The Canadian Champion, Friday, Januay2,057 Local boy escapes serlous 4nrçIJT Aý A« à ad q64D àA é~ je a É à~ Ê .à à&~ 5 * htli' ( iii/ts offi i t' 4îîîî t i( i tsi itiiittit 'tiiit/iisii aut wit/ti îî/î tinto i iii ii psci Es;i/tiititi s isittî'i i soiitttîiii Iîîîî t'id tii piti thite iittitlt (i t itii'iI December 1904 On Tuesday morning John Bradîcy's twelvc-year-old son Lome was standtng on Pine St. when a bullet from a 22-cal. rifle siruck bim just bebind one of bis cars. making a nasiy wound, but glancing off. Lome bas a sure, stiff neck now. The bullet was fired from a rifle bandled by another boy who was about one hundred yards away, and as the 22-cal. rifle is a much more powerful weapon than most people imagine, would no douht have penerrated Lome's skull if it had not glanced. A number of Milton youngsters bave invested in small rifles, are constanîly pop- ping at marks and small birds and tbough this is the only recent case of wounding, several people have heard bullets wbistling uncorrfortably near them. Though it is desirable that cvery young Canadian sbould learu to handle a rifle. be should learu fromn a competent instructor and should practice in a suitable and safe place. not on the streets. The Milton cîtuncil commitîce on light and poîlice reported as follows: "As direct- cd by cîtuncil. the members of the commit- tee. accompanted by the mayor. met repre- scntatives of the Electnic Ligliî Coi. They bave agrecil tsi accept $2.600) for their plant. consting of' arc and incandescent dynamots, pole'.. wiring etc.. aînd yoîîr commitice recommend that tbe above offer be accepted. subjeci to the ratification oil the freeholders. satd voste tii be takcn on Jaîn. 2. 19105, the date toI the municipal elc- tflon. Warden J.H. Peactîck entertained the inembers cilthe ctiiinîy cîîîîncil and a large nutober tif rîther lriends at dintier in the spacious neav diningroom of' the McGibbon Hîsuse on Tuesday afiemoon ait the end tif the current year's sessions. The assembly given ai the toaýn hall on Tîîesday cvening by the bachelors tsf Milton avas the first es cnt cilthe kind here in a ntuber o) vears and il ss as one ofithe isuost successîul. A party of about 25 came frtîru Geoîgeitiss n antd there ss etc gtiests from suber parts uit the ctîiiniy. t'rom 'BCAAIA HAPO Milton a Trustees' recent decision to hold off on TIme school closure study was the rîght move Capsules "'c."- Toronto. Brampton and elsewhcre. Fine music was supplied by the Ghionna orches- tra ot Toronto. A datnty supper was served in the counicil chamber. The hall and the council chamber were tastefully decorated with flags, bunting and palms. In an advertisement The Milton Electric Light Company gave notice that owing to the fact that they have failed up to, date to secure a franchise from the Town of Milton for a term, of years, under which they had hoped to he able to enlarge their plant and put same on a paying basis, have decided to give their patrons notice ihat at the expi- ration of such several contrats the Company in order to continue supplyîng them will be obliged to add 10 per cent when renewing such contracts. On January 2. the date of the municipal eleciions for 1905. the freeholder. of Milton wtll voie on a proposed bylaa for the municipal owner'.bip of the plant now owned by the Milton Electric Ltght & Power Co.. the purchase of tnachinery and other equipment ncces'.aty to put the plant in a suitable condition for the requirement. of the town. the erectton of a power housc and the hieating ol the îown hall withi sîcani t'rom the power bouse. The amounit required for aIl tht'. t' $8.090. The action of the îown couincil in SULt- mttîng the bylaw should mcci sstth gener- aI approval. The presenit elcctric ligbttng t'. soi '.atîslacîory. There t'. a shOrtage of power in ronsequece ofI ashicicitizen'. who a i'h tsi hase their premnise'. lighted b'. clectricity antd va ire ss lling Ii pay l'or tl cannot get tl. the lights nmiss i)pcration are anyihing but brîlliani and insteail of' improvtng the plant. the company bas gîven notice that it wîvll increase t'. charges. Linder the proposed lie\,% 'cbemc the light. svtll be irnproved. there wîll he plenîy of' neav orles Io rent. which tîll mean an increase ot inctîme and the toan hall aIll be better and more econotmcally beated than it t'. ai present. This îîtate'iit.î as.î'ith/'i <ii bliiait oif t itoii Httiti ii Ss(ii ti /is liai Di.s ui/ts csai bic it'ailtt' tili//s f/idii-e't.csi. (Titi follosiviiig lî'ttî'r us'cs addcssî'd tsi Ha/tn Ditrict .Sîlîîîl Boatc Eeluîatîîsî Diicitor Dr Duts' Papkî'. anîd a i'opx' wai Ji/cd sa'ith The Chiampin.) Dear Editor: 1 tbank and applaud Halion District Sebool Board trustees for having made the very difficult decision on January 12 10, continue the moratorium on sehool closures until the revised education funding formula is released. Witb sebool board education director Dr. Dusty Papke's assur- ance tbat the provincial govem- ment would be fortbcoming and accommodating of sehool boards' needs, ibis was certainly the pru- dent course. Just over a year ago, the board called a hiait 10 sebool closure stud- ica that would bave resulted in mioving bundreds of students mbt portable classrooms ai crowdcd neigbbouring sehools. This self imposed moratorium came ais a result o) proîmises made by our tîewly-elected Ontario gos- emrment that lavotirable changes tii the infleieble eulucatton lîtndîîîg formula were imrpending. Ftilfillmnit tif thlis prois'e bas. i tny opinioîn, been far toit loîng cons- îng. but nrîs appear. tsi he imnît- nient. 