The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 25, 2005-27 HIGHSCHOL ORT He W11 have ess than a second te make a decàson. Prepare for the road ubead witb Young Drivers' Collivionfrea! Approacb toi Driving'M Ia' the only driver training progrum 10 offer .~ tbresboid and ABS emergency braking, swerving techniqueu, ruar cruuh und head-on collision uvoidunce. t Cati us or vIsit for more detalis. FEBRUARY 2005 MARCH 2005 2 WEEKEND COURSE 4 DAY COURSE S& Feb. 12, 13, 19 & 20 Mar 14, 15,16 & 17 (9:30 ams - 4:15 pm) (9:30 anm - 4:15 pm) The gonurne YD progrum ru nov avaiable ru uny hrgh nchoot. 955875,0480 SYOUNG DRI VERS1of Canada Your licence to survive. lSD 9001:2000 Aeglstered MTO APPROVED BEGINNER DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER "DBATE16INE DRURT"l Kim Hester Katie Bangay Prashant Naikwadi E.C. DRUET HIrg SCOL Onefie dy l he niy choi orMaian Micc, heyon pupils ware writrug than uýeklv celuniu for fic loal palier. While their brains were siorming with idea.randtsviard Kane enredathe mornt sud- ianly. "You must crme righi away' Therea rll. in tha sience ah! Wa need viiine extra wanits to haut geaih n out et the shoo tha Grand Wiard 'aid The Ilhree mrgicians agarty junped eut oftiheirvscats, ready tar action. Katia, perhaps the niat eagar aI theiniait, uhippait eut lier wand. "[his is juil what we&sa heen wairing tfor guvi. an ADVENTUR[I" 'ha sau sshe ran tethe a Pravhan.who'dttraaîrtusy ith lts nniaa hbook, roseaI tiihe challenge. ',Wiih att Ihis sruityiig t've hceir doing tir ny axains, watt h ave notrou- htearailtwith huat tl"hacsaid, "Uti. guys ' thlirit niagician, Kim saud. "Arc yen sure this is ar goîrd uctrar Wr don't wa n ta gat ,fi- an tha iuaeng tarit ivith the hrand nis Hiru.a Sysiem. hut niore ahout thal naît mark. What if me taie peints?" Kaie shnok her hrudand dragged Kim aing. 'This is a ancr in a tîtarrîna ippaainnity Ki'! Wr gar ta hattir a trallt" sha grinned nrrvchiavauvty. Upan arrivrng ta tha science tah they haad qurta a ruikusi tîaarrg irîvîda, îhav vaw a shrt. grunihtîitg heat vnrashîng haters anit duinhîrr att tha chemnicati "Granit Wizard Keanri. what are \w vutitreit ir de"" Kînt yard, hakîîîg iniharnmagie boots. "Wa'veairied iur ravi, but raryur yautigtrevh mind itv ritd usiit thîs teamhty imatti treavi. Aird iith tiat. Grand 'irarit Keara aet t ha ihîca tiagiciani tri terndt ir ttiantvv Aira' t h ave an idia' Kaic yard. "[ha u'rstlirg reaîr tatigh ie ira aisoirnrirove, t 'i pratyrei rira hapad hen tri ii wett in ihair ltes r-v Hain i rarîrprîrî Wtîy rirte r tihai tirait' Katierari river tir tha tiro aoattmttIbriis iriiaivîeý hîi tha iieti rîerrîheraît her. 'ltcan*' absatutety reakv' She vaid. hoinig her nsa. "Wa havaei a> tiryiie tia.el soiithing.. MAGIt(Ai" 'Ilai ahout thîv " 1 rad vamatihrrg ahout a nivstariiiuv handt ghevt. Has harîr mîrhrg oîna luna that wit sootha atyane riha tîviani toir.h' lits secret waapon tor tra upvirtting Musitfat. t'nt sira it ui wîak. Lat'i sumnien tha ghîrst." Praîharîr vaidt "Uni. P-Damg'" Kini1ripeit up. 'Tltaîî,r'îivrk iiiuvsittvhy Ifthe sang soathai tha troltt. itI viotha us as wri Whaî goînd wrtt thar do."' "['îod pinrt. that mas a close orea Kaîra saut. "Vîhy den't we tay thîs trick Mas. Robrhts taughr nia? tIn haiwean practiri tir tha Seas Daiarr festivat. ihe shomad nia hew ta aci tîhr a troltt Si ne traits cau't stand other trolts, it frak oui and aun amay'" "Katir. that*s a no-ga. That trk onty ruerkv on cis trollis, and thîî iv ctaty a coruntry trtll. Kim îard. "Thiuk ahîout tl Wýhaî de trîolts traie ment? Love, aird that is santrthing that Drury hai ptanîy of. Wr raveît atnîasî $t2 000 fr itunmi rtliref, vo this vhontd ha ne prohtrm. Sec, ifvi juit put aur mandi togeîhrr and thrnk thr nicaît thrng mr carn. ha'it mrIî Thr thieermiri jorurd thir mandi and ctoird îher cyri. Thinking thr ment hertatmning thonghtv. the tia maîrd hihr mardi untît a gltitr trghî sporn ont. Thr trott gave aur tait gonna, and thr magreruns opened îher cyrs whitr the trott mrltd itt a poot of spaktri Grand Mastar Kranr watkrd in the lah just in tinta te mimaiss thr victoay. "Watt donc my puppias' t contdu'î havr dune a heutr joh mysctf. Tweniy honse points aprecat " Katie Nadalin Siobtian Desroches DISHGP REDING sien SCUGOLI Welcoine îo Ibis week's edittoîr of the Royal Report. It's beau a cold but greai weak bere aI Bîshop Reding Wbiie stu- dents prep for exams. and put tbe tinishing touches on their 1SUs. LasI