k The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 18, 2005-29 ~dMardu 9. d005, lOan-6pni Oalkville Co>nference Centre at the HOLIDAY INN SELECT 2515 W ecroft Rd., Oakville (a t Bronte Road) HiRING IN: Medica F id -Clica Sales *Re.ai Restauran~t i LT OFFERING: Taining & Skill Upgrading Faciit Find the right people in a matter of hours... te Recruît for job opportunities, a Promote career training & skifls upgrading programs, a Reach those in need of career search assistance. You'II get much more than just a booth... a The opportunity to tap into Halton Region's wveIlleducated and skilled w/orkforce; a Advertising campaign in The Burlington Post, The Oakville Beaver, The Flamborough Revievv Th Milton Canadian Champion and The Missîssauqa News. - Ar Exhibîtoi advertîserment in the Job & Career Fair special feature running in The Biîrlington Post and The Oakville Beaver on Sunday, March 6, 2005 a Internet promotion of this event on our wvebsite: www.haltonsearch .com; et Exhibitor listing in newvspaper pre-show advertising- For information, or to register your company, cail 905-632-4,1441110 Sandra Lennox, Ext. 243. or Email: classjfjed@haltonsearch.com MiRLIN1,'TONST THE DAKVILLE IJEAVEIt A WINNING_ PARTNERSHIP FOIGI BEGINS!FEBRUARY Your homnetown newspaper and Metroland BonusPak Woman heads drivOM are connecting you! srieetne LOOK FOR YOUR WINNING NUMBER &BALLOT ...... COMING IN YOUR FEBRUARY ENVELOPE inserted in your newspaper for a chance to win $10QO *v~~uoeIurFor advertisise »fgiâmmg Cali D YOUR ADVERTISING HEAVYWEIGHTI Marie Gallagher ai 905-845-3824 JOIN THESE MAJOR ADVERTISERS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN ADVANTAGE 0F THE SAVINGS OFFERED IN THE BONUS PAK Plgouact Visible Changes INsTANTm- TAx SERviCES \ ,ýwýc 'Peekoie,.o -1()KYO BAY HAIR DESIGN & ESTHETICS l <>iflpiih r SHERWDN-WIW4AMS l>I1IUU LRiýý ý:ý ý :iNNi --