26-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 7, 2004 Sorts - R-opw' IceHawks finish out weekend with brutal road loss The IceHawks delivered a dîsjoin againsi its iower-echeion opposition resulis ccriainly indicaied as mutch. This past weekend marked the rage paied arrivaI ol journeyrnan enforcer oser .iger Chrîs Bain, plus the Ior return of injured soîper Brett Robinso Hou ever. any mometîitumi or spark ihese key additions quickiy dîsap Mississauga Saiiirday îîight - with M îng in another siibpa effort and losiog îed effort ,and the rly-antici- and OHL ig-awaited created by peared in ilion tum- 4-1 to the lowly Chargers. A 38-1i9 shots on goal advaniage should bave been enough 10 cap the weekend on a winning note. although the IceHawks needed a thîrd peri- od powerplay marker by rookie Mati Davis just t0 break their bosts' shutout bid. While Aaron Djekîc was sharp in net and bis Chargers bave looked better sînce a ricent rosIer shake-up. the upset had a loi more îo do with a iack of zip and attention tu detaîl by Milton. The lceHawks ouisbot Missîssauga 211-5 in the final (rame en rouie 10 losîng (or the tbird time in five games, since their il -gumne unbeaten sureak was snapped by Buriington November 26. Ai home againsi Streetsville Fniday, Milton enjoyed its mosi productive ouiing tn recent weeks - dumping tbe Derbys 7-2. Reunited wiih Robinson. caplaîn Adam Pileggî tallied twîce. whîle Mîke DeMarchi noiched bis 2(lth goal of the season and helped set up deposits by Shandor Alphonso. Ryan Bemardi aud Jeif Caisier. whtle Robinson pîcked up iwo assists in a credi- hie comneback debut. Shois on goal tavoured the IceHawks 41-17. Givtng Doug Groenestege a rest beisseen the pipes oiver the weekend was recmntiy signed 16- year-oid Carson Hau, a Missîssauga IceDogs draft pick svhn toiled with Stefan Legein wiih last year's Toronto Red Wîng minor mîdgets. Now 21-9- 1i-0. the IceHawks are back aI home Friday at 7:30 p.m. tii face Georgetown. Pte-seaion Tunt-Uip SPECIAL ON NOW! Snowblowers e Chain Saws e & Leaf Blawers ATV & Snawmobile Pre-Season Service Cail ta enquire - sIebIanc@hatoflSearch.com Spartans hold own at OFSAA By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion IKevin Houldicroft called il the mosi memorable game he's ever coached with E.C. Drury. But given the opportunity. he'd no doubt like to remember the final score jusî a littie differentiy. Facing a massive tan-foliowing disadvantage against AA OFSAA host St. Theresa of Belleville Friday momning. his senior Spactans clawed iheir way back fromn a sizeable haff-time deticit in round two and grabbed the narrowesi of leads wiih under a minute remainiug. Thaî's when fate would iower the boom on Drur ' s bid to reach the quar- ierfmnais. Whiie Katherine Greaves w as sieamrolled in the dying seconds of play, the hosts somnehow averted the foui catil wiîh the Sparians being catled for over and back. EC woîtid then take a foui and allow St. Theresa's Danielle Murray two free throws. which were both draturd 10 make tl 34-33. From there. the Spartans missed a wide-open pass under the basket 10 end an incredible but heartbreaking sbowdown. "If we made thai pass we wtn ihe game." satd Houidcrofi, fol- lowing bis ftrst trip 10 OFSAA. "Butl bld the girls afier tbis was the proudesi I've ever been of ihem, ... jusi the way ihey battled back. Il was definîteiy the besi atruosphere i've ever seen at a gamne. The whole school was let oui of class and it was just a io. You couidult hear tbm fmlal buzzer it was so ioud." Laura Weilstead enjoymd a buge comîing out pariy agatnsi Si. Theresa. amnassing 19 points 10 fuel the second-haîf comneback. Meanwhiie, lUth graders Michelle Parcels aud Brooke Harper sîood oui as weii, filling the gap lefi by sîck starters Sarah Fredricks and Alison Radcliffe. Drury would go on 10 ouidistance Fort Williams 48-44 Friday evening and then run oui ot gas in a 45-31 consolation semîtfinai loss 10 Gimsby's Blessed Triniiy Saturday morning. Tbe Spartans kicked off tbe i 6-teant provincial toumameni wîth a 56-24 rouI of Ecole Secondaire Theriault of Timmins Thursday. Greaves led the opening-round blowout wtth îwo dozeit points. Making up the rest of Ibis year's OFSAA squad were Victoria Thursion. Jenny Hsu. Brittany Richardson, Kim Robb. Sacab Broeze. Elysce Garbutt, Amanda Niedztetski. Rashni Naseer and Caitlîn Pinder. a