aa2b Offk.K~p OffioeH~p, Prosperîtyd OSrF P steatyO eCaedtU n nattîlsea e est talon th4 moche Ttracrodi ononsaca.pt nq ap~ cat t f n Jonear Sas uetsoe Clark i atnta & Et-T P nsngl Appicants vo ai att oct nontng tiaCtaqttaond ecenytronal orgatiaza bondi and comttoîtcatoe nittits, a sond standIng vi Eacei ata a PgS boni ct cnmmttment ta!, qoalttysntotce We SatIE ail canvuates ottly thosntoncntntovwedwtllvncontacted 5ao<l rasoo~a.-ta.t Oie/ar Massersen. Aaraaaontiog Adrnioistrabar 44 Main titrent in. Miiiaani)ntaniaa 1.500 i NS Fast 905 875 2465 It--Majit drnessernsnat0prasperit~aana.aa Wailace O we ate n seaseto ANflN0LE~BSQ~ The deai îedîntdoal ct/I hane ptevtotas automottae deaiershap accounttng eepertence TEe pnmaay responsîbîlîttes ectude processies aceounts payables ana accounts reneivables Piroor fax your renome in confidence te ihe attention of Cindy Hait Fcs# 905-878-0960 Peel Lumber Milton Order Desk Computer and organizattonai skîlls requîred Construction tomber experî- ence preterred. Fax: 905-69t3-9475 E-Mail: hr@peellumber.com ACCOUNTING CLERK F il me, t-poli to ACoÈUîîtîîî~ Managar Data ltpni, A/P. payîott, îecvnc lotIons Syteadoheet AccPac, POP expenlelîce tîîe/eîîvd Fax resume ta: 905-639-4003 or email: mariap@pioneer.ca Brandi Clerk -Burlington 35 hourslweek - Permanent Fuli Time Responsîbîlttîes sciode pronîdîng admînîstîatîne support toiSe opevations etitie Branch Hait days wili Se devvted lv ptoviding clerîcal assîstance and customen service iv tEe Transportation ser- vice Operates the CIMS database. Assîsîs wîth tundraîsîng En/ny tevel posItion The succeostul candidate wl/I have a secontiaro sohool dtp/orna or equivatent avd ivetween i 3 peans ot reiated wvîk evperîence Forwand nesume betore November 18. 20041v Community Services Coordinator Canadian Red Cross Society 262 Guelph une, Burlinglon, ON 11H 31(7 We thonS a/t vandidaten înho app/y but on/y thvne se/ected for an interview wtt/be contacted Mississauga based metal pînduot company has an immediate opening for an ORDER DESK ICUSTOMER SERVICE person possesstng hîgh energy and wht enjoys a customet tocused tast-paced env/moment. Ski/I requirements no/ode strong customer service ski//s, abi/ity ta multi-task, pvoblem solve, attention to detail and a posttive can-do attitude. Gond math ski//s, command 0f the English language, phone, and communication ski/I (verbal ard writen) are necessavy. A minimum ot 3 years office eoperience coupled with an order deski customer service bac/vground s desirable. Please email YOU! resume and remuneration expectations ta infoiL~teragram.80 Ot/i t/sîitk pal/i fi/r peltir tîttariat tutu itu/ilsu' t/tait cîjîli; t/tilt' it~dtdittî'o 51'/~'utt'd tir tii tîtti'rvtî'a tati/t Iii' aîîîttiott'd. BOOKKEEPERIACÇ0UNTANT REGUIREO Fui loy htgOly mot vaten Povinkeeper Accountani 'v quireti Oy a tant paced mev an nova I 110 vf CSaleîed vccaaota-ts c a~v'getvc~ S~ccenn/ canmvate munI lave ai 'vani 2 ivaîn caper ence n bnokkevpdlg en~el eni analyl Ca OC S ab e I 'l'il tank ana envcrvdvv vi p lv dale accvantng noS cale Fncaîd renTe lv Bon *2548 CC Invependent Eve Penn Ova 0a;pn Stîeet On 12v oevgeiaia os co :81 omÇ.N~p i /' DONI MISS JORONTOS FOREMOST BRIDAL EVENT -~ BRIDAL SH<~)W January 28.30, 2005 National Trade Centre, Exhibition