Town 2ets $1A4 millon t'rom siots 1 ht Tin n ol Miliion \wn ii î. xiii Moîis ai Mohawxk I huisday, rcciv l isi jiqiaiicrlV in.stilncri ot S1.4 million ini s1ots L'Cx LCu The miincy omes friin thc loal gatnbing lacility as payrnent iii Ileoi. li liii lioiii stîui in Ille iltiinicipalitx. To date. MIiton has i cccii d mic îiiai S 2.7 mîil lion in iiiiiîtax garning reenue tront Nliiiiixsk. Pasmiris airc made o)1 a hiarier- ly lisis. according iii the go\ s criincnt f iscal N'car, vx hici nuils frint April t o Mairch, antd airc diirihîîcd hy tie Oiariîi LottIery and Gaming Corporation. The siiits al Motiaxxk ipencii Atiguisi l0. t191)) andi lias sinc attracied moirc thati 7.5 miîll ion viio .or abouit ÏS00( people daiiy. Acriiss the prJiriicc 22 ci mninnities piay' huis tii siiiis ai racetracks and u.hariîv c asinos. S ifar, ihc Onitario Lîîtterv and Ganîing Coirporationi has distribîiîed moîre thait $3 1 3 miliorn iii gaming rev enue to thesec dîiniinties. The payments make rip fivc pcr cent oi the ganibltng estahlish- ment*s gross siot machine revenues for ihe fursi 45(0 machines and îwo per cent for machines over ihat iinibei. A portion of the annual gross revenue trom slots ai racetracks and chariiy casinos goes to the Ministry of Health and Long-Termn Care for prohlemt gambling research, treatmeni. prevention and public awareness. This amnount for the 2003-04 fiscal year was $21 million. Also, $ 100) million atm iily gocs t charities. School board making policy on sweatshops The Haltoît Catholie District Sehool Board is developing a pol- îcy to ensure that the uniforms wom by its studenîs aren't made by yoîing people working in ssweatshops on the cuber side tif the worici. Last Tuesday night, the board gave firsi reading in a polîcy that would ensure student and staff apparel only be purchased (rom suppiiers whîîse gîîods are prociuced underjusi. safe and (air work- îîîg conditions. -(The policyl is really drixeit. I ihink. by inieresi from our sec- ondary sehool stîîdenis iii monitor the purchase of apparel by our board." saicl Assistant Superiniendent Gary Mahuîney. Aithough the hoard doesnît aciualiy puirchase uniforms tir its high school students. it dues estaiiiish a hîddîîîg process andi rec- euimentl a supplier to ils sthoois. -l'lie policy xxiii he designct o reqttie,,àLyàgirs tri diwée 44è Police recruit night Feb. 16 FainRegoa Poie\l hsa p.m. athe Gukis Holda In, 590 Argu Rd Appliainwl bc g nIcadidae whopossa \fd ACP ceticaeo htp:/\ w%,hrps. .ananý,p.maii(= arres LRLIN;TIJN CAREERI mu COMPUTER TRAININGI MAS Office Excel Levai 1 <Beginner) Digital Phoitography An Introduction Fabruur 12 -E N go * £d oEal ww.ccrhla.o ffiw cUié 1; l The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 25, 2005-11 g Teen Issues is a publication for youth by youth, which will be coming to Halton in early March. The objective 0f Teen Issues is to provide a platform for youth to express their opinions, share their experiences and promote their talents. We want to hear your storiesl Have you had a personal experience that you would like to share that other teens could relate f0? Do you know a teeni who bas made an outstanding achievement or had to overcome adversity? Do you have an opinion that you would like to express? Do you like 10 write, create comic strips or write poetry? Are you in a local band? Do you know of events happening in town for teens? Would you like f0 write a review of a movie you've seen or a book you've read? Do you have any suggestions for topics you would be înterested in reading about? If any of these apply tri you then Teen Issues wants f0 hear from youl Let your voice be heard and send you work to be considered for publication. Contact Shelli Harrison at 905-873-0301 ext. 244 or email DEADLINE FOR MARCH EDITION SUBMISSIONS IS FEBRUARY 7, 2005. Submît your story before January 31, 2005 J~jft!& your name wili be entered in7to a draw to WIN A TEEN ISSUES PRIZE PACK! TERMS & CONDMONS * AIL submissions must include yoor naine, phone oumber & grade. Requesis for anonymity will bie respected. * Art & photos must ioctude loto os bock oI each piece and must be of reproducible quaîily. e This stalemeol must be writfen on each submission: "This witl certify Ihat the above worc la comptetey original" aod sign your name. - Submnissioos may be edited; we reserve the right fa pubtish aur version without priar approval. e We robain the non- exclusive rights ta pubtish ait works submitted in aoy format. Att contributors retain the right ta submit work elsewéhere. DELIVIER SUMMISSIONS TO ' Tees Issues c/a Judy Roshko 467 Speers Rd. Dakviîte, ON 16K 3S OR EMAIL: teenilissu es@cogeco. ca R.R.S.P. DEADINE The R.R.S.P Advantages offered by Bob Lee & Kim Mitchell A Rotiroment Financial Spocialist office with 30 years of experienco and the coffee's nover been botter! " Security of investmrrents Up to (100% fund guarantees) " Competitive segregated and mutual f unds lic with Ni-li, I e Competitive G.I.C. interest rates " Personalized ongoing consultations " R.R.S.R loans available at "prime" with deferred payments e Appointments available Saturdays beginning February i 2th For More Information Please Contact Us At: Robert (Pie) Lee Insurance Agency (905) 878-5786 30~p~ 7G«Ou___ Kim Mitchell Bob Lee CALL POU NO ODUAI ONFRUfA CONSUTATIO bob@rob.rtlelnsuranc.Sm 2i % M"?eMfof M'ý~~ W 1 ~ 9M LOOKING FOR: LOCAL TFEN TAIENTII hum BU-