Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 2005, p. 7

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lini'4apsîdî'. arei geinso aila/ifoatban e.stîated froi, plcst c ssle c >1,i/je C/ianioanuîd ot/îer publicacaion ita crde, ta procîde a ivindlou iti>o Hi/tatil :p l>t. Expcalta, v commitent 1.5 sacetcies pro- c'idec/ ts pl/ace t/he situation, in conte ut. February 1905 Tbere are only eigbt counties in Ontario whicb bave not provided for their indigent citizens by erecting bouses of refuge and aIl are required by tbe act passed in 1903 ta do sa before tbe end of this year. Eacb will receive $4.000 from the govermuent on the completion of the work. Halton is one of them. The matter was discussed for the fu'st time at Saturday's meeting of the county council and will corne up again at tbe next meeting wben it is hoped Dr. Bruce Smnith, inspectar of prisons and asy- lums, will be present ta, advise tbe counicil as ta size and plans of buildings. arnount of land requircd and other particulars. At tbe request of Road Commissioner A.M. Campbell of tbe Department of Public Works, Warden McGibbon will cail a convention of ail tbe Municipal Corporations of tbe County of Halton and ail others who are interested ta be held in Milton on the 28th ta consider tbe question of road imrnpvernent. There is no question about the necessity for better roads in Halton but their improvernent bas been deferred from time ta turne on account of the expense involved. The question of expense should no longer be an obstacle as the Governiment will pay a large proportion of it and as it bas removed the restrictions on such con- tribution, so that whatever work is done the counties wifl receive payment on it. On account of the importance of the subject ta, be considered and the valuable information which may be looked for frorn Mr. Camnpbell every part of the county sbould be represented aI the convention by count- cillors and other citizens. The annual meeting of tbe Canadian Press Association was held at Toronto last Tbursday and Friday. Haltan was repre- scnted by H.P. Moore, of tbe Acton Free Press, Ex.-Pres. of tbe Association; E.A. Harris of the Burlington Gazette and Wm. Panton of the Champion. Tbe Inspector for tbe Fire Insurance Underwriters visited Milton last sseck and found tbat tbe cold snap had caused tbe Capsules freezing ot tbree bydrants fromn which water would be required in case of tires. Tbe hydrants were thawed out by building tires around tbem. Mrs. David H. McCartney (Horanda Denoon) of Trafalgar, 36. died at ber resi- dence after tbree weeks' illness. Sbe was tbe second daughter of tbe late George Denoon. Sbe leaves a busband and three littie cbildren, the eldest of wbom is seven years and the youngest tbree weeks old. On January I 9tb. tbe anniversary of tbe birthday of General R.E. Lee, a great gatb- ering was beld in Memorial Hall, New Orleans, tor tbe bestowal of the Soutbern Cross of Honor upon fourteen wortby Confederate veterans. One of the fourteen was Mr. Peter Gibbons. one of Esquesing's most higbly esteemed farmers. The medal camne to hand on Tuesday. It is a bronze medal. of the mernorial cross pattern, and on the reverse side is inscribed. "Soutbern Cross of Honor" and on the obverse. "United Daughters of the Confederacy to the United Confederate Veterans." Mr. Gibbons prizes this recognition of his con- nection with tlle Southern armny very bigh- ly. When the war broke out be was in New Orleans, and enlisted under Gen. Lee in June 1861 and was constantly under anus until the close of the war in 1865. At the siege of Vicksburg he was severely wound- ed, a Union soldier's bullet paasing tbrough bis right wrist. Gait Juniors came to Milton on Friday and played an exhibition bockey match with the locals. Tbey brougbt only six men, one of tbeir players being unable to leave borne, but tbe locals were sbort-handed too. Tbe mails for Orangeville and intermedt- ate points on tbe snow-blocked C.PR. hile were sent from Toronto in four sleighs. a distance of sixty miles. This lnaterbal is assenib/ed on be/ta/I of t/he Miltoni Historical Societvh fionJi Dl/s, who can be reac/iec 6v e-mail at /di//s@&idit-ect.tsom. Dear Editor: I recently leamned ibrough a story in The Champion tbat Fourib Line will soon be perrnanenîly closed from Derry Road ta, jusi soutb ai' Main Street East. Nortbbound traffic will be forced ta go east only on Derry Road, as there will be a centre median installed along Denry Road. I've neyer complained ta the Regian or newspaper before. but 1 feel tbat poor planning otf this nature needs ta be pointed out. I live west of Fourtb Line off of Clark Boulevard, and I use Fourth Line ta, get ta tbe 4011 at least twice a day. When I purchased my borne, I factored in bow close 1 was ta a major bighway and how accessible it was. This location was perfect, as I didn't want ta bave ta drive tbrougb tawn yet at tbe sarne time didn't want tbe higbway