Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 2005, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Match 4, 2005 Comment *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main Si. E.- Milton, Ont. 1,9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adx'ertisincg Fax: 905-876-2364 r Classified 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Assoe~iate Pînblio/er JilI Davis Editr-ein-Chief Karen Smith Managing idineer Wendy McNab Ado'erliing Direerior Tim Coles Proiducion Manager Charlene Hall Dislribueion M(aiiage Teri Casas Office Manaie'5r The Canadin Champion pubi shed ever riescay an t Frday itt P1 Mai"t St C Milin Ont L9T 4N9 tBox 248f [sire oi The Untro[ ted errrttc jl lsllittrtr Dtirstrnertrnq or groupotrof il[rbranoriparles whict i1croes Ajdaeroeet Sens Adverser Ahlstoni Heraldhnr.rer, Baerrt Adotrice tretten trntereerie Bramrnin Guaedin t repS.. C i Pot Btrirlt Shoppting Newos City Parent. City et York Setairil ColltrngwoodWt iga Connectri East York Mrrror. Erp A enocnte'CoLnirv ntes roicoke Guardia 1 Ctantnroogn Rerew, P oreeer Youn et S eho rttdependen/t on free Press Patini Busines Certes Hurocr PBusiness Ternes. Lindsay This Week Manrain Eceennit & Son Mtland/Peiletatig- orsirene Minent, Milotiteen Snews, Misstssatg usiooness Tires Mississauga Sews, Satonne Gaide Sassagaweya News, Sewmarket/Aneora Cea Banner, Norhumbentand News. Nth York Mirene. Takcrtte traver T)akinoîte Shoptting Sews, Otiîes Hocikey News, Etretta Today tstrawa5hitniCtaringrorr'ent Cern9 Tris Week. Ceterboerougtr Tnrs Week Piton Coniy Gutde. Richrmond Prit /Tirrnhltt Odogirari Lirrrat, Scaerorougr Mirror Sieuiivttte iieidge Trribune Adveisrng is accepird or rire condtion irailr ir te vnot ni a ryoe graphicat errer. tar tontion ni rhe adoertiing space occupied by ire erre- meous ien, ineiher wrifl a rasoname attewnee for signature, wrtt non te cirarged for, bti ire balance ni thre adverisrneen wil te pain ion ai the apti- caste raie Tire puttisirer reserots ire riih eo caiegorîne adoerlirnneîris or niecline Edrientai arnd adoersino content oi Thre Carradran Chiamion s proiecind bp cotyrigiit Urautoriied ose rs teoitilen The Milon Carnadien Champion is a Recynnirmn Pendent Too litte, too late Wednesday's regional counicil meeting xvas a perfect example of the doxvn- side of democracy. As you'll see elsewhere in today's Champion, counicil really had no choice but to throw out a carefully-crafted recommendation - the fruits of labour from a seven-hour committee meeting and public hearing last xveek -on the Province's greenbelt because, much t0 ils surprise, the plan xvas enacted Monday. That means the powers-that-be at Queen's Park xvon't be accepting any more comments on the plan. While the Region had on good authority that it had until Mar~ch 9 to get its final suggestions in, staff acknowledged there really wasn't anything pre- venting the Province from adopting the plan before then. We havc lu give the Region credit for frollowing, a democi atic proccss, spending an entire day listening to local residents and landuevuers about thc oreenbelt and the contentiuus recomimendation thal 4(X)-plus acrcs ot' Halton HuIs' land should be added to the protecîed area. But xve also îhink it may have been i00 litle, too laie. Whilc regiunal count cil approved hearing from the public on the issue ai ils January 19 meeting. it also decided waiting over a rnonth to hear xvhat's on rcside nts mds cas acceptable, even with the looming deadline. Special meetings on issues that interest the public are schedulcd ail the tiic. such as the une on the Province*s roxvth plan comiugic up Wednesday. While hindsight is 20/20, we say Ibis would've been a good limie to caîl a separate. earlier meeting outside regional committee's schedule. If nothing else. Ibis messy process svill serve as a learning experience f'or aIl involved. ê Our Readers Write Thanks to ail those who stopped to offer help durîng daughters' recent accident on Hwy. 25 l)ear Editor: On February t8 nny dau èfinters and irsi ot their friends xx ere iriris ect iii anr accidentn ,t an Inter- secinne Rertail Rn at 25.jusi soutil rît ihc 