The CainsIian flhamnion Frisse Match 4O 2005i-27 Warehouse Worker tDulies include operatîng overCead cranes and band sac. Rotatîng day and atternoon shift. Mut be efficient in imperiai and metric measurements. Euperience en a ateel/metai distribution center an asset but mie ciii train the right candidate. We offer competiie cages plus benetits. Please fax resumne to: 905-878-4s9301 or mukcn.warehouse@eaînnîbecom DOOR_& DOCK TECHNICIAN BEpenienced technîcian requirea îmmedîatey far ceii established Mîssisaaga based businesu. Aul 00000 a oeoerhead dolr & dock maintenance, inttallatiot and indastrîi renovabions. $18 - $20/hr + benetits. Must hane valîd drivers lîcente. Phone: 905-828-0054 or Fax: 905-828-0058 DONIT miss OUT! Great Opportunity in Burlinglan! Profit of $600-$800 Guaranteed Monfhly Plus Gas Stbsidy Earty mooning door f0 deor Deiivery etflihe Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Musf H4ave Reliabte Vehicle. 7 Dayo a Week CAIL NOW 905-639-7700 Gruweng Feue Food Store in Oakvîd/e relqaîrea CASHIER PRODUCE CLERK DELI SUPIERVISOIR Ceas membera mast Ce experîenced in refait food, mature, guîck ai learning and perfsrmîng task, ,ccarate. arrive for excellence, okîlied ai custamer interaction. can moiti-tank ir as acive environnent, houe an appreciation and tlire for merchandising and Case an appreciatron and knocledge for fine focdo We oder a conpetitîue salary& spportunîty ta gîsu Send resumes Atsn Ken ru SIR Corp., a leader in f08 restaurant indastry, is neeking a FULI-TIME ASSISTANT ts soin the Constrsction & Design teata. This position ciii anniaf cîfh light construcfion, general tepairn and mainfenance at the turlînigtoo Warehuoe au cieil as restaurant locations acrose the GTA. Muet Cane oalid driver'n licenne and cv transportation. Foul training prorded. lnterenfed applicanto, pieaoe furcard yosr resume by Maril llth ts: Email: i -Fax: 905-681-0394 MOE. *E C 20t Fui fime ha/ compe it tsalr ?n be ent xerenc o 9a05smo -:5 -847-945 o I om esyiibg ai codotn qte fo ons ra isribtdon ide enahiesndtafeeyct nso uo 1Apyem oncrtreu marncepctsono 12Y AsN vn ue, UnITS eo geto n, sodSrp Sone holfig Basi oDr Want ied . Musda t as eq ornrent>Gmp ý du C Tul"1117 and MFicdily"S. Please cali Sandy or Jim in Circulation @ 905-878-S947 Stop W' Cash, a yay /000 conpaoy ra correotly recroîbo for a Fuli-time Ilomnts Offlcer For Che gakoîlle location cho in a positive and nuigoiso indîvîdoal Chal enîoyn dealîng cîth the public. Do pou possesa strong arganîoatîona skîlîs cîth a nolid attention fo detailý Are yau contoflable Candlîîîg cash transac- tions? Are pou cîllîsgt luork Satordaps? Presînus nope- noence in Canking and collections uld Ce conîidered an assela Reguîred. Enti stncl33G@stopncash.cont or fax: 90-339-006 j LANOCAPE CONSTRUCTION t 2 years experierce rn cor.rete fagurce interlock- ing brick, retaîning wal, decl construction as meli as a strong knowledge ut hoarticulture. Starting at $15-t9 Cour 905-840-5483 Need a Job? Furniture Are you 16.24 Warehouse years aid? WE CAN HELP! tir Delivery Cail Custoner Service SCIls JOB CONNECT Impurtant Cleaii driuîrg ait SHERIDAN abstract rei ci 905-878-4956 Handyman type an asuet Fax resume Quality Suites 958909 *F/T GUEST 958909 SERVICE *ROOM L11 ATTENDANT 'JANITOR Smartstyle MAINT. Fanllly Hairsalon emailt