B2-The Conadian Champion, Fridav. Februarv 18. 2005 Proceeds from concert to help f amily otf iii infant 18GOUFmR 19OGFORD 18OOSFORD W11108TA WiUSTAR WflDTA 1 81 V6 auto, air, p.windows, NOIIIWOOII Enf 3-OL V6 auto, air, p.windows p.door locks, tilt wheet, crais 3.8L V6 auto, air, p.wirdows, pdoor p.door tocks, tilt wheel, croisn controt, 7 pass seating. iocks, tilt wheet, croise controt, 7 control, 7 pans. oea in ;l R~ 134,263 kmsý pass seating 1 Stk W4027 % 9 Stk 2340A 11OO5O I155O 2004 MI 50REET SUER MCATB V8w.gall ie, tod C,. PLcom cn A Tr 1QA7 from CONCERT on page Bi because no one could help us here," Mr. Papaioannou said. But that requires money. Their recent trip to Boston cont about $1I5,000, he said, and they have many med- ical expenses to look forward to. Ms Danielli said easmng the fianncial burden is a project the comneunity's more than happy to take on. "It's been absolutely phenomenal. This community blows me away," shte said. One of the performers at tomorrow's concert is local country singer Alysha Brooke - formerly Alysha ) Kobow - who bas a big beart for cbildren. Since the release of ber debut CD 'Nutbin' but a Cbevy' in November, the I 8-year-old bas been donating baîf ber proceeds to Micboel's family. "I have always been a supporter of cbjîdren's chari- tes," said Ms Brooke. "Tbis is one that is particularly near and dear to my beart. Tbis night in a labour of love for me and my bond." Others wbo've mode the event possible include Reg ressman - general manager of Country Heritage Park -wbo offered tbe Gambrel bann for the night, the musicions providing the entertainment. and local caterer Allison Vaux, owner of Attison's of Milton, wosputting together the food for the buffet. Ms Papaioannou said she and ber busband bave experienced a buge range of emotions since hcberisbing every moment sbe spends witb ber son. -* He's a greai boy. easy 10 take care of." sbe said. * e s always been a smiler and a taugber. I describe *h im as my angel. If heus going to get certain ports of *the disease, weli deal witb it then. He's so bappy, it's naway, sbe said, Micbael's disease is a blessing, because et's caused tbem to make sure tbey donst take liefor granted. And. it's opened their eyes to the beau- tin people amidst life's ugliness. -Tbe world is in a File photo by GRAHAM PAINE Alysha Brooke is amnong the performers set to take the stage at tomorrow's benef it concert. devastating time." sbe said. "For peopte to still open their beartu tbere are no words to tbonk the people wbo bave gone out of tbeir way (to hetp us)." Cash donations toward Michaelîs treatment and travel expenses con be mode at ony Scotiabank to account no. 10652 0036188, the Michael Carl Papaioannou Fund. For more information on Lescb- Nybon Disease, visit www.Indinfo.org. Stephanie Thiesseci tas be reanJîed an .sthiessen@amilbonn-anadiane/sampion s -oins.