B"UR STMK UV M~ 'RAMi~ PAFR- iffersiiîriisîthe biiid,,,îiiiviiid-wLinnLFîsdans tisports car, trucks, SUVIiiand mRLRnRF fAe onehbas thesuîl of a sportscar. And thotFî the knd ofpirit thot reully moitesî the huliduys bright 2004 MAZDA6 SPORT WAGON OS-V6 zoom-ZOOMÀ ON PRCHASAS N AINClIA ON 140 SKMJRTY DIPSIT ON LESUS PUR HASE FINANCINO WIT 390DW PAME FoR48MONHFSt ES AMN IN8808 'REIGe NuP 200.4 MAZDA6 SPORT HA1CHBACK GSVô 2004 MAZDA5?Pt11 .MF MiAMA 2004 M5 AAS MAIA TRAiiAMALAL 1ý I A I -i ALAIV6 il. iNF 11 I RLIE 61 Vé ..&Il8 L A llWIHA ATE8 OF o~L itRsR~ - OR - PURCHASE FNNIG PRMONTH/48 MONTAS PI IRCHASi FINANCINO FOR 36MONTHS* PARCH FOR 48 10N7HSt WlnF 83 959 DOWN PAYMENT FO0848 MONTS T FOR iREK4« AiND PDE.Iif - "G. * powor, nibiî Th. 1k,, Fredir -d i f î . -4 ith t No PA'M fi3 FOR handIini, chîîiî .biliy t ,G. -1-qb ge,, Rchard R1, hMUftIflb u.,.i" AARRCiisFîHi,1 61 OKTS -C, -îd r- HURRY IN. UMITED QUANTMES AVAILABLE. ZA00 LEUA POTR A P LASE IANS 15 FER MONTHS 48 MONTIFS 6 MONIHSt NLVTS 84895 DOWN PAYF4ENT CASH PURCHASE PROM -OR- -f 9 8 IFes seling ir cmai t i k up truk www.mozda ca Acton Achilles Motoru Limiîed 357 Oueen St. East (519) 853-0200 (905) 453-8965 ASR ABOUT OUIR LOYALTY OFFERS FOR EXISTING MAZDA CUSTOMERO. ORADOJATES GET AN ADDITIONSL CASH AWARD 0F UF TO $1,000 TOWARDS A PIJRCHASR OR LUASR. ,,,D1 8 vIh mpyd,ARR 90y. ..î.P.- nom ff« «. I2005 " i .1 ppyd-R1he iie6 e5o h AR om Il nro Afr, FF.FpriodR8Fi,,t, 811LAoxc, PROIiOFI Ma-5 R(ARN,.tF,eF,tiq. MIlpty FIiRR0.fFri NIL deyp, fLith.I fer perro te1 N iF,we~LIl ARR th pr.,IlPwy OA m18- AIortl, i,-îiF-'eî of1Iou Nt0 Puéoh. Fi 1«M/ à uutt. - -1204 élirod.6 Sport H.iA& 20014 Mu.6 lyuoi Wq« À~ »M0 MAZDASPER0OIR-5 Mk. 0% Peré... FWâàg/60 rute i, .îd". ... 2004 1-8.d. a «wwdy depuit. Ird 0oi -. tu. pepiurit Aor tri. Ad4 hM: -. là. yu.. OffAr, ..d"1 -eti itue el.. 0 004 Mué.8 SM8 H.té., 80-86, 2004 »-&d6 Sport W".GO-Y mil 2004 10300 0W t CbPii --, 0%u.d.d . . fo~r 36 etui.R . -'.-dél i. 20884 IIAZO4OPOEMX-0 RRR.. Io, îe.îî, AelR Io 8111. E ,IIII8AII1,9,itd RF o(5258 IL, (e 115 f FIr ..1,.,,IiLFIRFI8RIi d- . l or foào 3 RFW blr oi he 00430 00 sportCé Mu (Xii0i8iDMir,9LSI 1 ,lII, d- ppeLTle. hotte oIF S95 e k îiiiIlFr yo, oppe1liRîRt ,.di, 8( M F11iIIIRRRFIeliL, ARTL904F...,illIIIIL --e -,thîIliîLi I-lI8AIIi ", IiAilRR18i,AL8IFie- 11J , in, Uo i8182i.1i81Hi9 DL, rtie, IIIiiir.fil Fili harmony Ebenezer United Church on Guelph Uine, north of CampbelMvlle, recentl h.ld a celebration of carola and leasons, whlch fratured Ore- ditlonfal Christmas music and anthema ln deflcate, har- monies remlnlacent of British choral pres.entatlans. entrancad by tha ethareal rendition of Hanidelse 'He Shail Feed Hile Flock', sung by choir dîrector Marion Samuel-Stevens and accom- panied by pastor Mark ,Town hopes to get funding for Sixth Line bridge work The Town is hoping tu receive almost $1 million fromn the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Program early nexi year to help tond the reconstruction <iltwo bridges un Stvth Lire. Council endorsed deeming the projci as the highest priority lîîr the funding last week. Town staff wiII now apply f'or the grant. The design and enviroumental assessînent for the bridges have been completeri. a report rom Dtrector of Corporate Services Jim McQueen indicated. with the tender expecleri 10 be called solon so that work can get underway in the spring. Project to cost $1.5 million Money for the reconstruction was approved in earlier budgets. with an additional $426,560 called f or tn next yeat s budget to cover a ciost estîmale iterease. The entîre projeco is expected Io cost almost $1.5 million, wiîh $976,560 of that being tunded frorn debt. "If the grant. whtch could be as mach as two-thirds of the cuîst or $954.000, were approved for thts job, fI could replace the debt.- Mr. McQueetî's report saîd. AT Hi-5 HAIR DESIGN & TAN NING SALON A&P PLAZA, 500 LAURIER AVE., 905-876-1337 * G040 Cerlticates Avatale. * Unlimitedl Monthîy Tannmng for $34.99 Ion reg. beds) * 6 Monthu of Untimited Taîoning for $199.00 (on reg, badu> * 100 Minutes in 200 Watt Stan Qpfor $8000 * 4MysilTans for$9M.0and RrAW va Hg« Tan $30900 Value. (New Mystic Tan Exceiaratnlusuns e 81% 1/1111,Ira f«>'oe pmma 1 il