22-The Canadian (tirs7, 7 '. a HIGH SCOOL REPORT The One The Only YOUNG DRIVERS is the one vou've heard amazing things about. Here s why - 1. Our copyrtghîed program teaches nothîng Iess than the secrets anîd skills of lîfettme collîston-free driiîng r 2. Xe teach our ltfe-savtng emretegency manteuvers beitd Ilte itieel, fot just ini a ciassroopn 3. We're the Canadtan standard of excellence. 900,000 grads in 30 veats.' SYOUNG DRIVERSW of Canada Your licence to survive. ~ 905-875-0480 N v wi u iio n d rî1\xe 1"s .c 0i Ask us houv Dri veFit Computer Based Training will help you pass ~ vour road test teeei eîeees7ee, MTO Begîiiîî ter cmnuin Course Petder There's only one YD. DECEMBER 2004 4 DAY COURSE Dec. 20, 21, 22 & 23 (9:30 arn - 4:15 pm) '"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Betinda Aimger Ashley Cierici Julia Pyper MMO DISTICT sien SCEGOL Welcome back Mustangs! After a ntce three-day sszekend. it's time to get hack into things. This week M.D. has been very busy fundraisiug for local families as Christmas soon approaches. Attention ail music fans! Milton District is putting on thetr annual Musical Christmas concert featuring the jazz bands, concert bands and the choir. Corne on oui and join the fun. The concert is Wednesday December 8. tl begins at 7:30 put and tickets will he sold at the door. Not only is M.D.'s music department putting ou a Christmas concert. they are also trav- elitîg to numerous feeder schools. lnspiring younger children to joîn music. This week our Mustangs have heen extremely hnsy with fuudraising activities. S.A.A. held a studeut staff baskethall gante ta raise funtds for the M.D.H.S. Christmas collection. in total they raised over $350. Way 10 shows them that M.D. spir- Thaï's nat ail] M.D. is doing ta help! lu March of 2005 twýen- ty-tour students and statf will be traveling ta Grenada ta help repair aud re-build their homes that were destroyed by Hurrtcane Ivan. If you would like ta help. contact the school ai (905) 878 2839. Atteion! AIl those studetits who v.anld like some entra help ni thetr classes. There are now certttied tutars able ta help. Grade twelve studetîts front M.D. attended a two-day work- shop ait hosc ta becarne a snccessful tatar/mentor. Sa If yau vonld lîke some extra help. cone aot dosvn ta stadent services antd check tl oui. M.D. is also holetîîîg a Fln Cliîîîc aot Decenîber 7. iront 4lpnî 8pit int the Cafeteria. ste il you have not xci had yout tin shot. conute ait doi n. Oit Decertîber l6. letters of Cancera xc Ill be nîailed haute. nt ,ill sîndetîts will recetsi e aie. '"No nets s is -ood iewis". Alsît. Oit Decenîber I 7th classes will be disnîtssed at 2pîîî. Chiristmtas break begitîs December I 7îh anîd enîd Jannarý .3rd. Sa pick- np yonr exant scheduIe in the mtatin offtce antd sttrt study ing. [o ail gradnattttg studets. Good- Lnck on tour applicaîtioîts ta Li. iversîîv/ College. And don't forget ta pick np aour grad photo tintes, front student services. That is aIl for fhîs edttioîî aI the Mustange messenger hase a .geai %eek anud keep np the good .%ack an saur classes as exants sooti approach. "D11ATELE1NE DRURY"1 Kim Hester Katie Bangay Erika Strome Prashant E.C. DRURT BEroB CR DINci DING! 'Attention ciass. i auu Peetesser Peashaut' uCs furne or Datetine Drues ltt tstait This ceek %iii he a peneral ticeevie et nottable Drney Spanvie achievemeus. and upcoeeug ecents in thte iouh ofDeember." Poessor t'rashant s.,eacted hîs riante tin the htaskhe)aiit foItittie hy the dat' aenda. He theu too antenitance. and neiiced he onis hai tw seu dtents in his iass. Thev ceue Kim andt Kaie. and thev icere very eager titi tiiutay's tessuin. 