gm@quality aekn lîceased Faa: 905-847-7447 l it 754 Bronte Rd., Oak. ON $250 aron an boras. L6L 6R8 Salary lis commission. Pleaae cati Lina 905-854-6051 Career Opprtunity with Oakville's prmeeSalon SI Spa DYNAMIC HAIRSTYLIST WANTED wîith nat lens than 5 years eoperîence. The indîsvdul ru hase an established clienrele. Fax: 905-338-9561t.Email: înfo@îmagesspa com Tel: 905-338-3333 Muot oR n Am P reston 3615an Den ird ad, U nit 21 Fax resume: eir905-67-47 7PlisdWestBeIietn ACCOUNTING CLERK e f Berlîngtan company oRferieg a part-rime position for ao Accuntîng Cierk. tndîuîdua ta Ce responoîble for data entty, învoicîng and A/R collection, Candidate mont Cv comparer literate rn MS Word and MS Excel and have some accouoting knoctedge. Hoors are flexible and rte ot pay ta Ce commensorate cith experience. Responses nhould Ce addressed ta: Phitips Engineering Ltd., Persnnel Director Fox: 905-335-1414 e E-matil: Oakvîlle retîrement renîdence ns loakrng lot an OFFICE MANAGER ta oeersee payrol, A/P and other admis, duties. Must haoe eocellent communication okîlîn. FAX resmes to 905-847-1765. Attention: May - I - n Part-Time Graphic Artist, The Oakorille Shopping News and 0E Web, a division of Metroland Printing & Publishing in the Halton Region, are Iooking for a graphic designer/marketing assistant. Your duties as a member of our team wilI ble helping f0 prodace one/al of oar multiple weekly, biweekly and monthly sections while working in a fast-paced and deadline oriented envîronment. " Good organization/communication skills " Sense of urgency *Ability fo work in a team!independently *Multi-task abilities The aucceaafi candidate must poaaaaa esceptianai tIlm abilty. Helahe wifi have stroeg knoweedge af graphica aad deaktop pubbashig software in a Macintoah enviranmaar, imciuding inOeaige QuarkXpreaa. Photaha and lulatn Previaus eapeneecae in the aewapaper iedusty woui be a greait aaaet. This a a great apportaanty for aumeone icoklm te atart a carier Send your resume f0: Attention: Graphic Artist Position C/O The Shopping News & QE Web OnIy those selected for an interview wilI be contacted S Our new Mississauga facility is hiring: TRUCK & COACH MIECNANMICS/ REGISTERED APPRENTICES Fuil tinte positions - Bny, Aftern, Wight & Weeked Shifts avaiiatie Oualilcatin: Workîng kIltdg ut nîniatry regalatiens, Strong probiem soling skilto, Protessiona service attitude, BiliiguaIiom is cansrdered an auner, Apprentîcen mont se regînterea cîtO an accredîted coilege lutin Include regular maintenance ut companry teucks and traîlers. and auner-uper- atuts'tractors inclodes PM's MTO inspections. repaîrs and breakduwno Weef.fe : Au atactive saiary -correupundîîîg ru yeats ut experience Apprentîce Mechanîco $15,75 ru $tO 25/hour Licensed Mechanicu $20 00 lu $25 00/hoîîr Competîtîse benefits package. Productieity prenion, Shif pîernîîîm for tue aiternoon, nîght and weekend shîfts. Annira roui ailowance ut $600 Satety bout ailocance, and vile suppîy coueralis Ciir garage is a brand new t7 000 sg ft heated tac îîty, eqiiipped ciO nec roois inuiuding a hydraiiiic ift aird Mwo service pris Juin oui nonm and discouer w5y Robert illas vutil une ut Canada's 50 Beut Empioyers a!id Beot-Managed Cumpaîrres lu appîy piease contactý Cheryi Denny, Human Resources Oepartiment 905-564-9999 ext. 