You've gotta pick and choose whatyou-'re gonna care about 1 don't care. 1 don't care if you care that 1 care, and 1 know you don't care if I care that you care. You can't care about everythtng. You have to pick and choose your caies or else you'il go crazy. 1 get too worked up svhen 1 have an issue l'in passionate about. Thert 1 think about it ail the limie, [ cai't sleep, and l'in ready to go off like a cannon witb anybody who disagrees wiih me. That's fairly rare though. attd almost ail of it within ihe Iast five months bas had to do with the NUL players union. Some things 1 just can't gel worked up about. Like the gay marriage issue. 1 don't care if gay people want 10 gel married or flot. I guets the argument againsi that 15 10 prolerl the sanctity of mar- niage, but how sarred has that become anyway? If il makes gay people happy 10 gel married then good for theru and I'm flot spend- îng any More lime worrying about il. That's what 1 say, but people seeru very passionate about Ibis issue and I respect that. They choose 10 make that an issue they care about, and there's nothing wrong wiîh that. There are always things coming up that we worry about and talk about. Il wasn't that long ago thar wr svere svorried about kîller bees making ibeir way north. Turns out sve svere worrying about nothing. If You- cared about thai aI the lime, you wasted your caring. Anoîher year we were concemred about purple loosestrife. It's a good thing we were because I think we've Mosîly controlled il. At leasî I don't sec il anymore. Caring was good in that instance. Last summer, on a radio show I listen 10 sometimes, they had respected scientisîs, psyrhirs and astronoies reponing that Planet X would make ilself known and crash mbt the earth, or comne 50 close that il would cause massive destruction. That tumed oui 10 be anoîher care-for-nothing event. Sometimes it's difficult te, decide when 10 rare or flot. I helped ouI 'Me Champion one nighî when lhey were short-slaffed by attend- îng a hearing on fluoride in our drinking waîer. I spoke 10 both sides. The anti-fluoride grotip svas more passionate in thetr stance so 1. personally, svas Ieaning more tosvard their viewpoint, altbough l'ii not sure il wasn't jusi because they were more passionate. Mtîtd you. soinetimes svben somebody is so passiotiate about an issue wr look l'or reasons to take the opposite vtew. I's like svhen soitebody's preacbing. preacbmtsg preacbing. sse might try to thînk of' someîhing just 10 shut tbemi Up.' Often w'ere more passionate about an issue only because wc believe il 10 be right. Il may flot be an earîh-shaîîering issue, but because we know we're righî we make il a passionate issue. Mosîly. we're passionate about an issue if il affcts us. We may have neyer cared about ail the sto- ries about toxic wasîe dumps being proîesîed around the world, but when lhey aninounce one will be builî nexî door to us, ail of a sudden we care a lot. You want an issue and somethîng 10 worry about? l'Il give you one. Anoîher ice-age is coming our way. An American geology profes- sor says continental glaciers could form in northerni Canada in lest than 100,000 years. That hardly gives us any lime. Better care about that one if you knoss whaî's good for you. CARRIERS NEEDED FOR MILTON CHAMPION DELIVE Waters Bvd. As weiI as:J Gollins Dr. Joyce BIvd. Panton Trail Martin St. Î Woodward Ave. NeweII St. Cartmner Way Mowat Lane WeIIer Crossing Charles St. Mary St. Queen St. Sarah St. Aduit Carriers weIcomeeFý2 Contact Jim or Sandy s g GALLINGER SERVICE 1J vJu irusi since 1y6 v l a 4- Zwbr C (inelbiail CI)tllllpioll