.i .Ca Ni AN N. LASI Mlt cot Apos hair BDO 9511t Cont Te 1 P,,o 1 oelp deho penb 0,50 tatyi al"yp 5,ýd5 1'tll Bentley ils a go-getteir from DISCOVERY on page B1 every episode ot Shannon's Gadgets, and aertive nature ad tougb sk n tbat suits tape the episodes they miss. ber n' t ie j ob cnbanirebl We're getting more used 10 it now, but 't dnt lînk oa cn bean îcrei 'ls stitt pretîy speciat toi see ber devetoping sensitive person," she said, adding, "You ber skilts as an on-air commentator." have toi bave a lot of confidence." Wbatever Ms Benttey does - whether Larry Masson, a staff sergeant witb lis skydiving, car or bike racing, or ptaying Hlton Regional Potice, said he's exîreme- hockey -she does whote-heartedy, he y proud of bis sîepdaugbter, especialty said. .onsidering what she's bad 10 overcome. 'Even ttsough she had no background in Sbe was just 13 when ber father, David media, it was no surprise 10 us when she Shorti a teacher ai Mitton District High got there and excetted. She's atways ochool -was kitted iu a car accident, Mr. achieved wbat she set out to do." vlasson said. For more information on the, show, visit "Sbe's a go-genter. tf the path isn't readi- www.discoverychanneî.ca or y avaitabte, shte seeks anoîher 10 get to ber www.exn.ca/objects. ,oat. " Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at He added he and his wîfe watcti atmost sfhiessen@miponcana1iancha,,.ion.com. g Fýr«d1y preseous AkLÀ EUE Il Dinner il Dancing Hats * Noisemakers ISpot Prizes -*Champagne ait Midnigbt For informtnaion & reservations cail R (905) 878-6527 3090 Steeles Ave. West, million www.hatonhllsplace.com AEt SLGW Rt lS tint -- Baie! tI A*>ove Da. Mnd Doris lorlay of %itn relax on uh. eac - hll kfOnqon top of the l omw durlng their recent vacation In Panma. At rlght Karn Thoison 0f 1111M ilton stadsl or Hong Iong's fMous fiomtl resturant In 9»eAbordoanfWdhng vue.sgdur.~ MnU àemmntbuslnss. T "j 11keI» Champion Mong on your tryai and drop off s poto at our officeat 191 Main St E. or e.msil one to ml.- tonad@hsltonsesrch.com. EUCU4X uany ntr. laF. 4-eathr hetd owe exc cond! osta heaedseats keyless bocket eats twinpower seat a/c ris SUS.P/sjaoo fulyoded 7200k entr aoarmABS cmat cortoi pwpdlti, couse o xliner eo 002 kd 121.000 km 79,0lms f ONLo1 Tu9~ 41 B4-Thoý C-,qý