*comment WY Let's hold our heads up high and be proud Itsundrtnal b h we feld ppoineita Te Chanpiol' z Sav io Ann (hrsna Bura FLn didntie ts-a thi e 1-1weeriignoeta $2,0 inarltvy hl peo dof tini is tilla grat lat IdOl PlLdof As eotdltti eýppr ths eai fuid tt 1,18.3 olec\itS yo h t-), o l Weral o* kno bh h udasrtelsolti e We do' hk th olwsstlohh, st aiotn aex ed as Pehap is' ia te k of i o op rtdnai s.vhc ae o i le the 1 Iun ai h I t in the at. Nonethleti i finl mtalIm \,,s' a iifi nt an ot t a id di i l Ili ensi it.. t al lo Icail fitilies' eni ye a nice t ii \ -- coniîpic val toy'. foi tlie kids -nd Chritita'. dinner. And the. ftinid' wil help tht. Sais atio.n Art'y con1tinui-e i'. hum ia t ant work for locail tamnilie'. thi-oughocIt the year. So ict' hoid our heads up high and be proud ot wh ît we did iccomi plis. Nt.xt year, we'il just haive Io try a hlte harder. *Our Readeà>,,rs- Write D~CIS?LUp1 STHAT'S RARSUI Muzzlinq bvlaw flot enforceable right no Twiss Road wîdening inconvenient, but necessary Dear Editor: This letier j'. ln reuponse to T. Andrews*' tetier to the editor lu the December 3 Champion entitled, Pibul nîuczling a '.îep in the right direction'. The citter cingratiilaie' cunicîttors l'or mmkitg it matîdatory to nîneete pithutti iii pumbltc, amui 'mr 'seeing through the sumoke sereen and irrelevant. inaccurate nonmsense' However. if T. Andtrews wer to have read the lasi articte on the niatter ln The Champion. tue or she n'outd se thai n'tmle the nîuzzting bytan n'a'. passed, it'. nîmi enforceabte ai ibis trne by cîther the Town oml Mitonm mor the Oakvitte Humaine Society unies'. there". a com- plaint. bye said thin before and lIl say i again. muzzling of any dog gises the public a fat'.e sense of '.ecuriiy. To T Andren"s, plea'.e check n'îîh your bocal counicitiir, bilan' enfonmcement cfi cer oîr the Oakvmille Hîmane Scicmty. Yîmu mnay find ihat concemrs oiver ibis issue are nîmi itTetevami, inaccurate or a '.moke sereen. bits a bytan' iha n'a'. passed andt one ihat is ai ibis tmm mnemforceahie a'. tf stands, and aiso omme Ihai lun my opinionu - is a '.afeiy conceru. C. Caldwell HoIIy A venue *The Canadian Champion Boxt' 24S. II) Mamin Sm. t.. Mi lion Oi<mit IL9 4N9i exn-5 878-2341 dtarmat lFax: 90J5 878-4943 AýdýtSnmn l'ax: 9(15 876-2364 Ctai'.ited. 9115-875-3300) Circulatiomn: 90l5878-59471 Ian Oliver Publisher Neit OtiNer mm i îitmi' .Iiit li ' i. 1,1 l Im.aregm <liffi tmmii mm VîMîti %i'.i \0 M l miitim.mm Vn (itle'.ts mili tm 'i imariemie Ili " m, 'il 'i, 'cri ('asas tt~. i.mm 'm ThmeCanadenCamion i.ulm'imhller-imicmu'dm.immIIFicl ali1i rlau.,m SI i Mii'm 1, c li asT N iiBul 28). "'"oll o h' M'"',licm" Prifmiii Pmbimim& isimi mmmi Lii icuco imimmimi cici.ie mmmrii amies min, Wmi.mmm iii. lmimmitr ilm mimiclil titimul immim im'7m0cNem" CiyPimnt, Ciiiimi etmYor Co ic'.'