40 1. The I li x is red and tre) sx ere sînipped sxhen a tnixx truck plee d ineo ibe banck ritiheir 21(XX) lntiepid. By tire gi ace tel ithie,, xx cic ail eik.y. Ttoey xseîe serre. sif aned xcranpec Up -but it cinulti havre beert so trnch xx nrse. Thene exere a noumber rot peoeple \vhin stupped Ir help. includiîog one cotuple sehu uftèred a blaînket lu rene cet nis daitters and sray d xx tto thenr. Oucr kiets Taise coirnoaennted moere titn once abreout hers nonce ail rît Iie peeople eere -the iltrloi Innoi ex he steoppet. ans \ex cl ans the peelice andc panraniedics. we xx ant nie sony thank yu ii exerynet erbî cared encrugi re snorp andt entier lbelp Io Uîy lids. ans xxeli as tire penice and panraîmettrs xxho nntierecare and cropanssion. It -ivxes us peace ofnt nd tnt knoxv thiati rof' the bad xve hear anbout peoeple rit the mnedia sn't reanlly the lorin n han peorple are essential> gened. kîndi antd carinne. ,Ancain ibank yneu. Aînd tee the ti reruck drixer, xvhnle sxe kn x anccidents hanppen. e hnepe tran rnexn terne y ou're nvolxed ni air ancident or- sec une tcccnr ihai yiiii entier a kii t'ance. seord cor hanti D.S. Houston Milton Make sure to include your name, address and teleaphone number when submitting a letter to the editor for publication. A tale of two coffee shops and some difficéult cholices If 1 had lu pnck a story of the month based on the numnber of conversations il's sparked here at the office, this month's would definitely be the opening of the new Starbucks on Market Drive. 1 watcbed as the building went up and then une day sass a sign bearing the familiar circulai green logo. Afier that, I cuuld swear my heart bit juxi a bit faster eacb lime I drove by. As self-certified coffee aficionados, the tbree reporters here exeitedly anticipated wbaî liquid adventure we'd firsI embark upon once the store opened. Would il bit the wbite chocolate mocha? A classie caffé latte? Or maybe just a venti-decaf- skinny-carannel macebiato to, go. If's now been severai weeks since the beanery opened and, mucb 10 the surprise of myself and Melanie Hennessey. both of us have yeî 10 visit. it was wbile pundering this thai I realized chain stores just cantà replace the magie of a place wbere everybody knoxvs yuur naine. And they're always glad you came. Since 1 don't dnink (alcohol), my Cbeers-equiv- aient bere on Main Street bas quickly become Express Yourself Cafté. whiere tbey doc knuw my namne. And they ai litant pretend tbey're glad 1 camne. If you've lever seen two taîl girls and a guy res- olutely walking down Main Street tuevard the coffee shop ai 9:26 arn.. chances are that's your local teamn of reporters on our way for our mom- ing fuel. As our sports scribe once xvrote about the com- plex relationsbip betxveen a reporter and the caf- feine-infused beverage. rCoffre coffe coffe yuu are my dark mats- ter, Coffee, coffee, coffe, you belp me Write faster. Our daily jaunt somewbat resembles a clas field trip, and just the other da a gaggle of kids walking to the ing a spot on a long rope. 'Me daily selection of fia Espress Yourself has becomne a of the way the day's going t( cream and Bavwarian chocolate good day. Snickerdoodle? The block èa'using frustratiun today. Huliday blend? KilI me now. Bad tbnîngs are nn store. Express Yourself ns une of the thîngs îrîî miss ______________mont wben tbe Chamirpiun takes residence ai ils; new location an Main and Tbompson streets. A round Altbuugb a Tîm Hurtons ns just rudtecm, nt won't -e the samne. toun So.lconidering making tbe drive nu Express ~ My bopes shot tbrougb the roof the uther day when tbe owner of Espress Yuurnelf said bit y 1 bad a vision of sbould set cnp a coffee delnvery service once The park. eacb clutcb- Champiun mures, but I quickly realized be was kiddnng. voured coffees at Too bad. I thougbt ti was a viable business idea nbit of a predictur witb a.promisnng future. iprogress. Maple One day lilI venture out to Sîarbucks for a taste ?It's going lu be a uf liquid beaven. Fur now. l'Il stick to Express Tell be nno xsriter's Yourself svbile lin sîill nearby. -à

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