ýHouse arrest for corrections officer The Champi 1on A coriiecitins itiiier stit picated gttii o pis iding cotra- hand iii teniale iitiiie ii e\ciiange for 'e sual t asours ss ii! sîeiîd the. nexi six ioinîhs,, aideti houtse iii st. Willianm McBide. 65 --- ho waas ernployed at Mittoni.ý Vanit i Institute tor Woien ai the Mlapiehursi Con-ecîtonai Comnplex pleaded gu itvY Jantiary 216 ai Ontaio Cot ot Jutstice iii Bm iliigtoi to lotir couints oti hieach iii trust andti ree citants iii sexuai assauli iii coniiectti %vith incidenîts ih,îî îccîîrred ni Mtrch of Jast year. Mr. McBride, wiîo w5as living iii Caimbridge ai the lime ot'Itus arrest. waas senieticed b) Jutdge Fied Forsyth iii an i rnîtttth con- dîtionai sentence titi eac h ofi tue seveit chaiges. iii he setved con- ctirrentiy (ai the saine uitte). It's ohvioiisiy a major hi each o ti t ss len a phrisonî guarti takes atîvantage ol' intrnates,- said Deli Keiih Woîtdstra tii Haîtion ReinlPolca n the jug leikelyî tok nto osdrl Fraud case resumes A Miltonu sîple tacing nurnertits charges in ciînnecttoit sitiî a sertes tif monlgage tratits 'ail] reisîrn to Ontarioi Cot of Juîstice iii Newmarket Muîrch 1l. Frank Basso. 47, anti his wife. Catherine, 46. hoth of Rutledge Road, were charged with a total of 16 and 10 coutîts respecttvely of' fraud over $51100., cîînspiracy 10 cuommit fraud, utterîng a torged document, ohîaining rnoney hy a forged doctument and ohîaining credit hy faîte pretence along with three other non- Milton residenîs. They appeared at Newmarket court last înonth when the date was set. The charges relate to two incidents in 2001 and 2002, in which fraudaient motgages were arranged on bouses unheknownst t0 the owners -relatives of the suspects -10 obtain money. York Regional Police allege $1.7 million was pocketed hy the five suspects from a total of three incidents in Toronto and Vaughan, one in which no charges were laid against the Milton couple. i iestiay ilii M. McBid iii, nii bc heiiei i retiaiti ii his houme lfor six s i- tite 18 iniitiis, excepit ii go iii lis plice t'ienpliîîîeîî -a Mii s tit loniger Vanter titiitte. as lie i esi eited ti- r tiet escepitions suclu as iii recette inedical treatiîeni. Otiter coitioniis ssiii goiset i the teiaitteti of te rn. I-le said tue setnetee takes tutu acntuiit Mi. MeBride's age anti the laci lie iti tit pi tr crîiîin:il rectord. The IX nitînti ciiidittitiai senitence was at joint suhîîîîssîîîn hy the crrîst and iîtl he (Jtieece hbaseti on the ;teps M. Me Btd ticîsok iii terims tiidealintg ss itli e tîtîtet lvîîg issues antI the laci that he resigiîed andc no lotnger hîtîcs a poîsitionîîoti trust.' Mc. Ciooc-naî said. Sîlîîî'fthitil itait lit i t' lic il tiiti«ii/itttih The Canadian Champion, Friday, February il, 2005-3 suspect in court An Orillia man charged \vith manslaughtet in connection with the death of* a Milton dentist wili rcturn to court March 14. Adani Hoiiand, 2i1, appeared at Ontario Court of, Justice in Orillia last month to set the date. Dr. David Dumencu, 42, was founid lyittg unconscious with head in 'juries in the parking lot of an Orillia-area tavern at about 2 arn. Juiy 16. He was taken Io an Orillia hospital and then transferred to Toronto Western Hospital where lie died two days lter. A post mortemi reveaird the cause of death was a blunt force head injury. GARDENS RETIREMENT RESIDENCE 45 Martin St. Milton owned and operated by Milton Millennium Community Residences Is seeking a Treasurer Please contact Kari Reichert (905) 693-8592 or (905) 854-9897 REAL PEOPLE SELLI NG GR E AT C AR Se