right acrass the street. Usually higbway exits tend ta be onto major streets. Our Fourtb Line exit is gatng ta be a dead end in both directions, one block north and twa blocks south. Commoti sense tells us that 1(1 bave less traffic on residential roads we sbould direct traffic ta more major roads and then make those roads wide as needed. However, tbe Region's plan seems ta be the opposite, ta take tbe major road that serves the entire residential arca on tbe east side of Milton and force ail of tbe drivers onta downtawn streets or onta res- idential roads. Fourth Line bas high traffic vol- umes araund thic dock, and forcing aIl of these vehicles dlown smaller streets doesn't seern ta be the right answer. The suggested route for me ta take now frorn the 401 is Main Street ta Thompson Road and dico anta, Clark Blvd. Tbis new route will take me past two schools, the Milton Leisure Centre, six parks, a skateboard park and countless homes. My current route borne on Fourth Line takes me past just anc park. Wouldn'î the Region and Town radier bave traffic directcd clown a street witb mùinal housing, parks and arcas whcrc childrcn play? Please help support students' trnp to Grenada Dear Editor: I reccnîly had Uic privilege of worktng with a group of students fmom Milton District Higb Sehool who are prcparing for a trip ta Uic island of Grenada, wherc Uiey intend ta provide new shelters for those damaged by Hurricane Ivan. This isiand was devastated by this event, and is n0w on a long road ta recavery. Ini preparation for Ibis, aur tank was ta load Uic donatcd building supplies for tbis pmoject onto twa large sea containers. Ofien we hear in today's warld about Uic troubles of aur youîh. Weil I'd like ta, tell yau how praud 1 arn of dhis group of kids. As a teain they came together and accamplished aur goal wtth enthusianni and precision. When Uic kida get ta Grenada, it's important that ail of us remnember that Uicy nat only represent Milton District High School but aur town and country as wefl. Aftcr working with tbis group, l'in fully confident that they'lI make us proud. The kids are out fondrais- ing ta, caver their expenses. Tbcy are stili short of their tinancial goals, so please help theni with this truly bonourable objective. Donations can lic made by vîsit- ing David Morrow Roberts Drive Men 's help during accident was greatly appreciated Dear Editor: Tbank you ta my knigbts tn shin- ing armour. Stranded on the side aI Britannia Road recently. I tried ta remain cairu wîtb tour children in my van after sliding ino a ditcb. Of course. it svas a sveek that I was svitlîout a cell phone. The fîrsi 'knight' ssas a truc gen- tleman svho sass me motianing ta sec if I could borrow bis ccli phone. Then my second 'knigbt' arrtved on the scene and started ta tic a rope ta my bumper ta tty and pull me o)ut witb bis pick-up truck. As it turned out, tbat wasn't nec- essary. because the second gentle- mnan ended up waving dlown two friends he recognized driving by in their dump trucks. These last two took about 30 seconds ta book my van witb their chain, and I was quickly an my way. I tricd ta shake hands with 'knigbî' number twa. but he whisked me away with a wave of bis soiled hatîds -probably duty fram working at bis farrn nearby saying "Go on, git." Thanks ta aIl of thase gentleman for being my good Samanitans. Laurie Smart Milton WQ4jSPRING'S A-ROUND Get in early for i best selection of I Kids' & Ladies' Gently Used Clothing --fl New and Chonient children's Clothungq iÀi*e are accepting spring clothes: Ruibhr Boots - Soccer Shens- Baby Eqalpmout We take ail brands (Waimart, Sears, Zellers, Gap, Tommy, Little Miracle, Oid Navy, etc.) We've been serving Halton for 26 years! 363 Min .t E. 58 -3 11 w-, Milton Tîme ~News of Fourth Lîne closure disappoîntîng l"Ho singyet o beprovdedThe Canadian Champion, Friday, March 4, 2005-7 Hnousîng yet to bepovdd O < <.-DRRT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION My plan is tocstake Fourth Line ta cubher Crow Pond or Harwood Drive and tben ta Trudeau Drive and Clark Blvd. once construction is complete. I don't like ta drive down residential streets wbere tbcre's a lot of children playing and jumping onto tbe road. IFve spoken ta a numeraus resi- dents in Uic ncw area where 1 live and none of thcm kncw about this plan before I told thcm. Ail of them would prefer ta continue using Faurth Line and not be directed onto marc residential streets, put- ting children and sehool zones at highcr risk of accidents. It upsets me that I neyer heard about any meetings and wasn't given the cbance ta voice my con- cern about the raad closure. I don't know if it's toa late ta cbange things. but I'd really like ta sec this closure rc-evaluaîcd. This incident bas sourcd rny view an thc decision-makers here, andi I don't look forward ta, future 'improvenienîs' in thc area. NIck Dorak Gazley Circle

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