Monday the senior boys baskaîbaîl teani fard Milton District ni att tîntense game. cotning out on top by 13 points. Sean Maîbe brougbî iris A game. gettîng a double-double. and conrributing greatly to tbe Royals' victory of 74-61. Good job boys! The boys' next vicîims are Actor Htgb. Wbo lbey mNiii be playing afier enam break oit Feb. Xîb. Bring'er home boys! Speaking of sports, tbanks tu BR's Student Atlitic Association, Bisbop Redîng bosîed a tourniament for Haiton junior girls volieybail ieams Ibis pasi week. The Royals put in a great effort and placed tird overaîl. St. '[bornas Acluinas caine in liait place, wbtle Milîton District piaced second. Congratulations to Erîca Minkborsî for \sinning mosi valuable player of the tournint! Also. for ail] you soccer players, don't iei the coin ,Acatber get you dom'n. because Ma. Costa iv sîattng Up luis year's indoor soccer club. To sigo Up. see M. Costa in bts office for a parmnissioti form. Have fun!. Tbe very talented vocais classes sbowcased ibeir beautîful *w/oiccs *e Wechre'sday night- tor 'parrs andfnends.Fie sbomw began ai 7:0)0 prit aird admission mas free. Parents mare able 10 bear tbe vocal talents ibaîr cbildren bian acquired ibis semester. m'bile studenîs liad a chanrce 10 sec ibeir friands perform. Tbey did a great job, and we look for- Ward 10 bearing more fromi tbese great performers. Before closing, We'd jusi like 10 remind everyone ibat tomorrow, is a Civies Day, vo remember 10 dreus your hast! As well t0 aIl studenîs as you face one of tbe bardesi and most stressful limes of tbe year, keep smiling. il's aimost over! Good luck on your exams, and bave a greal exam break! See you later Bisbop Reding, we bave 10 go study!! Civies-Tbursday Indoor soccer beginning Belinda Alzner Ashley Clerici Jlia Pyper MILTON DISTRICT Bien SCEGOL The halls of MDHS arg oddly quiet. witb classroom dooas situt, and the library fuli of students burigd in thgir books. Or aîî leait. that's what ideally goes on ut this lime of the yaar. Of course, i arn tlking about eu'er student«s favourite lime of the year that actuaill cornes Imice. Exam lime! Witb the stress of summaîtves and ISUJs uow disîntegrated, everyone has been aiiowed a few sec- onds of relief and relaxation before lhey flow ail] galize, "Oh good- nes i have linsent smail number bere] days 10 study for my buge gxam." This is a reminder to ail] siadrots that gsams stant Thursday. January 27. Exant scbedaies are posled aroand the scbool, so pleuve check and make sure you show up early with ail necessary maîert- ais, a good breakfast in your tummy, and an attitude that will aliow you 10 attain those asîronomical marks that parents love tri see. On a mach ltghter note, ail] MO studenîs sbould be proud of themselves for the money that was raised in support of ibose less foritnate right now over tn Souîheasî Asia. Special Ed ran a Toonie ToIl last week, wbere auy vehicle enîering MO's parking lot was asked 10 donate a loonie (or more') for Tsunami relief. We are proud 10 announce that oua sîndenîs. parents and teachers managed to ratie over $600 in that single day. Wow, way 10 go Mustangs! Also. the Sîudy Sheet viraw winners isere atîaoutîced lasî meek. leav'îîtg a lew studenîs feelittg rather lucky (and probably raîher cott fident) for thetr respective exams. Belmeen Tianani reltef, attd of course, the nnuch anîîcipaîed trip 10 Grenrada, the humantrtarianîsm neyer seemns 10 taller as of late aI MD. Ma. Orlon travelled dowu 10 Grenada last week 10 scope oui îhesî~rtand fi lans for tbe studenîsthat \vîl bei4c"ja. nyîng btmrself. Mars. Lloyvd and-Ma. -Newman. Il sure ts sbaping oui 10 be one beck of a îrtp!'Ail Ibose who bave itanded ta their deposit checks should ha busily iuudraisîng tro% in order 10 make thts trtp fecasibie for ail]. If anyone wouid like 10 donate 10 Ibis amaztngy (and lax relundable!î cause, please contact the schooi. MDHS sports were ripping il up last week 100. witb the Boys' Hockey tram geîtng a mach deserved win. Hope they rau keep up the amazing work that bas been coming along. Congratulations to îbemn and ail other MD athietes wbo bave been working bard laîely! Reminder 10 ail grads that ibeta piclures are goîng 10 be avail- able 10 be picked up on January 251h. Grad re-lakes will ha avail- able aI a later date for atnyone who bappened 10, miss theirs. That's ail for Ibis week's Mustang Messenger. Sîudy bard 'Stangs. and hopefally everyone can bave a great exam break!