1lown councïl adopts new business lîcensing oyîaw M5ilioni coinnutl adtirec ar ires business liceis- ing iîyk tast %i seek. seitiiii oiii tiegiilatiiis lical stoire centreprenieur,, \ Il havec tii fltis. Th6e apctated dcumcîîîent cilsn cr tersunal sersvire hasi nesses. pua ý,n briîkers, trmielling vreîîîs i tike cotiî irciiii sales). commîiierciat reirests- tieenti s ccs. aiiciiiiieers. saIs age Stlsec- îîîîi lanit dealers. foodîc sites andc keiiiels. Prîrîr tri last n eek aiorenditnients, peî sîîiic sers- ces anct pass hrîîkeîs sseîe nut licenset i Mtilton. Other changes inclacte tie requireiieiit for chaiti d(iir saee people tii pros ide a ci ina reoi chieck andc sats age y ardis toiiTet tse goods t T 011 thiise t16 yccirs oit andt irilligel. Alun. keniiet tîcenising tias heeii akeri out rît itie an imalr ciiîiîiil 65 a andi aciced ti, tie busi- ness licensing bytaa\ý. tanciils %Nil itt to ruiie si-ts tot efles. oip lhom tire pies tits tout -1t i q airenment, and ttie ITIsa ilî ý tish e h)i chec k ti- cruelts consvictioins \% 5l ah e Oalss île andi Distict Haniiiaile Sîrciets betore issuin- a licenceý Your li/e is in your hands ... Please Don'It Drink & Drive (*tDmkD Volunteers always needed. Halton/Pool Chapter 905-844-0096 q e-mail: maddhalton@sprint.ca BRANCH 136 PTE. U.J. (10E) WATERS 21 Charles St. Milton 878-9005 ete bou'te'îtet of t/to 251 Main St. E. (Old Town Hall) -Ta praire leadership in pîamning the wnl beirng ai the business commnniy in Miltoni" Cail 905-878-0581 Food Service_ In Tributs of Sarah Elizabeth Lafyenlére June 18., 1991 - Sept. 6,199m MVy ÇDearest, Sweetest A4nge[ It la> been jive years now tfuat you hlave [e/t t/lis p/lysiaifor(d- but I knowyou are stifi /ere wtii u.. I &nozo yeu cîere ftere upon t/he irst snocof(okes of ecd ne7' coin- ter. Y-/Ou, etrse corrld 1 hlave noticed /ieo',/beauuti/u/tri unter is? I con stt/ iee your liig breown eyes strtrtg bock in crîonder at thle maiei u4inter brtngs. ýLrpecia//ti toit fi c'hirn.ýs arrund-tie corner. 1 knoî lioin titre tr'th me liesc ua cari st//f /erir yrrur szteet cice oiitqiitq. I knîîtr rfou tre zii rire cr/enIt lac n fitife girl I do flot knou' arnid ingq at me fer nol apparent reaarln. I knioco you are tit/I me to/len t/le sun o/tines t/i rrughi wtit/l luit a frttle more sprark!e titan tuO/a. Brît 1 a/air kneutria lono are 7o/th me cofien 1 arn buiir in iirq paitn. 1 knoiiet'î,r are rt'th nie crhen I coiirri rny ragie. 1 rtarr knit zou sire ilt/il tac tfien I}tt e r rp. tfiou wrerc rince an e/qht ieor-old rgrrf lu/f tif qacatitina andi cr'rrnîler. swir teet r qef, ilu /iat'e a/I t/le an cie rs. -Noti yîiu knoto lt rt/I. Litt my littfe rinel.j Goc ziiimtng uti/ t/te dol- p/iina. (o sec il- thle 11//it/ /a real/y milk. And, iJyou con, ti/i [persente ef tire ana crera in my ear. As aftivaya I'm listening. ,1sa oîtays i/lore t/ot. Bulion it ready knoi, a/f this, don 't you? I coi/f ferecier lotie ilou, We neyer want you to have to write a tribute for some you love beoaute some decided to drive drunk. Loelfe o' din & ie. On trne. Done right: -We're Canada's cholice forai your household jobs, large or smrrall. Frmfixing a broken wtndow ta caulking a bath- tub, we are your one-stop shop. ww.mrhiindyman.cnm MILTON 905-875-0555 Robert (Pie) Lee Lite Insurance Agency Lue - wmuMt - Ainti - RNIs - Li - fRSf - Iaitu FM*i <MS.LL)- REVu ~ Bob Lee bob@robertleeinsurance.com à U kim@robertleeinsurance.com 245 Commercial St. MILTON 19T 2J3 il Off ice 878-5786 li Fax 878-3692 276 Main St. (9o5) 878-4171 Heritago Safety Products Ltd. R M <nOn> Harrison Miltan 805-876-1111 617 Mait St. E 1-888-828-8822 Milton ON Fan 905-876-2023 hitagealty a on atn rom