Do We Stili Remember? In 1991, James Patterson and Peter Kim released a book entitled, Thte Day America Told thte Truth, referencing thse resuits of several independent surveys which reflected some of the prevailing attitudes of current society including: onîy 13% or respondents sec aIl Ten Commandmentv av binding and rele- vant; 91% lie regularly, both at work and in their homes; most workerv admit to goofing off for an average of seven bours, almost one whole day per week; and 50% of the work force admnits tisai they regularly cati in sick when they feel pcrfectly weIl. One parsicular question on the survey stuck in my mind: "Wliat are you wiIl- ing to do for ten million dollars?" The repvonsev were shocking - are you sitting down? 25% vaid that they would abandon their families, 23% would become a prostitute for a week; 7% would murder a stranger! Has our society loat itv understanding of what really matterh? Recently, Hollywood's protrayal of Savietg Private Ryan poignantly urged viewers to ensure that their lives make a difference. It is an unforgettable filin - one tliat will stir your soul and evoke deep emotion within. But it's only a movie! Gitdren Nataille mougge Aslstant/Worstclt Etifther Kesmi?,r tnterirn Youth Cilnton. re 9 a.m. - Early Worshîp Service 9:30 a.rn. - Sunday School for ait ages 10:-45 a.rm. - Second Worship Service ENJO YINVG THE PEA CE 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Night Live TES TIMONIES 0F 1 FREEDOM Supervlsed Nguts.y & Dynomlc Childraîns Programs avallahia ail serviroal CA'IONN PROIDE FO I * AI HAR OF EAI, EVRYSU *A A 1,4 A' Join us for a YOUTH EXPLOSION Three deys - two nights November 12 - November 14 Registration: 549/persan ,. .. s Thse fact is that years ago, in a very real world, brave men and women fought on tise shsores of a distant conti- nent to proteet (lie freedoms tisat our society now possevses. Many valiant soldiers gave tiscir lives tisat we miglit fully live ours! Yet, how often do we tliink upon tiseir sacrifice? We must avk ourvelves vome intro- spective questions! Are our lives reflccting tise values and freedoms tisat tisese soldiera fouglit to preserve? Are mie eateeming our movt lioly faitis? It is a sobet-ing tisouglit is tisat tlie cisurcli is only one generation away from extinction. Are we valuing tise family? Thse dis- tintegration of thse family unit lias creas- ed a Society of people witisout roots. - Divorce is nearly as comanon as mar- niage - families divided - chiîdren are often used as pawns between figliting parents. Are we respecting moral purity? Television, movies, music aIl refleet a canerous promiscuity (bat is eating away at our collective souls. refleet upon love, sacrifice and upon what really matters! Set aside tise time (bis week to thank God for your freedom. Consider the price (bat was paid toi assure your civil liberties. Visit a cemetary, a Legion Hall, a War Memorial or attned a serv- ice at one of thse local cisurclies adver- tised in (lie Religious Directory below. BAHA' I HE GJT<4RSONS CHU RCH 0F F A ITM The Milton Dawn Christadelpian 1412 rtni C R eliStn nL X *a-oeuu warmly invite you to a presentation 905W87O-2939 " Devotional gatherings Sunday November lth Sunday School Classes " Study circles 2:00 pm (God WiIIing> 10:00 arn " Chîldren's classes Hugh Foster Hall Worship & Communion AI/ ii)viifirne Pioiiifoniainims l ! (111i:/ 55 Brown Street 11:00 arn 905-878-2923 (local) Milton Thursday Bible'Study 1-800-433-3284 (Neot to Town Hall) 7:00 pmn www.milton.biblelicoht.ora Minhster Steve Corbeit We welcome you to... ST. AUL' Milton Bible Chuireh 123 Main St. E., Milton / 20 aRin -Çtmt E. ONE CONGREGATION 2 GREAT WORSHIP SERVICES AT 10:30 arn 10:20 AM Coffe & Conversation Fair In Angel Square Sot. Nov 6, 9-3 Artisans, Baking, Kids Shopping, Lunch & mare! Sun. Noir. 7 10:30 ami 11:00l AM Wormhip gervice REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY ChrhShoYuhPrograms & Nursery ai 10.30 C!h ildremn'g pnogreim rin n ing conicu ir-otl y Nov 18-20 7:30 pm 'GODSPE L U Phoenix Youth Th. Nov. 19 Anoual Torkey Supper h & 6.30 pm A NJew Chuich for a Neaw Ceneration! Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofsteller Church office: (905) 878-8895 <PaitnRbohre.a 9 !-7 -S~ wwMiogbpCuc-- 0 -7 -E> 2850 Ooîry Rd. E liiTl O PLKNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PO Box 332, MLO G SPLHALL 170 Main St. E., Multon 0 Miton, an Ontri St4.Y7-39 905-,In 878-5649 306 Onai t *.a8837 905-878-6066 IhidU Fax* 905-876676 "Giiiving In7i'Iuîî'î inile gpv oiiîîf iii o o 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper You re invited to join us for o The Chritanand MissionavidAliance ofaniada 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sohool Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Worship 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service at 10:30 a.m. 1O:30am- Worship Service Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. 9: 15 Yîoîth & Aduli Soiiday Schiiil Clisses "' WrthDyig Fr"Prayer and Bible Study 10: 510 Children' Wiirship & N ursery Galadm. tias oth Jakinber" "Christ Jesus came into A varieiî il-children*, and idlit mosic priigrai Galaians5 PstorJac NinberMidiovvlniall riuiiiiniiries anidsuppoîrt griups Tuesday 6:3Opm Safari (Gr. 6-8) the world to save sinners."p There ti a place for you oi Knox. Came grec' with us! Wednesdlay 7:OOpm Junigle (Gr.9-12) i ioh .5Wheclchair .iccess ai Mary Sctreet entrance. gRAGEwAY'BAPTTHuRGH GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH MILTON Clergy: 317 MainSt. F FT 103 arti Stret - Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hil r' A»FdSi 103 905-878-1629t McDermott 905-878-2411 CHURENtW '-~ Pastor Walter H. tsaak Cahe MakCri Pv-,lî,ill.îî 10:00 arn. - Sunday School 5uridayýij Hugh 1 Foster HaIL 43 Iterown St. Milton 11 :00 arn. - Morning Service yat o sa 90 70a n>,i -Mballi i, 6:00 pr.- Evening Service Services attsat10Jii iiivn FREF BIBLE S(ZHOOI Thursday 1u :00 Sun omuno 10:0 ug Eucharist fcllowed by ' JiJiiiiiii î,ii7 i 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer coféeehor ndlIi i Captain's Crew for Children Thurs. 10:00 Holy Comnnion foIIocwed (ages 6-12) by Tea and Sharingi .Ii "You'II always find a friend at Graceway" ak Wheelchair Accevv Thravgh Parking 11. t..A www.gracechurChMilton.OM im Are we guarding our integrity? It lias Wear a poppy, say a prayer - you will been noted tliat a good name iv wortli lie glad you did! more tisan riclies. yet for many person- aI integrity seems te, lie crisis. Submitted by' Rev. Dan Rogge, Remembrance Day iv a gond day teo Pastor of Milton'a New Life Church