Place ~ .1 Àd~r~ss 1/ I., I __________________Pxstal Oo~e____________ Phono ¶î ~d~g Oat~ ___________________________________ Fax _______________Ewa~I _____________ _________________ I. i 1' S~n~ to: Wationa~ Br~a~ Shows ~' o/o Pr~mior Coosomax Shows " I 'I 467 Spoaxs Rd., 0a~Ul~, 0W t: " [6K 3S4~ Fax: 9053375571 j À ~~îSÀb CF MCTRCLÀSC PC~TlMG PjBLshlr~ C ~îSTRîBÀT~G Oox'ttorg~ttopîok xpyxxrQoÀyof ~BOI~GBELLS ~13g~zîx~ À I IWanted to tPe -tamîlton market /ncredtbie nabian and ~Elja~pion Han an immediate openîvg n our ciassîtieti adnetttsing depat/ment The chnsen todîvîduat wtii be responnîble /nî deatîng cîth custnmeîs ai /he couniet and oaea Se tetephone inponing v/ in/vîmatton mb mur computet hîtiîîîg syotem, ano niher dutten os tequtîva - 10 arcataait.,aatctt tac - at e oaa r tOote tsî Oniy those app/îcavts chosen lot an în/etvîew wî/i be cvntac/ed No phone catto ptease Oaa. mati ot detîver 0001 tesume ta WENOY MCNAB Adveîtîsîno Ottector MîLTON CANAO AN CHAMPION 15/ Main St E., flou 248 Mîtton ON LOT dN9 o2b 3410 Offtoe He~ Off k~ Sotos H~p Sa~p I OUTSIDE SALES REP. The auction is being held in partnership with TVCOGECO - Cable 14 and The Milton Canadian Champion. potentrai ana avtk trant nnme Pnssrbrirty nI tan corne natetanre Caif: <905> 630-2337 or Emaui Renumo no: odspion@sympoiien.no Education Sales Representative Merlan Scenirfn Canava tend ng sippiiet ci Oîgn lecnnvlvgy llaining equrpmetrl and soilcate lot eva cation We are neen ng a Cotiege Onîvetoîte gluduate dm a pîvaen sates recvîd lv manage val Ontarîn tetritvt/ OSe sacceso/at candidate cîti posseos a stîvnv tecn nrcar aptîtade ana iteatit- an inteteot n tvOvtlCS, etecîtonîco manu/actating etc 5v ot she ciii be ceti vîgunîzeti anti con/ident pîesentîng v seniot n ottactoîs and admînîsitatoîs We v//et signi/icant tappoît rom val insîde sates and maîketîng /eam ana un oppoîtanîty or Se îîght pet. 500 /0 îeap 10e tecaîdo ot a gîocîng maîket vemanerat on inctades base sature commission and benelîto il ana can vîge s/îvng îetatîvnshîps and bvîtd a terîr- vît- ptease FAX your teoume ton 905-077-0929 ot emati in/v@mettan ca oe SALES OPPORTUNITY AUTOMOBILE SALES We are the vvty PotO deatetohrp iv Getîge/van ove cf ve fasteot gîovîng cvmmunit es v/be OTA t yoc are evosidet vg a proteovionat career ehere t-va are polO or cao/omet oa/ivtac/iov ard ycaî oaleo and ctoving abitittev cou 58110/6 Etpetience s pîeteîîed but oct essentînt. Oteave contact T/m Eltiott Concept Ford, Georgetown Phone. 905-8464600 Fac 905-873.3309 or Emoîl tellioO@concepffotd com a -31 34/a acta HoWRsstuurUfll Itotel I~sstao*r8nt BARBER TOWNE PUB s seekrvg KITCHEN HELP Pays usett velvan applîcanis vole App a n par or v 360 GUELPH STREET 905-877-6056 540 540 HOWRUt8oeW~ KOWft~not EADER'rEACHER Bohoine. il METEACHER Onrenen r 00E M yen ON dc, aine 905 82 O O ADVENTUAOUS Careers Teachin, Engllsh ptotenoîoîiai icaîlîlo O h vay caulse sîti 0e v/ieted ai S vaîvuvat Canipun DEC 15 enen lion! ceekenito vo Segi toI toI an Open Saune v cati 01101 moto rn/o 880.246-6512 newgection forever~thirogktd Haghtight your kîd ~ service SUCh as r daycare, parties Ç baby services -.4 kid's programs parents groups and more!> 5t- Champion Classttîeds ~' 905-878-2341 viassttieaemuitoeaasaataechaOp'Q.bO~~11 Lin-