30-The Canadian Champion, Friday March 4, 2005 JoyeWard to get President's Award * Presidenî's Award Don Joyce is one otf this year's Presidenf s Award recipsents. Mr. Jotyce volunteers wiîb the Golfing For Cancer committee and contributes îo the fund-rais- er's auctions, as well as auctions put on by the Scoti Early Foundcaîson. He also runs the putting contest each year for the Foundation. He's a supporter otf Rose Cherry's Home for Kids and partîcipates svith varîrtus United Way otf Milton f'unctioiis. He also helps with the Sieve Condren Golf Tour. which raises money to find] homes for retired race horses so lhey Voio't be put io sleep. Mr. Jotyce said he's exciîed about îhe award, to say tbe least. "1 like to do some good for others," he said simply. Rita Ward is also a recipient otf the Presidenf s Award. Ms Ward's community involvemens are numerous and include serving 16 years on the Milton District Hospital Auxiliary. She's the curreni presi- dent and bas filled a number of roles throughoui the years. "The hospital is extremely important to me," Ms Ward said. adding, "It's nice to be able to give back a little bit to the commu- nity. Wheiher il's cleaning floors or siîting at a board table, it doesn't malter." Ms Ward is a member otf the Haltoni Hilîs Health Care board otf directors. and was a volunseer wiîh the Red Cross. She's also volunteered for quite some lime in varirus positions aI Grace Anglican Church, among other endeavours. Ms Ward said she's honoured to be rec- ognized. particularly since ihere are so many deserving volunteers around îosvn. Business Person of the Vear Business Person otf the Year nominmees are Shamiùm Bhimji otf the Ramada Inn and Conference Centre, Donna Danielli otf The Vacuum Store and Angelo De Medicis otf Milton Home Hardware Building Centre. Together with her husband. David, Ms Danielli bas owned The Vacuum Store in Milton since 1994. She's also the assîgo- mens editor at the Haltoni Compass publi- cation, and covers the Town otf Milton and Region otf Halson. In ber 'spare time'. Ms Danielli bas servedi as chair otf the Brookville School Parent Council. Ms Danielli said she's honoured to have been nomînaled alongsîde Ms Bhimji and Mr. De Medicîs, admrirable business peo- ple. "Obviously. 'm very thrilled and hon- oured. Il came as a total surprise." she said. Alihough a relative nesscrtner 10 Milton, Angelo De Medicis -tsvner of Milton Home Hardware for the past three years - bas quickly become involved in a number otf community initiatives. He svas recently presented with Milton Histrical Society's Visual Arts Award for bis in-store wall col- lage featuring blown-up photos otf Milton in the past. Be said the Chamber's business awards are parsicularly important these days. "Especially in today's world, with the big competition, if's nice to acknowledge the people behind the four walls," he said. Shamim Bhimji took over as general manager otf the Milton Ramada Inn about 10 years ago. The facility, which bas 94 rooma and five conference rooms, recenîly underwent a large renovation. Nomiýnator Sharon Henriques couldn't say enough about Ms Bhiaoji. "Ms Bhimji (is) one otf the kindest and mosi compassionate people you'd ever be blessed enougb to meet," she said, adding Ms Bhimji supports many non-profit organizations. This year's norninees fior Business otf the Year (25 Emnptoyees and Les.,) are The Halson Compass, Milton Sprsîîgers Gymnasîics Club and Parksvay Auto Trade. The Halton Cornpass was purchased by Slepheîs Baker 10 months ago. and it quickly progressed froin a moîîthly lis a bi- sveekly 10 a weekly publication. coverin" issues anod evenîs across tlie regioo. Tloe Compass %vas recenîly a gold spotîsor of' the Miltono Faîl Fair aiod a plaîinuin sponosor otf the Milton Chamber osf Comnierce's Sports Celebrity Disier. The Milton Spriîogers Gymnasîics Club îs a non-profit cii operative club that's been provîding fundanttal gymnastics skîlls to kids in the Milton area for 30) years. With more than 500 ebsîdren registered. the Springers provides school densonstratiojîs and performs as numerous communiîy events including the Milton Santa Claus Parade. "We're jusi su delighted," said head coach Jaset Campbell. "To be recognized in the cotnmunity is just fabulous. " It's the parents, Ms Campbell added, who deserve the credit for making the club what it is trtday. Parkway Auto Trade is a pre-owned auto dealership that's been serving customers in Milton for 17 years. The family owned and operated company values coînmunity involvernent and its staff bas volunteered and donated resources to a iumber otf char- $O549 S1YL[~DEWtRumE[MDEUIREY vDwo ~ b Ik~ ~ VOLVO 0F OAJ<VULLE , 770 Pacific Road, Oakville (905) 825-808 wwwvoIw iok à Ili i i Ili = jý 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Caisadian Red Cross for tsunami relief efforts. Osvner Carmine Mallozzj said he was surprised and pleased by the nominaition, and sees i as an opportuniîy. "Hopel'ully people xvili gel to know us beiter" he saîd. Nominees f'or Business of the Year (26 Employees and More) are Granite Ridge Golf Club and Miltoîn Districî Hospital. Granite Ridge Golf' Club bas been the setiiig for many a special occasion, and has generously supplied priLes fsor a num- ber of' Milsmn's chariîy evenîs. ht supports varsous non-profiî organizations and sports ieams asnd helps sponsor the Chamber's Commuoity Asvards Gala each year. Milton District Hospital is an integral part of îhe community and is involved with uts residents in numerous ways including community outreach. ils Community Task Force and the expansion rtf many pro- gramns. its faced the challenge over the past few years of responding to Milton's quick- ly growing population. The hospital is a leader in the Eye Bank rtf tOntario donation programi. In fact, if's been one of the top five providers of donat- ed eyes in Ontario for the past 10 years. It was also a founding member otf Milton's Physician Recmuitment Committee. and it organîzes ongoing health-care presenta- tisons for the public. Stephrtrtie Thjeîxse,î son be reaiIisd or .st/iie,îsemKbimiftonîîaitiiiihanonpioi. <un. Tour "Nufty" Photo'$ for oui OH Photo Conloat ï Tbummailivop oitor omal h lt the &pro Bah lm@u Man:OfSlaiSll, M I nLTU11 u eu uh oi iy M/L ib pu wbMp 'NiJ photos become prspery of t5eOsadan Chaml'ei lotissons oi fs hudges au W M