Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Nov 2004, p. 4

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fvhurn lancties 1laiton IQUc iîLon carnpaïgn By KIM ARNOTT Special te, The Champion Mure than tour mnillionî red ribhuons wîill be, lied (;1ilu Calmadiam %sehicles ibis mrinih. a,, proiii i- t le cornnilienl dirivers acruss ihe cuntry are rnaing lu sitaying,,uber hehiîîd the isheel. Tlî,i commniment signais sgnilicani priigress in fic baifle againsi impaired driviiîg -a baffle thai*s inade the terni 'designated driver'as com- nîun as ihe iîld uone l'or the road" expression le 19810, alciîhl was ins lved in about 6(1 per cent of the deaths rie Canadiae lîîghways. Nîîwadays. il's only a factoir iii abouet 37 per cent ofi fatalities. Stili, Andrew Merie, CEO of MADD Canada, helieves there's more thai cars be done. Ai the kick-off for ibis year's MADD Haiton- Peel regpornai Red Rîhbon campaign. Mr. Merle saîd Canada muil change the miles around how mch someone cani drink and stitl drive legaliy. Linder the carrent legîslalion regarding blod- alcoltiil leveis. Mr. Merie said. a 200-pound man caoi drink seven heers on an empty siomach uver atwî hour periiid andi lare only a 12-hur licencre suspension il caeght driving. [le ,aid MADD. ali itig mliinîy Caiiadians, brun e thit louecr bloiid aicihol civelsshuld bie lenlalicî lui- drisers. Mvi. i îîe sii îlî,î the iirgalilaiiii. derliraied Ioi Iolppiiig intpaiîed driving, ivuuld Iso Le ici Photo by RON KUZYK MADO Canada CEO Andrew Murie seys the fight continues againat impeired driving. se drivers age 21 or yodmger be recîiiied tii maiîtalil zero per cent bluud alcuhol les-eh. as paît of giiduated lîceîîcîng. lile niiîed that 18 anîd i yeioniiiev are suttering the s ast mnaturiîx u fdeaths anîdc serlions iiielii aîtîhîîl reliîed coisi sîî. and desrrihed flic mixîture ut' a futlt licece anîd the legal rîglît tii driînk as -a lettial cuitbinii. Fiiially, Mr. Muî le addect. MADD îî .nts to se moîîre ctne abut the îîrîbleîî i ofesspcided dri ers wi ii duii sliiii ccp fir ietîiabiljiatiii pro- granîs andiu offteî sîîîîply di se îî itîniuîl a s alid rience anîd insuî.ince. Aiî Onitario u îd ut dIr ieii \ho lui ilîcîr licences sespeîided tur iîîîpaiîed irn uplic filai uily 501 per cent ofi t it st-lune utleîîiel siiere enrcîllîng le the pi ugrallîs ilîey iîeened lu liaie tlîeîr l icenlces celuited. Siîîîlarv. abut 28,l(i) dr crs, ire euiieîil eligible tii drive il they îîîsîîll ua il aihuil iter- lc lerlîîîiihiiY n ildiru- eicle. bel unixy 2,1)1)1 dru\ ers are eerreiilly uii5iii if. Gary Cruiiell -depîity chiel oii the Haioii Reginal Polîce -tcîid Tîiesdav noiung's Red Rîhbon campaigu laench-guers tilai hes, coli- cemed about the pruliferaîluri od aicnîhul ii suri- ety. as wcii as flic glussy advenising campaîgos thai encourage the cuncept oîf drinking lu have fnn. Depuiy Chief Crumeli also expressed cîîncem about the message the lederal goverement rnay be sendîng to yoang peuple wîîh ils plans tu decrimînalîze possession ut' smatl amounîs ut marijuana. "While alcohol is rertaînty conînibutîng lu the dealhs on our roads. iii are dregs. ici let's 11111 turget that." lie saîd. M iltoîn Maviir Goiri Kraîîtz s,îic tuai lie believes MAD3D tî,s beeii cîaite sîees ii itli eduratiiii îîl y îîîîîg peuple. "People troi i îy eii i liili'i îliîk sic cie as respîîîsîble as flic ,îeîg peopîlc of tucty .- lie sa i c TH COPOATO OF*,- Ml www milieu ea I F NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING PROPOSED BUSINESS LICENSING BV-LAW As required by the Municipal Act, 2001, the Town of Milton will hold a public meeting to outlîne and receive input on the proposed business licensing by-law on Monday, November 15, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall. IThe Town proposes to license the following b usinesses: " Personat service businesses inctuding acupuncture, hair cutting, manicure and nait treatments, etectrolysis, aesthetics, tattooing and micro-pigmentation, body piercing, and ear piercing " Pewnbrokers " Transient tralers including day sales, seasonal sales, door to, door sales, antique/cottectible shows, craft shows, manufacturing shows, and fies " Commrial refreshment vehicles including catering trucks, ice cream trucksi and bikes, yoghurt and juice carIs, hot dog carts and chip trucksp " Auctioneers * Salvage yardst " Second hand dealers " Food sales " Kennels The draft by-luw is avaitable on line at, or aI the Clerk's Office, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton. If you have uny questions please contact Selena Campbell, Licensing Administrator, ait 878-7252 est. 2133. NOTICE 0F SURPLUS LAND Notice is hereby gîven that the Counct of the Corporation of the Town of Milton intends 10 declare the western portion of 147 Mary Street as surplus 10 the Towns needs. for the purpose of consolidation of the Town's holdings on 147 Mary Street, 'and 10 ctarify acceas rights on this property. This notice is provided pursuant to Section 268(3) of The Municipal Act, 2001, S.0. 2001, c. 25, as amended, and In eccordance wlth Town rof Milton Property Disposait By-law No. 34-95. Furtlw Information wMl restpect to dmhe foremientloned Notice mIay b. obteln.d from the D.puty CWeK, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Miltion, Ontario (905) 578-7252, extension 2109. Dated ai the Town otf Milton this 5th day otf November 2004. Troy McHarg, Town Clark Town of Milton SAVE THE GST or O DOWN, 0 INTERESI & O PAYMENTS FOR 1IYEAR!* lbere's nothing this sale can't do!* tetrouacing the La-Z Bey Fuaitare Gatheniea$988 "Saper Sate"! Famoas La-Z-Boy' sofas, rectieer, tram ~9~ hume Cheatre. occaeiooat chairs, beelrooma, îlinieg - rouai, collée tables, lampsand mure -att ut uohetieeahty tus priee! With an amazieg "triple zero' tenance offer, Chie saît is savieg tht day Stop by La-Z-Bey Fureiture Gatleries today. But hurty! Bteas white Chia "Saper Sale" cas do a namber of astuonihieg Chings -i canC taut hurever. înam $ 998 98 Ruerlitu.r $99V* 0 igh Leg $49898* Recliner ueâmner $79998- SMOKING whal's the, point? Someday, you'Il bt sffered a cigarette sr bt templed la smske. Before gos stant. think about tl eaery drag yau take screws Up vain body. Smoking van cause permanenti damage ta pour body. Once a persan staris, il hecames extrennely isagh ta quit. And did we mention ail Ihal cash yuu'l be bluwîng in tht process? Su, if yuu're lempted lui tart, ask yoursef, ",Whal's the point?" This mesage brseeht lu oe by: Qtabianl cbampiwn

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