Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Nov 2004, p. 28

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28--TFo Canadj4n Chunrrr r te-Ta; ix. sumb-c 12 3ý4 fiAU ______ i 9 n «.P 'cràssif ed_____ w. I tnaaIa hmiol, ANNIVERSARY /S~'SOth Anniversar Angelo & Cie-r Nouîember 13t Lav cynaerKadu& Grandkid- Denis, Sue-n, Jeffery, - ~ Jason, Jesica & awreace, Gloria, Meiuua Meloie i We love yeu s ,oxx BIRTHDAY PlWeRT H D A YN Buxatitul 3 bcdroono back-spiit backiag nin park land, orees- dcoeratecd. waik topbi hse-bonis aînd dîîwîî tn.Fr possessitn, parking foir 6 Call905878--1 or301Bell St. 'Sl O-ii O Milton uc- tpe .os to.1 4 OFFICbE Avaîtabte te Mtiton. Sîngle & mutiîpte Uc: Auto Aurtion & 401 PedferI Location. 418- 2-75-99988 At'moven Money Mae 6- figure poenta a/tom nomu 1-8000537-1931 wwv.eri cusaduantage.o A tvAk ut Home Job On bouc Computai. Tcaînîng Vioutded. PT PT Cd n4 ucca yhive PROMOTE 90,/i business oorlniumy te ovni 4 meo ado/t ceadeca te Sout Cen, lia On -oBu youc ad- uertsementinouei60 Met- coio89 uammonî/y necopa- perscwttvoephne cal Cati today toc intformation un oeekty cota ad packag- un tinternc itings tnrod- edtO416-493-1300 ent 278, www.metrmuindeau S8Meney$$8 100-e, li 2t, zn and 3cd Mucigoges. Bad redit DK. Cui Ontarno Wîde 1-888-307-7788. WSEN batiks say nu. ce suy yen. Consoicaise ouai hîgh iniaenet dehi. cenovute yoc noue, salu obuai- nana, ceiînunoe 8001 home op otou-e 10%u.C. Puai ciedit. sait emytoyed uo- ceptea Cati Jamia i 87- 57-POSaS eat 235. U-YR @ 4.8-%. Ais eqoi/y menigoge ptogcums regard- anas oftincome or ciedît. Cdil CHRIS @ 1-800-328- 7887 orcusit us ai wvsin cia ioockbum.crm 170 Foreffi DOWNTOWN Ut/ton. o hedîuam apoOtmant Giving- îoom. dinigcvvm8&ter tare Avaîtohie JOeuO/y i Cati 416233-4299. LARGE i 89cm 5S850, mie utisfes & parking tncioaed, li & /00t caquied. Suail abte Jae lai ho petsnmoeng, cati 900876- MILTON i bdîm api toc cent 5575;mis p/us utîlttîva Dpen Soune hou 20 9- 11tam, Sev2l OS6pm 104A Rubant St Miltoua MILTON i 89crm hosemeni upi. tauoety/puckînguoitî liasica1bie puai anti no smektig/pein. 5800/mis uit tnclosive Cati 9050683 1880. MILTON üicîgel 700cm runt/y aoi. close toi Wut- Meit, ovaîtuhie Jus 1/00. 8775/mis, Sydîo und sut. TV extrau Cuti 805-878- 8267. MILTON. 2 hedcoom buse- ment apomtment. 80/month. Pics/ahot. Retecenres iequiied, 416- 433-3949 QUIET i hediovu apant ment. Sire/y decrated te- ctudîng appitonces, Svît uble Decembut 1tsi W82Sjmvetn e-usonis 800- 693-0780 VERY spacîvon nec/v cee- 000e18 d00m, 1 hethiovu api, ici pani ot iacmhvune neai docetoce Mîlton. 85/m15 îeotvdîng untîtties. avaîtahie Soc 2301. Cati tendy 519-581-7537. Actes Apartments i & 2 beacuam opottment avait- able Sec unît toc ftuoe Pîtdge & Stove oaued/y torîtîties. ho doga 5194853- 4374 open 7 îioyn ceekç noue day aypîouai DOWNTOWN MILTON Mîiasde Tocein 82 Misîde Drie-v 1&2Bedroom Apts. Sec appitances. Cluan lv Duotoce. Bus stop ai Pint Duai 905-876-1209 www.eultiura GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Stret, So-utc, Milton te aie soc orreytng applications toc t &82 Beacoum Apantmenin Fer more infermation andfer le mak n peinlt- Pisase cati 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leenartt & Pennp MILTONO t & 2 hedroum oaîiohie. 