Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 2005, p. 18

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F l8--The Canadian Champion, Friday, February il, 2005 IO O HAR FO ORMNY -s~ -. Talk. IThe Smith Manoeuvre Pay Down Your Mortgage or In vest for your Retirement? I Whether yoer're thinking a)orat rotiroenent planning or yoer've alreaely started, Eelwarel Jones ean help) yon roacle your goals. As a first stop), eqiors an RRSP before Marri I et. Yoeî'll invest feor tlhe future andl inay rerlîrex verur 2004 inerinco taxes. If yoeî already have an RBRSP or two. i'onsolidating thons at Edric o Jnes rais assure a propos' cîsix of assets. reoniice<'o ists amnd simspiilv, vous' costrihesiios. Xftee' ail, isn't it tinie yous' nioney workori for- yoeue foir a change? To leares why it sîsakes sense to, diseuss your RRSP with Edivard Jones before Mareh isi. cati today. Randy Broten Iuuvestmens Re'ureistalive 310 Main St. E., Suite 103 Milton, On L9T 1P4 905-864-6959 Member Cf F Maxy osf our cliexts are f aced wiîh the sanie coxcern insi Cassadiasîs fice. "do 1 pay off my morigage. or isîvesi f'or nsy reftire- ment'?** Our axswer fIo tis dilemma is t0 do bosh x se The Smitsh Maxoeuvre. Mxsti Caxadsaxs would Iskc (A) ges rid of iheir house inorfgage as soon as possible, and (B) owx lois of invesfineafs fis easure iheir fissaxcial fusure. Most Caoadiaxs aîîack ihese Iwo wislies sequcially. axd inîs fixaxcial plaxses scoufrage fîscn ir dvi(1 su - pay oiff ieu- iursgage. ihex siari ais iisvesfissexi pris- girains. What's wrong with that? t is hetier ihan dsixg noshîxg. bui ici sake 15 osr 20 years of' yîsr lite f0 deal wîîls the inortgage hefore yoo begix f0 lovesi loses yox 15 six 20f years of compounding frne in your ixvesfinenf porflioi. The Srnith Manoeuvre has yox geîxieg rîd of yxîur old issorigage very quickly while simxliaoeously siariaig yxîxr lii c long invesi- ment prograi - nw. We cao accornplish ihese iwus objectives ai the sarne finie. sfarting n0w. Wcalth creal son fakes fine. The Srnith Maxeuvre gises yox tise gifi of ail the urne vox have ceff in yysxr fle. ix) bxild yîîxî ceealih while geixg rid oif skiai bad-debi morigage. In addiioni, free xew însey trous the tasosiax begios fus be gesses aîed nue. Nois cci y impoirtant. If maifers ssii soc irli yîîx are, soie vealiisy ysîx are uîr wheiher you're a suicialisi or ai fiee-exierpriser. The had news is: ihai yox have thc wrong kind uîf debi. ansd ii\s killing yxîx siwly. The gsiod news is: ihas if is easy fo tix. What ie The Smith Manoeuvre? Tise Smith Manoseuvre cs a ceafive, legal fixancial sirafegy ihai will generufe frcee axoxal fax refonds l'ir rnany years info tise future fl'îr axy Canadian who has a house minrigage. Yîsur monigage will mcli away as fast as yîsur ixvesfrn portfolio groses. The wvealîlsy class has ased ihis sirafegy for vears. wîîh the blessing cil he faxi-sax. The Sissifî Maxoeuv re coisecris xiix-deducihle irsieresi debi gourd deb>. Bad-debi boans such as car Ixians. vcatiovr iiaos andi cspecially bsosne mnorigage loans. cîsi Canadiass Isuge ansîuos uif nons dedxîcîible inieresi cveîy year. If ihis sarne arnoui osf issîcresi seas a fax deducixn, sîsîpresîve fax refuîsd cheques wusuld ci an appcaring as frce gîfîs from the fasman each ycar. If you have ixierees ici pay anyway. wlsy nos as leasi cuinveil if to inîcresi ihai gises sou generous. free, o charge, fax paîd giffs each year? This gîfi esîl be courtesy of the Canada Custorns and Revenue Agency (CCRA) (for- rnerly known as Revenue Canada). They wîll he quite happy f0 send yox a big, juîcy refend chseque cvcry year uni il you die ai age 130. You only need f0 fake the ime to reorgan- Lze the structure of the debf you arc already carrying. Then the fax refond cheques siar corning. Free. No charge. Gîfts. L ., .c 2 ~s1j GUT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credif Card Problerns Lois of Job or Loved One Repossessions Major Cash Flow Problems Wage Garnishmenîs Evictions Persistent ill Collectors Judgemenis, Law Soifs Stodent Loon Delinquent Taxes Forxcixouxi Dioc Reltd Fnfca rblemi PADDON + a&ve xp xx b v d d (v IUYORKE INC 8 5 08 225 Main Street East (Main & Marin St.) Milton A bee solution! EdwardJones MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING "N e

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