1 respect the huard's linancial and planiniig staîl dcisîsîn iii delay delis'ering the Capital Strategîr Plan, tipi a hidi ihe trssees isIIIl hase iheir rîtîstre uler'îsîîns. sîtîtil the resised ul nrling niuîrel is .ivail- able --especi.illy lis t.les . t'. su imnitent. The cash flow proijections dis- trihuted tIo the public and the trustees prior tut the meeting paint- cd a glîomy pictUîte. suggcstiîîg that Linder the old plan the huard". cash position a'uuld gît iegatise hy 20101 or 2012, reg-arnIe'. '. wbetber schîîîlsý closeul ibis Jite tir At Achîlles Mazda ... 2005 is Already a Great Year! This 2005 Mazda3 Sport Includes: V Powerful 2.3L 4 Cyl Engine V Power Windows A CHIL LES V Pouer Locks V Keyless Enlry ::y-1 ii~ n a V Pouer Healed Mirrors V Cruise Control V 17" Alloy Wheels V Air Condition V Ground Effecîs Pkg V Engine immobilizermt V AMINCD Sem 8888 Ad / V4WheDiBraks *853Z0200IW",kl*n Lease from: /Mo. 4819 Mo0S. $3288 Down 10SecurtyDNp Make sure you include your name, address and telephone numbèr when submitting a letter to the editor for publication. 311 O sis a not. 1'. il reasonable to expeci aîl new construction to grind to a hait without a ncw fundîng fonmula'? Over the past nine years, Ive attended more than 150 meetings of the Halton District Scbool Board and have seen the trustees make many difficult decîstons. Wbeîber I've agreed with ibem or not, I've always respecîed their decisions made in public sessions following engaging and occasionally lengiby debates. Many motions succeeded or failed by narrow margina. This itn't an indication of dysfuncion, but raîher a reflection of the diffi- culty of the decisions, the dedica- tion of the trustees and the trustees' conceru for the students of Halton. Making good decisions is ofien a long and difficult road. That's why l'm saddened that afier last montb's election of the chair, Trustee Mary Chapin. raiber than supporting ber successor chose însîead to publîcly decry the otîsctme -makiisg what I consîrl- ercu) inflammatory dlaim'. to the mnedia and suggestîng bier îîîî'tîng as. soîsse sori toI cîînspîracy. Siateieents in the loical neas,,pa- pers que'.iiing decisions of' the hoard andl implyîng subterfuge rîn the pari o) colleagues bave contin- Lied, reflecting very poorly on the hoard. Msîny trustees have precerl erd Ms Cîtapin ais pasi chaiîr and iii îy oîpittîoît- have Isandcrh the lits. tif, the p'ase wIs ilt diligiut at/il 0cî.îce. I [' nimotives. tf- ihese attaci'.. I helies c. niusi lie ue'. tîstîeul. 'Ihese public tiradre'. liasve alieauly taken their tîsîl. ais seeti hy reresi editririal etîmment. 'ugge'.ing ihat tîveniglît tht'. buard lias become dyslîîncîîîînal. A clysltinctiotial hoard nsîght hetter be delîîsed a'. one abuse member. aren't gîven the uipportuty iiib he eard at the hoard table, or otie ahose dcci- sirîn' are ruade priuîr tii public meetings whcre îhey're approsed wîtbouî debate. I don't beliese these arc charac- ieristics of ibis new board. Chair Paul Tate, 1 feel. bas donc an excellent job of ensuring that everyone is heard ai the table even giving the former chair addi- tional latitude 10 interrupt with commenta. Previoua boards bave censured trustees for speaking outaide the boardroom againsi board deci- siens. lits undersiandahly difficuli for anyone to lose an eleciion. Subsequenly, fmnding onescîf in a minoriiy position on important issues must be even more disap- poinîing. Many other trustees, ai one time or another, have been in a similar position and continued 10 be effective, functional board members. Playground bullies spread rumours about their playmates and use innuendo and un'.ubsiantîatcd dlaim'. tIi htîster their own statu. and serve iheir personal end. Trustees with legitimate cuincerus '.hîuld air iheru ai the huard table. Nea 'board aacher'.' msîy be .uirpri'.ed hy the poliiic. ai the board table. Tht'., hoa'ever i' tIse nature of eduraios today. The bîîardroom î'. tbe place lor poliîîc'.. jusi a'. tlie cla'srioom t'. not. These Iwo places are, tics cohe- le'.'. tneiuorably linked. a'. t'. in the ri.rsciitiiirnl,î.t- thi-) î'.sits huard". saccesse. lire etiioyedrl i the ignoinies. o) t'. flalures sîtI fererî. Trusîcees nîsi take the psîlîtîcs oii ilîcir hîîardruîom and tof ail level. uf' gos emnent serys 'eriu'ly. Onîce agutîn. îhanks to Haltuin District School Boardl truistees and staff Ifîr their inieresi. per'.i'.ence and utîcummon ai.uom. Don Vrooman OakviIIe