'Tii tecn, t wiii test ot) the formes of dtiscussioni Firsi. Sicitent Gosemmeci. Who kuec ,s c hais peine en ta ihîs ceea?. Kim? iOcr Kate? Atiyone't" An ,îckcard silene ensanti. Kimt thouhi K.iiie oas veina te anscer. Katie thîîcght Kîne cas ceenune answer. Preteseer Prashani thenehi îhey hnîih c ere incompeten. se he answereit the questioen hînîseti. assnmîng they dîdu't de their tremecerk' "Weti. haseit tnicnhs pie chou toit scattet plot, vite eau see that Sindeni Gotiemnient c ,il be vers husy ihîs Deceinher. They are planining toi 3 main esents. represenrei hv the equatien FUJN = s + y2 + z3, chere x is the "Animal EtC Anciion". This ciii take place ten Detember 8îh. andt ce hotpe thaithSe Spartan stuitent body ciii ro'ise iots et meney titi Milton Distict Hospital. hy buyîng the~ senier tudients anit a iec brase teachers Ntsc. y2 iiil represeni the fun cve enpeci te hase ai the "Wimieu Weniteeant Daice" tin Decenthber iîh. Fenaitv. the cubic compoenn, z3. ciii represent the "Hetitas en the Bay" that ciii take place on the last dat et schi. Deceaihet lth. This part et the equattea inet ses severai scb-saniahies. chichctiilno b isccssedinfihns course. Bt. ttts hoec a ceiiiipies enîegraîîeee ofihot cheetotate. heeiîiay mîssees. and psîaîîes' Yen iii bc- test- eit uoc thîs cn the fumie. Fer tait maeks. peetite e isuais. scch as pie chauis. scatter plits. anit snch, Kaîte. are veen payteg attecnîtin" Kaîte ticki> peeteoitei tee fueitensit enrte iteo et nottes. Ae tien stue cas proftessteiîrashaatasketiKaie titreidheu htotctserkeouttcttttIoihertestti thetî, Kira. " The Sitoot Re.îcitTeani pauiietpaed iii t tturnmnttthere fi>e, gui off tta 3-0stti,îerte fteround.i Heeer. the\tirteppet iiheiastiitt gaites. eud setitit teer td place. Aset. the 5-uti etetiditte i'iSAA \%eteeseteete citcps piteti tnt a et her last net uSVe enîtoethei tet \',tie Btre'akfasttteîuid-.iseteetn Deceiiiv'iisi.tandictstflhentse ilitickInethei apetentitteý tucnntetits i. tee Spet(ans ire teesr escited thie the Girls tskethitl leat s u treeiti « ceicpelit 'et (iFSAA Hiepetitti hyttesi ieeekstessttttttettil tlii abohtuttfic iesulis, itît.hcetetýi11 aîc,î is tIi 'Wttt. tuaite ýas tees îeeîeesîeîîc Kate' Thaîîk tien iteettrthcting tee the c.i.s, ss.tdresst ttî,sheîît 'Nett that 50 iit etihe ciass htit(ote thee ..As atctatteriofitat.eeenaie steeteseetatittcs aboutthe Spaiuaiimu"- caia thete cîinter conecer ti . Dt 1 ilM h pîthesîs c as tuai thenmusic depauttietis tees skîtted. i carne iii the concleusion that..eus hypeiheststis taiet The> piatNei ten es ei tced." Al ieit hcia.titandbt.,iass iteativitaitio KietanditKate. >ot Iitiecttekassigien't iestttcotntintnue >e ekseseachittestettiiie ie aitEC i)eurt Forehbonusnîmarks. neake seete hoittt.ictetktes andtheine ehetnt to e r etet eeek. Dieut tttrcettfiieegnoge DiNG DIxce' >Cltass i eiseeîîsseî(it "TUE ROYAL REPORT" Katie Nadalin Siobhan Deueoches DISHOP REDNS 910E SCEGOL December has corne qnickly. and we aIl know what that means, Christmas! laliîghî aI the season. mcc thonght we'd get tata the spirt by wrîtîug this week's Royal Report i Christmas carols! Enîay! Dashiîîg throngh the halls. On my way ta ciass. I sec Mr. Gajewski, He tells me Deceraber 8th's a miass! Belis and cheers will ring. Makîng schooi spirits brighî. Oh what fan it s ta cheer at the pep raily Tlîcrsday. rtght?! Hey! Jingle belis. jingle beils. Rayais ail the csay! Oh chat tun ih is ta be a BR stadeut îoday. hey! Deck the halls wîîh red and wihite, Fa la la la la la la la la. Tis the season of basketbal. Fa la la la la la la la la. BR boys came ta second place la the EC tournament! Fa la la la la la la la la la la!!!! Douce belis ring, are ya lisn"! Oit the floor, people danciti'. A beantiful sight. The Sîîowflake Bail last Frtday nipht. WNas like waiking iii a Wtinter Woetctcrtand. Goîte ta ay is the Stiou ilake. Here ta stay is the chot. Ms. Cirnana stags a stiig. '[he choit sîîîgs a long,.t W.iikit' ti a Wittter Wotiderlatid. At the fecder scbols they uslsii) stuc lîr sîeîgs. White the baud atid guitarist play aloiteI They'll say: "Cati you play uts another?" We'ii say: "No mari, but yon cati aoin the hatiti ini gratte aine!" Later ou. wecli conspire. Our tient article by the fire. We'll face unafraid. The words that wýe've made. Walkîn' in a Winîcr Wonderland. That's ail for ibis week, jota ns aevî titnie c îtb tacie Christmas Inn!