26-The Camodian Champion, Friday, December 10. 2004 .eOmTh&Og kEvents Comtng Events *1.0ru e), Ilospitalul> Sert c, * Annuai (hrisiras Dinner * Ibrsay ecemiber I6th , 12,30 1310 * 2.as oaseý Sage anad (nlan Drrssing Roai andl Maeed Paotea Br mandy> Giral Laarr-eta Grean llrans Annedina Itlrred Cqnaate PeasandalCar Caandied Yaons li Grandmntirera Woirm Carrer P.adding A Ciraaiole Paran Tarte Traatunal Sherry rrtica Minreann Tariefs cborolote Cjaamel Cbeenaraka Chrinln.ae Baée Sala BROWN: Edward (Ted Paolly, fa hua 8704 pear ai MiltIon District Hospital on Taaodap. Dacembar 7, 2004. Loanp haobaed nf Graca Brom lot 62 penns Fondly remembatta by bro ahui- tan Tom, John, Barbota, Doap ana 6-ait spoasas. Gmandpn Mail ha missad by lire 10 pranitebridren and 8 preal-pmndcrildran. Erjeard os saroade bp hos orotar sohal Skalsay. Freands err tcmoad from tie J. Seant Early Caneal Home, 21 James Sf., Milon 905- 678-2669 pelarOap. A prinate lamily service mas heid. In lires ni floan, doaaions toPt HaO & Strnhre Foan-. dation would ha ataprasalte by the termi W. Nunter Toto TATE, W. Hunter 1820 - 2004 W. Huniet Tale oI Calpary, paseo aap at the Tninity Lor5pe on Manelap. Docamber 6, 2004 aI the apa o 814 years Hanter mas ban in Northr Batdeeina, SK on June b, 1920 He praduaad tram the University oi Oas- katcheman wfflb hîs Meohanicai Engineerng Deprea ana otaPasd wnrh miib Genarai Efactne. fn51957, Hanter siarted mith Lenna Industres Canada. He Senishea hs coante criti Lefna as Presirteel in Torat, ON. Hant- er ratired in 1960 ana raturtsd la Calparyu ta pauau bis love ai curling, pnlf, and tannas Hunier mas an eutise mambar ai tha Glencon Club and the Eari Grey Golf Club Hanter os ouvneit bH Ors ohildinr, Lanne ana Kotes Tata ana John.and Nnelia Tata, ail oi Calpary, and Paul and Bath Tata ai Milton, ON, saven prandehil- dren and spausas. Lynda and Pab Shul, Michael Tata. laso Tare and Niahail Carder, Podanock Tare and Sieanie Lamson. Dylan, Donnen, ana Hunier Tale, meo preai pmandchilamen. Cannai and Capira Sait: erotar-in- iae Laura Tata ai Toronto, ON, and numeraus entend- ta iamrly. Hanter mao pradaceasad be hs aria Muri ana hîO brntlrer Hanr Tata. A Celebrasan ai Huntat*s 14fe oi bo hala ai Cap Grey Goli Club (6540 -20 Street OWI on) Saturdayr Decambor t1, 2004 at 1:0 pom Camward condalencs trhrap www.mcisnroanahaiia- cny nom. Il tnendo 50 deorre. mamoniai tnibvteo may ba md ie ta Sote Calgary Humane Society fSPA) 33-36 Avenue OCE Calgary, Ae T21C 6T Tlpoe403-250-7722 ent. 3091. In livinp marri or fHne ae. a teae ui be nianfedaio Frsli Creek PrvnilPr y MINNIS & H05LOWOY FUNCROL HME.Pr Memanail Coupai, 5000 CLPOW DRIVC SW. CALAR.hoe 403-243-8200, Joli. Bactea cu ott e rala son (a grea rman) rad brmhr ta andvndar 04e tond la part wltte von tSrrmter 5, 1991 buat vor »!Il atreayeter eeth os. Uni ceet"[ar Lrrc fnrrrc tirrirrche riir an 5te (1ug'i& irirrrii) r&iirrr in Memofiams uri Mernorcalaîs iodtaoe lJean Cescen Coul a aigecrneotofa a onece u wfe and devatednaother Be thoughto an mOtt loe e aday Bal that le nate ng new. 04e thteghi about vant peeterday, Aed daye teetrre tirai tan. Wr thintu et yoan seilence, We offie epeate yeerrae Naildtsehe emaenaoee And pane plictare in a traee Yaer memory lnaar keepsake, Wth wtdctceet nevempart. Ged has yoa n lsi keepng, We havneurot ert. We mie pa mare and mare eetbbte Man Ail noi lave terever and a day, Yaur loeie ehusband, Rens and chldren Jen GergeMfentand Jackie CHESTERF1 a lifka nan Lern TardE Cai 9ps-876- Decenher t lt, 2003 PILLOW top Ibasge ber asile la guise treer boa si. and her band we canent teacte. sant set, Wie stuit have an maoy meneerten moin $8 ofthte one 1tavedtau mach 9063-9 Her mexeryla a keepeare SNOW fit with entbntchwe'tt ner part 19560 lPO 5 Gmt bau ber la teta keeplng Alpis on 15, Wr have ber Cn uei heart. bot. <50% ,traflse 416-560-996 Miaalcegyou mare reeyday