Local women hoping to dispeli myths regardîng doula profèssion Wli hold infor-mation evening March 2 By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Vu/at crimes lu îttind vbeit you hear the word 'doula'? Sotnc migliî thînk iiia mnidwife. wbile others siîttply haven'i lîcard flie v ni bel ote. Flîat's soiieiitg M iltonr difoula Jodie Fleming is hiipiig iii clai up ai at lie inflormtation iii Mardi 2. vhcn she and wt vitîer locil doulis Hale sliic antiMelissa Casselisý ait c lîîîpiîît liti cale area resîdeits about tl e serisc es thcy pruivide anîd dispell thc oitlîs assiiciated with their professton. "A doula pros-ides pre-natal. labour, delivery, post-partumn and breasîfeediîîg support lu wumen and their partners," Ms Fleming explained. "1 pruvîde themn with emotional, physical and informational support. ls flot just with the mother, it's the family. We're there lu, help everybody." Ms Fleming said in speaking witb preg- nant women, most aren't aware that doulas exisî, or mistake them for midwives, which she noted is far from the truîh. "Doulas do flot do anything medical," she said, while midwives conduct medical exams and deliver the baby. "A doula provides prie- natal, labour, delivery, post- partum and breastfeeding support for women and their partners. 1 provide thern with emotional, physical and informational support. lt's flot just with the mother, it's the familly. We're there to help everybody." je REMU Other mîsconceptions, she said, are that women who hire doulas have to have a nat- ural, drug-tree birth and doulas will make the pantner feel left out during the pregnan- cy and delivery. "A lot of partniers think that the doula will take over," Ms Fleming said. "But, we're there to help themn get involved as The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 11, 2005-9 Fltst Stars Famou E * PschirRRme dets * Pain Readeis 0 * A4stro4moi * Numorfologists * Meales v* Angl Reodrogi * Past Laves * Medaumship - ~ ~ IU>eI AuraPhsotos * FeLectures * Vendors &More! Fr i 10--Sot il-10 -Sun il-7 ravotelodge Nfote Tmeus,~ 2020 Lakeshore Rd. Buri ogton, ON A islt$S- Vald Ail lVukoad -Onde, t2 Fçiee wriIh Adft Dr Sven Bacchus Smiles that lasta Lifetime M, DDS; MSc, BSc. FRCD(C) ~ISPECAL Valenine Gifts Manicure/Pedicure/Facial$ andBackMassage Now~ 147el" Deluxe Manicure with Sea SaitI mdParafl NOW2*),, 84 Main (905) Now accepting new patients! Braces for Children & Aduits *flexible paymreîîî plaîns free consultations *no referrat necessary caîl to book your consulu *doctor on duty on Saturdays & Monduys *office open Mon., Wed., Fni., Sat. iSt. E. Milton 876-3761 311 Commecrcial Street.Suite 209.Milton Tel905875.2995 iiodouv, ai ition G much as ihey want lu be involved. A doula helps the pantner feel comforiahle with the situation and otiers themi support and guid- ance." Other lopics thai wtll be covered ai the information nighl include the benefits of' havmng a doula. lîke decreasmng the' rîsk ol has ing a c-secin, aud post-partum doulas, \vho do es'erything froin lhelp with breast- lt'eding Io pet iirm lighl chores. The' local svoinctt also proside pregnancy aind ncv bol n pholography and liellvwasi 1Iig. whîcli cîtaies i deciiiaIis niîîlî ofi a 5 itlispi egililtilliii. Ms F'leminîg flolcd she's hiîpiîe io sc pregrnt \v oloc and their parners. 11e\V nmins, thuse lhinking of getting piegnalil and aoyone inleresîed in leamîing more about dotilas ai the informatioin session. "The main thing is leîîing thern know il's out there," she said. "We're hoping to gel the communiîy aware uftihe services avail- able io themn." TMe event will be tîeld ai the Milton Sports Centre in the banquet hall siarting ai 7 p.m. For more information, cali Jodie Fleming aI (905) 878-3423, e-mail jodie.flem- ing@sympatieo.ca or visit www.freewebs.com/jodiefleming. Melanie Herineasev can be reaihed at nîIleninesae.vCaiilIottî-anadiati.lîantp)iot v-o IeutamI mcokt AImaumgm» The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instai tbemi in your homo - or cottage todayl FREE FREE FREE Aduit ENGLISH CLASSES with computers (LINC) Ful-time, Part-time, Evenings Chlldcare offered at some locations Home Study program avallable Deaf or Hard-ofHearing students welcome Cail & Register Today!!! <905) 875m3851 Burlington, Halton His, Milton, Oakville Toil Free: 1-866-277-5462, ext. 227 Visit our website: www.incpeelhalton.com Peel program information: (905) 270-6000