.milîalla no)c FmS Ymoik Mmm Emm lu i. îim It Rumumcmil, EtmmtIii mîmmîmmi Mmimmmm Miiemu Shoingmm New'. Mismm.ii.ig Binessmî imi Mm'mie.i ml c Nimimmie mii. iaqiie.lmm Nemis liî'mimhti Ammml Eii imiiimei Ni.orthiiumberan Neis Nîmmi Yormk Mmiiior Ocimmilie tutu Omîmmile Shopîping News, mciiif mHockey Nevi Olimîmil[uier mci mmm icimi Oi'.iiî'5uiittv 1Cm miiinP Pimi This Wemi ii Pîîîîîîmîîîmîî ti" dem. P.cîîîmoimi ie i.mmicrnd Hmmmmmmi lhriiciim Vautghan ui Sîmmi ii/ Il it'iiiii àui'ici Im mmi i l ' ,"ý" "mm mc'hé, mmmmmim SPA " 'p' liem-î n1 m.t. lh i J i.i " , t'l ;! "l iimuMimî.m ~ II icimmC'i"m mc miiPim i I)ear Ediior: Thts lciter t'. in response to Das c Monte"., tettet about the n dning of . Tnt'.' Road and Jo'.' ot ctimbtng p'. itege'. .tt Sîmn'.c Rocks thiat rc.ettit' .îppearit lit 'Flc t'. e lii cd li ttic cuitit' ncr'm att ot i. flte andt 1 mus.t S.ay thlai nc couîntry totk tend Io S.tic k imigettic o'icl cettlin issu.ie tiri oIt t dotut on ai "tiale. net (Iî 1 ci. i ti lie i.altty. t don't e \ cii uný tl l-r ivant -a comput- er l'mn .mtumtt hai)d-\wriiig thbis 1citer. i ii.h t'. am îtymg ai. Vhc '.tietct il Tnt'.' Rmmad ihat VMr. isMore'.îicks ii itas bect min ittimin i'. agendta tot ntiore tli:i 1 Il year'.. as. t iiitmtr'tani. Ni'. Moorie catte i , îm'. îtli n aited the baire mimmnmum donct tooi od n ay. inctudtmtg paving tl. The rea'.on mim'u' live tiere t'. tct be an av iront the nîmm'. tcmwn anmi bu'.y road's. attd thave peacc ît'mmnd Vuttîci ftic conmstrnction m o tn t'.'. Rimad t'.aoit. miait' mot lis'. mi.limd n mît lomik place, Att tttc tree'. uli mmce. '.cmdcii my îtmimpcov nere cumt ciii'.' n filte irock t ccttat once mttedit tna'. pmmîmicît andt jai.k-tt.imimc cîtor n cck. impîmît emid uimmtî i.'.l a'. it truekeitm aa. Funthermore. the nisîe omi i.on- '.trilction n emutît 'itil mt '7 a., cicr. rncmttng. l'lie 'Nmo Romck Clmtmmbmnc" 'ign'. have been mn place fomr qi.mttc awhitc. and mn nmy opinmion lire mîttî ltt place Ioi .mave Cmmn'.c'.ato Main troim hcmmmg Siîcc hy mîurcît rcck ci imbet i. A'. tas' thc 'No Parking Sîgn" ilicy tîmm hav.e been mn place fomr .mgc'. ycm arc rarety îmbeyct. t cati iitmctr'iamd n ty peomple mim Mitoin %%uldti bc np'.ct n mh hi'. m'imsue '.mmce Derry Rii.mî amud Bm itaimnia Rimai arc cri. illmih im l mm o ienmîtmmm t'. %\Ct. 'llie poplaionî lu'. c'.pamimici '. mtpimily mimaI noimi himimmk'. Io n\ mlem r %m\ly ien bildinmg nm hmne'. 'Elc ilammier'.lwy minci..'en Ioi liiigem ilme'.e impotanmt m..l iii MI. Mmore. i havte n li ie mItle mimek iltibitie ii tiii. parkecii.ai'. mn,iiit' Rimait, as' 1i katk Imle i-i mce rtal anii lotie Immy i dio. mm ' e.mbjeci iii the gairbage andi grattami peomple Ici'. betmnci.an fmic peit e tmimtitcitimtîke ai.cuatimtm belitre te'. i.heck iii itmem. L. Miller Twiss Road Make sure you include your name, address and telephone number when submitting a letter ta the editor for publication. Pud by Steve Nease la mmmmmw.--- i 1-1 1 1