I i ere s a Drïgflt sie to winter weather, I suppose Yitu cat' apprecitte the gitid weaîher unies,, yiti have bad iseather. I tttid iy thetiry tii sieorne recentty anîd they said 1 cas nuts hecause they had a fiend who liîed tn Barbadîts anti saîd itey enjtyesi the gttod weaiher ail the lrne. ()i ý tieti nîy nec ttieîry is that l' i ui. Biii. 1 dtn't reaiiy tîînsiiier bail ceather bail hecaiîse I lite siinter. se ntc l'ni ttttatiy con- t tisedl 'llie îîîîy thing i dîtti' lite aboutt c inter is driv- îng in suit tir treeiîîg rain anthle tact ihatitus mîîch nitre ditîct ii jîîg in (lie cttd, Mind yeu. 1 îiîî gît _jogging, but il t îtid, 1 coiiidnit lite the w inter. 1 esen it( tehe hîîîng cîîid becatise tl leels so gititi cheti ytu cime iii and watni yîîîrseil by the tire. Mii yîîî. 1 îlîn*t hase a tîrepiace, whih make tha dfiutbt nît impotssible. 1 bareiy esen uset ine ehen 1 had one, but il looks nîce on tele% isioîî atin the mîîîe s. Anîther thîîîg tue eý inter is great for s, stiing, s îsttîshing dite tue ski bil. the cinet ai vîttr biet. Mind yttii Vse ite\er been skiitig. nes er niintt scitishing. buit tl citsk lite luit. and t used Ioi catch oy titis tIti il. Nois snttcniiiig. that's a dîttereni stiîry. ruitid yîîîî Usve neser dotne bhat etîher. but 1 sai on a snîwmîîbîie ttnce. Aid bite tîn is tee tîshing? Mmnd yîîî. 1 e îîîîiît tnoc becaiise Is e iteser tdone il.1 havetit îtecîîed yeî wheîher 1 thîtît tishing is criieiiy iii animais tir tnîeity te nie. but il ii lîke tishîîîg l'ci cant iii dît t ail year rîtundt. Duc abotut snowslioeing? Mind yîîn, I've neser triid i., and dentl sc the attraction. but that's nît sometihng yoîî caot de in the sîîmmer, e L anti there are people si ho seem te enjoy tl. Crotss-country skttng' What fini. Mind volt, 1 didn' t hink se iii the t'ive minutes that 1 tried il many years agît, Il was a lot et evork and t didn't see the peint. Ail youre doing is going irom one place te another for ne partit ular reason util yeiî're tee tired te go on. But, hey, eue person's fun is another person's misery. ' here's htocke. et cîttrse, but no%%î ,aas tlit gîtes on iii the stimuîlîer. tti Es cii nmtire tii e% iere tue NHL is ciceritedt lii eH svtit the trîtîti. totu l'ni itiuitteriiig u lis i lite e% inter. t giiess the îhîîîg abot\ii iiet s, la is si ani ant i, îey hichi s irotiicitisitieriiig hec ceid tl is Yîîu cati be e anti iii the sîîînîmeî. biit ieie cîîzy. Aîd in the sunîner it s rire ilti s tit be haippy about staying hotrte. But, iii ihetiie titi a ciili c iiiery nîght. there',s nîîiîg better titan stayiig home. -Mle titiier tiîîg is tuai suheu yîîî get a e anti sunny suinter îtay yîîu eîîjîy il thai îîîcliîmorîe. Certainiy nitre thanl a c arn sîîîîîy soîîîme îtay. whîch ce jusi take li- granied. Se, t beieve I've pros et my pinit. Mîtit yttii t torget chat that is. li Italian Restaurant Open Daily for ,71 Lunch & Dinner Tues.-Fn 11:30 -3:00pm & Saturday 5:00 -10:00 Pm Sunday 5:00 -9:00 Pm WNdd4u 276 Main St. (905)878-41711 i N(î -lie qit ,tetial lîîîiîîlî tutti the gitigeulireai bouîse ha, its e-u'uýduing tut îîîîîî,î Vuaittîtisltlie Vî'ilît Slitreid H-t, cuitithuttie, the tîtit îî,ional ta\ otii liihortiad euih the suh- 1l, tut niîe-tti(iitîî. \tiu,tlti Gtl the kids iii liell ut l il andtî diue i l itîgetIietý Wra nul Shortbread: Sitbillet. stitiedt 25i niL 12 u:up unperlîine sugai 125 tii i lsp sanîlia t15 tii 2caps ait purpits tittur 5(K) uîL t /8 îsp sait 0.5 mL i tnp Ciliiornia Walnuîs, chopped 250 imL Icing: 1/2 tnp mater 125 mL 1/4 tnp merngue pocder 50 mL 4-2/3 cups rcing sugar i1150 miL Sbortbread: I uarge bowt, beai butter and sugar untit tluffy. sur iu saniula. Add flenon. sait and wainuîs; sur util blended. Put dough int bail, wrap mn plastic wrap and freeze 30 minutes nr util finit. Once cbîtled, place dnugh beiwccn 2 sheets nf puechnieni paper and rol to l12-inch (t -cm) tiiees. Cut jin dcsircd shapes for bouse (ecd picce should b no longer thon 6 inches n 8 inches [15 cm n 20 cmli. isu www.wulnutinfo.com 10, dowunad and pri flic shortbrcad bouse temptates. Gentty remnove from parebinent puper and place on bakmng sheci. Pat excets doogh itt bull, wrup in plastic wrap and frcezc for lter usc. Balte shapes in rentre of 300'F ( 1l50'C) nvcu 30 minutes or util fin and golden. et cool compleîety befnrc oransfemrng geitly to rackt. Repcai witb remaining bouse shapcs. tciug: lu medim bowt, beut wuter and meringue powdcr 2 min oies or util foamy. Add icîug sugarz lieat 4 more minutes or ountil sery siff peutîs form. K cep covered with damp towe to prevent drymug. Maltes 3 cups. To assemble bouse: Witb pastry hug fit witb desîred iup. use îcnl to securc pmeccs nf bouse tngctucr. Let su ai Icasi 4 hours or uni compltety dry hefore decnraîîug. Dcnratc with Catîfomma Walu baises as roof shîngles. candies. preizels and niber goodies as desîred. Maltes t bouse. Nutty Idea: Mis mnoiber haîcb nf dnugh fnllowîng the Waluut Sbnnibread recipe tn malte walnut cookies or ornamenis. Use an oscrsizcd tookie cutter and tulthe doogb to, mate festise îree orna- menîs. Don't forget te malte a bote in ie a smoig ilirougb. Decorate the cookies witil piomp walut baltes prior in baking. I's tht Fostive gipiffm oIym titid Wii n0,, mi, 50 Market Drive e 905-876-3313 SFor Delivery & Cail Ahead Take Out 416-439-0439 ,iI ak-u t,, Fo rtk-uý ,D iy r. Ssi ,Tem401-i TORONTOi euil1 (05)878966 8MAit N St. E. to .;ul 1 ..& lut