12 rý 7ý(,iidar,n ~a rrr îir av i rr 900 Arts En tertai um en t /Youth theatre group called 'hidden gem' WOSLEATH COT E EER COAT TE CESRE FREE$9 FRONHE $99 FSROM GRE EATHR S NER 18AT -NYA U HARLN SUESTR * NISSSUA eUTSUHO IH A 40 (A I XTO H OTWS ONRO AI AND~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ BRTNI TR Ot OATOS1865501 - - oft -From lefI, St. Paul's Phoenix Youth Theatre Group members Elissa Whitman, Stephen Ground, Julienne Dransfieid, Jui Heinz and Kate L.ongiey prepare for next week's pro- duction of Godepeli. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Hope to gain exposur-e with latrest pr-oduction By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion F or the past five years. hidden behinid the wails of St. Paul*s United Chut-ch, a group of young actors has been putting on yearly productions that the niajority of Miltonians have yet Io sec. Dirrcior Rob Croezen liopes ibis x\i Il bcrihe ium iarcsiiid Near for Si. Paul's Phoenix Youih Theatre -ihe year \v'ieni fic pliblic comes ici know ss ai fice groop is andl geis a liiile lasir 0f ihe liard work ihai's iiisesied year aller year. lits _________________ lime l'ir Miliîin's "Youth theatre is a great bidden gemn io shine outi n the ope . tool toi express themnselves -Yciuh ibeaire is a and build confidence. greai tooiit1i express îblernselves and Anyone who does youth huild confidensce," har nertnswa Mr. Croezen sa,ýid. teteudrtnsw a -Anyînr bo dîirs inm talking about." yîil ibeaiîr uinder- ..................... stands sshai l'ni ROB CROEZE llrrrs ioi brune chiance tii the ciniy ii sec rthe Li-iiip iii actioni Iliaii Io ttn uis iipcriinig Perfrmnicr ofi ('nisprll. USi hi \i il iu iîii Nos rîîubr IX ii 201 ai Si. Paul's îUnirdîl iuaclu, 123 Mainu Si. L. al loii isioryirlliiîg parabîrs anid rsxrellreint i Mi.(iîiri said.I a poss rrlîîl slioiSi . rrgailss of yîîîî rlrs TilPs ilîrh grîLalusý sîiluh prrliiruiaiicr is' iuuade iqi i aboui 15' siadrui agrd 13 iii I9S AlIiOluIngbiiosi aiiriîd Si. Paiil' s Iiiired (hurch r. Ci îreernriiasiircl ibai fic grimnp Iý spe (gIo iiliN irîls in fice rîimniiy, cburrl giiers rc îîîîi Giicsprll wi Il lraîurr miler aciuirs. aid a lis r muisit ian band. This s, ithe second urne the griiap is l'rrliirnsoidsprll. l'lîr frsi \sas in 211((1 and it wcnî îsrr surIl x ilh aiidiriicrs, Mr. Crorien saîd. aidiiig fis' a musiral iliait rail hr riîinrîle hy hiiib yîuîîg rbîldreîî and adiilis. andl IratInIrs plrniy iii cîîîîîrui 11s onie ii liiisr pIayý sliai sIiîkes a chr. lîic hr aidl fis, hîasrx iii the Gospel ofi MaIIhexxý anteills Illr iracbings i irsus, ibiuiuigli cnieriainmrni anid music . Es en il sOIure ni ofi fic Cli sai ilaih. il's enieriainîng.* He nsed words like "filky". nupliliing anid lîgli roîck iii descrihe thr mnsic. Mr. Cruezen -- whîîs hrrn ins is d n ilcinniiniy ancd youib iheaire mach o iii lif -î saicî ifsý rrxsarcîiig iii \&xi group niembers groîx in confîidencer anid ahîliîurs. Many of* lic stn- drnts have hemn niih the grcîup foîr al iiniîhr oilyears iiîîS. "Seriîîg them have more abiliiy Io br cîramaic ibaiî îlîry îhoagbî. or fihai ihey culd sîng xirn suomeoine tuSd ibrîîî ihry culdnit -ihere's someibing magît aI abouti il. There's an umîsiakable sense of- caring in the grhmup. he addrcl -sec GODSPELL on page 13 ADP oell Serie Poessioalfrel nide**a Are you concernai about a lovai ona's gambling? MITO 90 9345 *ATO *L S 958329 GEORGETOWN sYv CINEMASq .W)t235 GUELPH STREET- .73-19»9 *THE INCREDIBLES Daily 6 45 p ný & 9:00 p.m Saîb&Sun. Opu STHE'GRUDGE Sai. &Sui, Opm Nol recu,,,,ned for yonci rhn STEAm AMERICA Daily ((pm.& 9005 n 'POLAR EXPRESS at 0&Smr0p f À Theatre~ Pasrkng Aîvi3oblee R