WOOOEN pJan eofrtras ba o cz S ladders,m Stokes, John (Jack) WIti heatn Oiùed eetth nnrrnw nnd trats Chat situ easitty IlwitlIo Urne te thanu ail the people chat mode Uhe lest tew perof e Jachas Elle a hrighter place for hlm,. To oUl the Dodto, and Patrm et Camhridge Menterto Hospital, Uhe n Dertoan and Nurses et htrdlca Dayare ad Prmee NmsKrnadAngela, what n wonder- ted hosaqan md chat excelleat rare pan atl geve Jade. Yan weee Mnlitsraielne an many imes. Gmt hbleu yen cac. Te John Wheetthaa Car tel. speecda worda and girandaoa Cody for hia heaailf potintPop pismoclddhenopromid. Reverend Charfie Masters Cor Mns comfartecg merder McKe nle-tonater Ennm Home ftere rare Sandrcompassion in ourdmofCnnrow. To rerrynee Who terauglt tond, nent corde and Uhe armorial donationa Coun Jocku, Yen wtilaCaiaybe myeenaieg star Haael andfamody Mayyymn test inc peace "Doot fakeu aoy emadea ouikets" A cpecial tieani yeaa te evreyne wha sent caeds and iloaera and came te riait while 1 ere ie hopitai. llanks againa. Mary Price THE UNITED WAY 0F MILTON Aenorcen tkot POgnon Neranle the riran- ar af tira Raffe irrita "Antiqe Fathae Chisctmas o. Oleal" deaated tey Carol Brooke Ra Mca Blue Springs (Haltoj Carp. irait dnaleg "A Tan & Contr-y" Chisutmas flouna Tee. Lattrry Licee #M433516t, c1, - Freshly cut, locally groten Christomas Trees foc Sale SossPine -$25.00 White Spr.uce -$31 OC 40 Manker St. Goceoaon rwhite, ancai- $60. 080ý .9079. idng matess, frama & beige 1 monîn 0f a, t. 080. Cali as/rimo (4). Michelin Artne " steel efns 15- War. M30.00 lap stinOfi 2 2 sirdas, 2 ninder, 2 tope .onkey ban., tarI lot $1500. vie ara sali- rnp lot $650, Pi easa ssii 905-257-4390. A Dînînp Pon, Cherry- aood, double padeotl table, B chaire, buffet, hulch, doserait constuca- tran. New sof it boxas. Cool $11,000. Sacnrce $2,6W.9(;5-567-9459 A Kiep Piiiomlop Mennes Sel. Nom in plastic. Cosi $1600. sali lot $450. 905- 567-9459 BED, Amazîng bnrpann quaas nathopadc ilolop sel, nam in plastic, earraniy $150 905-567-4042 Mil de- ruver. Bedroone Cbatrywoad, nea, cheot, dresser, 2 niphiotants. Daveal Con- structon. Navet apanea Cost S8,000. Sacrifice $1.600.905 567-4042 CARPET i hase sasaral 1,000 puds. ai nem Otan mouler & 100% nylon cor- pet. Wiii de liinptoam & hall for $369. Includes cor- pal, padl h installation (30 ynas) Slave, 905-633- 8192 Hot Tub. 2004 ail optons. aterfaf, Ozaniaton, Rau- Wood cabinet, neser uoaa, suif in crapper. Cool 9995. Sali $5.000. are 953-519T POOL table, 8', 3-pe, 1 siata. arnmîlh halls, sama- nus cioth, 4-oaao, bridpe tank, nhaik, caver, brand nec in basas, cool $6.900, sal $2.50. 905-304-8217. WANTED - l Chrna. Sul ont, Ctrostal Tea Caps, Payai Doaati Owosli, Giasso Jewciieiy. via roys coliectrbles, cotles, Cai JohnT7rany, 905 33t 207 CASH parU foi anriqaes ua coiiectibies, ciria, fig- urnes jewoiioty ftaurat conetcý 905878 314 cel 058670 Q: tr. COCKER Sail puppmes 'L GT teed lo ge, tagiseeea mu- WLIGT cr0 cbuppedl lurel ehote. EDUCATE... (905)702-1946 _ Hughly motcvaled FREE tc0 iosrng bome unducudua for maie DSH cal, neutered ana daecea 905-693- rewardung career in 9217. icnancrnl services. Cali Brnda Zahadi 1990~ Ch1sy826-980n8 whira, pond conditiot, amiseion lastad $1000, as is. Cai 905-878-0410. **1996 Pontine Bonnevilla OC, lit loaded. Neoaa tarin 2003. 04,000. 080. Plaoesl Jasephi s 905- 875-7h53. 1892 Mazda irralapa, 217,00kms, Manuai trans- mission. Excellent candi- bon. vieil ominanea. set aI snom Oires. Carferd ion teenae on 'catra- ehudle. $100 oba. Cai 905-87- 5430. 1983 Olsobrie Cufata 2 door, E-Tasiad, 250,000 km. $1500.00 080. 905- 878-6519. 2000 Volkomapati Golf TOI 5-dont - adesel - r90,oeshms, preal mule- age, heored sisars, moon- roof, CD changer, lAC, as<- ing $9.000. 