Sports - ~ Hlosts in tough at Beaver Tournament Winterhawks off to slow start a t annual holiday hockey bash By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion T he Beaver Tournarent hosts were hoping the best was yet to corne heading int yesterday afler- noon's action. 01t the Winterhawk îeanms eighi games to ihai point. only one endect ni viciory. Here's a look ai boss each homeîown Novices A three-point performance hy Roîirke Ferguson served only Io keep tbings respectable Monday rnorning. as the homne- town novices played catch-up ail game and wcre doubled up by Flanihorough 6-3. Three goals againsti n the Ina! tramne put things aovay. Ferguson t gureditn goals hy Breti Melanson antd Ben Preisner betore scoring huoiseit minside the fast three minutes ot represeniatise i,îrcd tiser the play. Drao îîî one assisit t irsi ctay-and a-al l'of compc-aic ýr Marcus Koi\k titiion. tn Aai Wilson. h kes A cotuple ot laie penialties Doînîîtg iheîî ially caps iii efforts. o hile Flanîboroiigh early-minîg play Moiicay. stayect oui of- ithe penalty box Milion's sutal lest hosis %sipect iteenie gaitie aitc gui scor- uout a 3-Il Ielicit wsith unter six îng I-ront l'ive dittereit players. aitd-a-hall mtinutes reitaing 10 Melaisoiî ooultI giseth ne Gelphs scondentr tein. ovie nwfle tte test nîoriîi Rylce Biiekle scorect back-io-back goals 1:13 apari to ignîie the comehack anîd tien lîcîpect set up Hollis MacRinnon's eqîîaliz- ci o itI 25 secontds tut go. Assisiig on att îhree markers oý as Ricky Bicchierai. oý hile Ian Engstim piekert up a single belpei uit goal number iwo. Tbere'd be no îurnîng ithe lîde in rounid iwo, hossever. as the hosi tykes tell hehind c.îrly and ocre ol iiewashed 2-0 by Stoney Creek. The Winierbawks ocre peîualiy-tree n hoilu coniesis. A Milton Winterhawka player gets talcen into the boards by a Peterborough Nationals opponent during round two minor bantamn play at the Beaver Toumnament Monday evening. The Winterhawks loat 3-0. Photo by BARRIE ERSKINE scoriiug îhree goals. inc luding týo un itihe ttird. to pull oui a 3-3 tic o lbh Ancaster. Týo utof bis tallies o cie sel up hy Aidan Aikiiison, whîle sinugle helpers ocît to Feigiîson, Kîuiyk and Wilson. Minor Moins Tlie iiiinor atoiii Viiliiaks* scoriug touch resuirlaced lîsi hetore Chirisitmas. hut quickly clisappearet again in round one againsi Mîssîssauga Monda> et cuiig. tinable iii get anyting going oit-insive s they cIel bhhnut carty and ocere blanked 5- Il Their big-c iiy opponenis sealecl the uteal ovt îîhri e third-period deposits antiook just one minor penalty doon the sircich tIo homt Mition's chances, for a iurniarouîd. Minor bantamrs Kccpîng bis icani's championship topes alis e ibroîigh round one. Aies Kang ci asd 100 oitc-goal cteficits in Mition's 2-2 aiale- maie o ibh Georgetown Monday mooting. -see MINOR on page 21 "'ýOIEIC I lThi e New Year Gala 2004 TRATORA LREIONL IALAN UISNEwith Momma Domenic's Tears ofJoy Chef Domzenic offers a five course meal includes: 1 1/2 lbs Royal Alaskan King 11,11/i/ IVib DolieficSCrab Legs with zesty garlic, cognac sauce, served witb spicy Linguini Marmnara. We tbank you fromn 1984 to 2004. e a ys, oy20years bave gone by, serving ibe beautiful people in Milton. For reservations, for fine dining, cateringu'eddings & any special occasion, cail Of 905-876-0499 Chef Domenic Happy New Year! Mannna~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .oteifoiIayla oae 30 tecipe blrn h bid n h adcp