1566, Emai:, Fax 905-564- 2338 We are seekîng an enthusiantic SALES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 20 ru 30 hours/week, ru support aur Orrecter ut Sales. Au a roember of etinten Corporation pou wili deliîer oetstandîsg costumer service te inter- nat and externat clients. Qualifications: - minimum 3-5 peara expenience in an adminisfrative/support raile, *advanced knnwiedge ut MS Office inciadîng Word, Excel. PowerPoint and Outlouk, *knamiedge ut AC Nielnen Wurkofafîon Plan an ansef, -knamledge ut Wai-Marf Rotait Link, SDM Vendurbuard maaid be an annet; Responsibilties: *prepare and format Sales Prenenfafions, Sales reports, AC Nielsen reports; - analyze POS data frem varisus accounfo; c oher respunnibiltiîs an detegafed. Succesofut candidate witI werk aut of pour beme office. Ouatified candidafes pleane send pour resume by e-mail wiftt caner ltfer and satary eopectationo foi: Email: r RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Part Time- Receetionisf Casnier & CuAstomer Relations-Representatie Most Cave excellent comrmanication skis and be avariabie Monia thrugh Tbursa evenings e-9 PM ynd Oataraays 9 AM - 5 PM Ptease tas resume attention tai: Morley or Brent Richardson @905-878-4443 Fult Time Customer Servicefrelemarketing (Entry Levet) Tetephone eaperîence and a pieasant autgaîng pennonaity requrred. Eacellent interpersosa skills and somne computer experience reqaîred. Fax i-canine to Unda Mitchell @ 905-875-4532 Offi MA". required in Milton. Somne computer ukilis. Mature enfhusiastic person needed f0 assist busy rea estafe team. Part-time hours, cull train. Pion#. f« ur ea»n M.958?~S SERVICE DEPARTMENT APPOINTMENT & FGLLOW UP COORDINATOR Seodi Reoume To Nataie Martie, Service Manager Unique Chrysier Doige Jeep 915 Waikere Un, Surtington, 171 3v8 COMPLIANCE Fînancia Sersices urganizatios regaîren indîvîdua tor Campiance Oepadtment Indîsîduai ciii condact cempi lance audits ut exîstîng operatiuna and agency proce- dates and wiii act as the company Cumpliance Office Appiicants uleoctd poaneso the tuiiocîng " dniversity Oegree, wîth a minimum of 2 years supereinury eeperîesce sn tinanciai setvices " Strong interpersona and anaiptica skîtis " hîgh service orientation " Cumputer literate Relp Io Box # 2041 C/O Beriington Post 5040 Mainway Or., Unit #1, Boriington L7L 705 Leadîsg Ford deaiershîp s cortentiy seekîng opplicants tut the tuiiocîng position PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Duries ucioude ScitcCboard operation and sonyr tior office dtnfes Asie ru work Che toiiocîug Cours Monday ru CCursday tien Apn unîti critt * Saiorday lion 8 3Oan untîl ip nhis positon isea rousd & stadents are prnierredl Ssbmit resame by tas: Cathiy Cauci Office Maîrager - ~ 570 Trata gar Ooad Oakuiile, ON LAd 32 FAX 905-044-4472 (ad or o-mai csnu Aoakiandturdiiircon ca 111- ffl _ OFFICE 1 F MANAGER Min 5 yeats eep. boek- keepîng, word pruceosîug and atrung comunica- tions kiiin Satary $45K Franchising or leasing eep prelerred but sot necesary Location Burtiugtoo Reply nox 2042, The Bsrtington Post, N 11500Miwny, Burlington 171 7G5 ToFr a ýbus i a La cs tore exeirc prefenedi btwltri.This position cili equire Thursday Iand Fdaye nork alSat tudsyoî Ps end your reume to: PI. Bx #259 280 Guelph Street, Unit 829 Georgetocn, ON L70 4Bt