0805. e C/euei ana qui buildng Gail Jacke 905891240195 becil abte immediutety 1-BEDROOM upoOimeet ccth cedaut packing 8700/munth plus otîtîtien. Pirtiaani bouctubte hecem- hec/lst. 905-877-2688 1-"BED900M hanement apodtment. Spaciov, tac- ocahea, pietet scngle pet- son , non-smoking. 870monts plus 1/J utii tien Cati 805-873-9564 2 hadcnum ep.i n toton, 8800/montS pion otîtîties, ficn0iant. ovaîtuhin imme- dcaiey 905-052-t1734 ACTON t hedcoom apont ment. Aouiuhte Sovemhec Iti Pieuse cuti uSler 7.OOpm 5(9803-4953. ACTON large tco hedcoum upi. $770/mnonthe, A/no large t hedcvom api, 8800/ciSc Cuit 519-853- 5080 on 519-853-5352 ACTOS, hrund nec 2-Oea- cuam hasemeni opartmeni 0800/montS incIosîveý Sooiehie î mmedîatety. Cuti 518 9853-2813. DOWNTOWN Georgetown extra lacge harheivi apont ment. Vecy rieuni. vecy quiet. Ne smoking/pets. 8880/montS pion hydîn. Fimbitl Cuit Toenduay-Sut- ocduy heom t2:008600pm 905-877-2561, GEORfGE TO WN RENTALS 1, 2 &83hedoems. Cherk oui ca sie cee.a utonhîttncentatn GEORGETOWN t hed- monm avuotment. 5700/month pic nydro ana cahia. Parking înrivde4 Suaiohme Oecemheî lt Cati Gînde a8tec 6 pm 905- 873-4072 GEORGETOWN 2 tira cuam hasemecit apancment, launar/ a4iing, no smoN ingipets Avaitahie Secam- ber lt 0875 month uti/ities incioded. Gai. 519853- 9114 or 41 6-31 9-5177 GEORGETOWN necte cenovatea 2-hedcovm, pi vatetlaondy2caiparkig ho pets/smoking. Avaîtahie Decemhec (0t 8800/moath y/us. Pîctahion 905-873- 8609. GEORGETOWN 2-Oea- toom haseineni apociment in (he country Seoucote an- (canon. 2 cars prt/no Ar ptîances. ho amokîngpets. huila cockîng covyle syco'monts tnclustue, Pîctasi. Shonl or long tenn cuitai. hovemehe Itt 905- 843(1178ý EXTRA ... EXTRA.. CLASSIFIED VALUE! 24-arn hume in ducutucei Mitoni ino/odes parking & hacheue api. dumnutatîn. Avattahie Dec. 1t- Fenhilant ceqonred, $ th7h/mthý Cati 90a 878- 1282 BUNGALOW Beauhiail 3 hedîuom on 112 acte. $1600 monthty. Go/i Heath- e itemn Sunen Gcuup 9050 EXECUTIVE teane. 3h00 sq. fl S aedcoum, nec, Mat- tamy exeuttoe hnme toc t peut tease, 82500/menth. Cati Puticke neny 8e/Ma Blue Spnings 9050878-7777 MILTON 2-hdcm gcoand tlout ut bouse in uta Milton. bouitahie Dec. t, 0950/rmiS inrtudîng hat Conte-rt Sottn Pat @ 805ý 875-0201t MILTON 3 hedteom bouse. 267 Fîtzgetetd. Oery oteon. $t300/moeth n tlte Auaitotiie Jan tnt. 900-875- 1708 MILTON 3 hedîoum house. Avaibe îmmedtotely. 8tt00/month e- utîtîties Fis/Gant Retecenres ce- quered. 416433-3989 MILTON. 3 hedtovm hock- aplit, goaae, large gacuen. $t200/cnonth. Puis/Gant, Auaitohie Cecembet ltt ne/Mue heuy angie 905- 878-7777 MILTONu. t hedîoom, 3 batS, nenet, 2300 sq 11 dub/e garage. 8170monih a uid/tien, douitahie Decemhmr lt No smoking/yets. ais 83/t 8434ý MILTOS 3-00cm house, 000/tuhie immedîutey, 433 George St. Nu peita/mok- ers , aidet roupie pieteiced. 81200/mt irStînat + uttt/- tien. Retecences cequited 9050878-8h10 ACTON. Gacge 3 hedîuam bungtaloc. Penoed hock- yacd. C/ose to achoota $t200/month o ut/ltien. Aouitahie Decembet t. Cai Stiek ot Judy 800 870-0802ý SMALL hungaow tînston Ch ucch ci/St e ees, St OhO/month e- utilitien. Giataîde meîetenunre/ep- plionces inctuded, Pecem- ber lOtS. Retecenren. (905)455-8530 MILTON 3-04cm tous- hoose, gacage vptiances S1250,rmith e- uti/ities Gat 9055876-2997 TOWNSOUBE toi centi or geaded 304crm, 2 t /2 haths, ennoite, fio haemeni, go- cage, appiiarces, G 8 tak to Go & Geisuce Cee- lie. 81350, Ovailabie Jan i/0OS cati 905-878-6602 AVAILABLE NOt 3-heu- ce/ms, t t 2 haths, Tour toise en Acton cîch tînîshed hasemeet, 2 yacking h1200/month, apytiances, caceî and caO/e ioden. Pueýy tenced eard oîth pond and ice country veu ho yets. Smoking okue 5Peter- ences tîcstiustcrequed 519g787-180 FULLO îeeooated 2-bea- coom tounhoose ayactmeoc /n Georgetown heu cai- petypantimmacuiatekAC baicony. 