416-597-1503 or 905-873-82201 suamew 1989 Dadge Dakota e~RrT V8 Clab Cab, pomer aetffy- iop, A/C, Croie, COîCas- seOaiAM/CM, Velio 85,000kms. Must Ove ana Drver $13,750. Caf Scatt 905-965-0117 IAGON - New un town ? a Gefting marrued la 3 mootho or more? a Havîog a baby? * Eotabftohing a new buiess? Please cali us Community Welcome Lioda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elîze 905-603-03t3 Baby Welcome M0creile 905-332-0034 Bridai Welcome Ltvm.1 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof. Welccsme Famfresh... farm Prices and the best bot cider. liow do You like those APPLES!. ) Cheese e Plu * Froua Fruit a Cider Muffin Batte a Jm a lloney Md flu Wedud" I4wws0% off~ 90$45"»82Z040 Sisce 1990, Stevens Resource Groap nc. has earned a saîrd reputatron for proard- ing soperior boman resource solutions. We prouide knowled e and expertise in a variety of lioman resosice fonctions including Temporary Staffing, Protessionial Soarcli and Recruitment ana HP Consultrng. A guiding principle of aur company lu ta tacus an pramatiop a culture af initiative, initegrity, creativity, teamwork and trost. We beliese bhat productive relationislips are the resait ot maloal respect and com- mitment. We a carrently looking tas a DRAMIt MAMAER for sur Miltas location. The candidate wîll be responisible for maeîmiorng tie sales recense, maintainling a higE level ot costomer satistaction, aod providiop strong leadership ta branich staff, We are taoking for a persan arth tln foltoeîng demonistrated skiuts and eperienceý *5+ years sales and marketing *5+ ynaîs leadershrip skiflas *Encollent communication and arganiational skilts *Proues business development ond costumer service ski115 *Protîcrent in MS Office Computer Programo Tu be consîdered for thrs position, please farward resame and caser ltOns ta: Employee Relations Manéager 496 Adelaide Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 484 Fax: 519-421-7497 Eneail: corporatle@ stevensreacurcegroup.cont www.stevensreaouregroup.coml Canadian Tire Milton New store requires experienced: le 1-1sineil (onmkiar Auto Part Manager & Parts personnel Pleaae fax resume to: 905-878-0180 Attention Marcello or Jennifer Inventory Control and Warehossse Person 2 Positions are anaîlabie wîlh a focal base Irrigation Distribution Company. lnventory panson map liane axpanrence wîlh inoentony anoal, anor distribu- tron software and/or irripatios proavulos Bote qoalfed appiroanto, wiii be reqaired to pat in long das in flic sprîng ana sammen. Tliay wîil ha oeilf mots vatea and take pride in thc mark bhat thay do. Bolh thase positions are tait- rime. PIraorfor-Ward your resetoetcc. Andre- (.aydon. Vanden Bassche Irrigation, 7a56 5tb Lic Souath, Milton L9T 2X8 Feur 9aS 878 -45at Entait: agaydoen0eandcnhasrh.crca DIRIVERS N4ew Truck Delivey We de: uer new trucks ffr iactoiy t0 itroughout fh0 U alil rlubr wirlae trucks froo IJ S .41,42çpm to start 8 77-893-2066 DRIVERS WANTED Circuation Daparlonent Driver, for rural newspapcr dot ioory. Driver: for in-IDain buodia Oelivcry of scmspapcn ID Du anrrielrs. ShrIfs arc Tues. & Fris. MusI have o rei- able odlicle and col Dhone. Frward rosumes 10 Sandy Coloý Fax: 905-878-4057 Emoil- SCUetc O mii rncar eldiancha.mpi !, co n pacson.î: ).M+ir, 121r rýil, racis, f dy . ri NATURAL HEALTII CARE a Sitaient Sercec.% A vaiale BALNEA INSTITUTE Scbteet crf Compleneantanv Tberapies tr, 905-631-7i47 \- \ - ii r fi iviti i t -111 Looklng for a Careor as a SDENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANT? Paepar aflr a cliallangîng sec care in alli dental field. WitlOqua laid, opeciatizad training, you pain lte clînîcal skîtto and Cknowtedge rteeasary la becamne a highlycompeeal Detal Assistant % ] i leos lhae 9 manliro. Lean the patient-ceaIered approacli aed prepare for the respansibilais ofaaprograssise dental caleter. CANDIDATES BEING INTERVIEWEO FOR SPRING 2005 CLASSES Celi Now 905.62.3200 Canadian Thwmp.utlecollage 760 Bront 8toM, Burulngton -MO- m lecrire a message