can remember wben Wiif Penson was supervisor of the roads for the Town of Milton. Now grant- ed the town was smaiier titen, but lic otlo .iys scelied lai k trîo Ie cr- rctl ltines tco put his creas sn itîtte t î.îi oand tue qitol ity oii lte stilo\\- iplrassngý al irst otass. Tue sîtosýa osîts le 10 lthe cnt bs oand ouI lthe sîde sirecis asere clearcd in a timely lashion. Today the snow is generally inerely pushcd 10 wiîbîn two or three feet o) th1e curbs. In îny opin- ion, this practice creates safety issues as far as reducing the overail width of roads, as weii as increased danger for pedestrians in scitool areas. And after a lot of siorms, as fair as Irve seen, the side streets aren't piowed ai ail. ht appears that seheduies for plowing are set with no regard to tue wa otîter recoast rît tîte phsaicoil tt'apecti iii accumoulaon 15ai s5h55. The oarticle tîlsopittettoed tri\cars îîorked ron the tîad htttderthli oîbiliiy tii alîtîr tite sntîwpiiîss, dtita crs ti doi ihcîî job. As i understand tl there's a snow parking bylaw in Milton that pro- hibits this, and if is such a serions situation then nîaybe ltese snow- plow drivers shouid be in touch with police to ticket and/or two the offending vehicles. As the town continues toi grow. titese issues are oniy going to get worse. Shirley Heath Milton Generosity lis great, but give at your own risk It's unfortunate titat tome people seem te, le iaking advantage of Miltonians' generosity. As yon'Ii seie elsewhere il today's Champion, the Milton itycees have learned of about tive incidents where teiemarketers, saying they're with the Junior Chambrer of Commnerce, are touec- iting money from local residents. Unfortunately, the Jaycees aren't actually nning a fundraising campaign right now. And in Tuesday's Champion, there was a story about students soliciting door-to-door indicating they're raising money for local schoois schooils ltai weren't fundraising at the time. These situations highlight the fact tai you cati neyer be too, careful when dealing with people who are asking for your money. l'Il admit, 1 usualiy make a donation ter any cbarity titat calis me or comes knocking on my door. hl makes me feel good toi think ltai lim heiping oui a good cause. But I'm realizing now tai maybe Im a bit loci lax in investigating whethier lte cause in legiti- mate and worthy of my money. ln speaking with Det. Cansl. Lauren Sclisizzi of Hallon Regional Police's fraud unit this week, lrpicked up stme good advice for those ltai are contacted by phone solicitors - some lips ltat tink could also appiy toi door-lo-dor solicitors as well. For examplie, she said asking the lelemnarketer for more information or a number you couid eaul back is always a good idea. Witen you tink about il, a legitimnate cause sitould have no probiem giving you detailed information about iheir organizalion, wit lhey're gaing lai do wiîh lte înaney you donate, etc... Thne view .from here Site alto suggested neyer giving oui basic per- tonal information like yonr age, incomne or lte number of people in yonr home. Titis givres te perton on lte otiter end of 11he phone detaiied insigit into wit yonr vuinerabul- ilies are. I know I've fallen prey toi thote simple 'anony- mous' pitone snrveys a number of times witere ltey ask for ltose kinds of details and offer me a discount on a trip somewhere or somie smali lroken gift. Maybe I was jusi being nice or maybe i was ,trying 10 gel off lte phtone quickly, but 1 know now tit l'Il definitely ltink twice before laking part in one of titose surveys again. Alltougit titis may seemr like a painfuily obvi- ons tipi, Det. Consi. Sclisizzi emphasized ltai giv- ing yonr credit card number oui over lthe phone in a horrible idea. Fortnnately t cati nay I've neyer donc tit, but I'm sure tere are plenly of people wito do wilth- oui a second tougit. Witile tere are legitimate lelemarketers or door-to-door solicitors ont titere jusi lrying 10 make a living, these recent incidents in a nafe, trusiworthy communily like Milton show il neyer iturts t0 air on te aide of caution. Ediiorial Ft Advertising F0 Classifie Circulatic Ian Oliver Neji Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Tim Coles Charlene Hall Teri Casas

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