2-undecgcound prctingwak bo GO, Avoît abie Decemhec lai, 890 mont ylus utldes t 805-825-8258 ROOM toc cent, sat Milton Muti, shuce kirhua, hais- covu. iaandry etc. 8960/mis otîlttes înoioded. Pieuse oaii 805-875-4748. acun in ueo/y home, nuit nîngle cackîng pecaun. houttuhie immedtutey. Cuti 519-853-2913. GUELPH Revotdaend CD Shoc. Sonduy Souembet 14th, 1030500pm. Ru- mudu Hutet, 718 Gordua Street (opposite University ut Guelph). GP's Gs. d5us and cetuted memnocuhi tic. Admission 8980fo. LOST oui. 7 yeucs via, mute, smekey giey front pas deriaced. anscers tu Romev, Comyhetoîtte aiea. Cai 805-884-5307. LOST tumîiy pet, gieut pyt- enieesn aue dvg pattle coulac. hvv 3-O e Ciua Pata StEWARD, cati 905- 854-1236, CUSTOM ho/ilt yak mahoguny sais erain ment rancie toc 57« cîde reen TV. i yc. vol Sec bouse, ne ceom. PatO $2800, Sai 8(780 Ceuv message. 805-854898 FRIOGE coidapat goto, e retient coiîg condition, $175.00 rail 805-8784320 WINE coincea teuthet roorh andar, cciii tud dama's Onte 8m15n via, pat 82.200. cii sarifice toc 81.500. uit 90n-878- 00'allter8pm. WOODEN pluy stutton, 2 iont uceun. 2 stîden. 2 scîngs, rcket nider, 2 tope taddens, mvekey hais. hiena nec in hue. Seita ce- îng tac 8650. Please rui 805-257-4380. A Dînîng Reum, Chai/y- od. dubhle pedestui lubie. 8 rcoîar bunfeti Sutch, dovetaît cvnnstrcc lion. Sec suit te boees. Goal 011 000ý Sacrtfîce S22600. 905-567-9459 A Ring Pitlocop Monies Set. hec in plastic. Cosi 01h00 sait toc S450. 005 567-9459 BED, Amuoîng buigaîn. qvean onlhopedir nittowlvo set, new in pi tc, cacunty SI150890550074042 ciii de- Bedrccm Ghec/yuood, 83e4 ost, dtesset, 2 nîgststanas, Dovetuei Con- struon. havai upened Goal 08,û00 Sacrifîce 01.900 905567-4042 CARPET t Soa sevecat 1,G 0000is, of nec Stain maste & 100. nyon cai- pet Wi do iîongîuamn O huit toc S389. toc/odes oui- pet. pa & instltihon /30 yards) Steve, 905-638- 8192 Set Tub 2004 ait options. coterail De-unaivi Red- od cahinet, neuec unea.' ctlinorppai, Cout 88,995 Sdi $5,000, 416- 953-5197 I Bazaar# Satv day, Nouembe 13 Barnm 2 pm Saked gouda, del & oiat table qSi. SiephenusAng ican ChurchK 1480 Steeies Ave hbeiceen W nu ton Chu rhhil- andTafalgar Christmas Candie& Crefi Open Haune Featucing Pattyte Gandins 8 Gandin Hoiders Consultant han quet the husneess and muni tîquidate al îneentory. Mont candin arrannories, nec and Se. çrn Rd e an Flec Cenant j ..,aN OVIMM 120Su1-4 (21Sk Osto ame. So t akwy mOYe 130 Il Admss '2.004L '0FF WITII Av. CIOIJSFU Family Support - Presents... A Starlight Bai! DATE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20 TUME: 7:0OPM - 1:OOAM LOCATION: GRAND CHALET 324 STEELES AVE. TICKETS $40.00 Doi prîzes I oC I' d n g w e k e d , dPs ngetway tor twv ai the W4In a prime fuir seIlIng fthe ncesi Éleckeit rilause eonSort lie14ns Smalth for Tiekeis aS (905> 693-170.5 GARAGE SALE Sait. Nov. 13 e 9AM-2PM 434 Paterson Dr. (Mattamy Hawthorne Village) Lots ai baby items: exersaucer, baby gate, stroller, toys, etc. 2 des/'s plus other household items.

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