Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Nov 2004, p. 25

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C'F, i- om- 1-25 Gêerai Heip Generai Heip Gênerai Houp Laura Secord, Canada's premier chocolatier has immediate employment opportunities for STeam Leader Part time sale associates (5-manth position) vie are seekinq tlexie team uriented iidîviduain witn a positive attitude te drive sales, ensure cistomnen satisfaction, nechndise and nepienish stock, and handie csu in a fast-paced retaîl enferoment Candidates must have the tiexalbilily te work a variety of shitts Previoos retaiý epenience is an asset but Pot essential, training s prvvided Please tax or e-mail youn nesume te lt (416) 264-6011 ni e-mail 40e thane all appîîuants, haceven, îrly tiose te ne intervîeaed will be contai ten PRODUCTION WORKERS $1a4 11iSartiiiePay (ai 3m-noi $15O69and 6 Tnth $16 M + n o8eSia pîxmîvm n -ur vo red eu 00 eu, - v800am + 1 us Wexkxnd pne l nür worken vele e 8/e C0p ovea e r2 nOpe Snayi + Pao Ceoidays ac atieons + Goup ineviance +~ Prescripioun Orug Plan Dental Plan + RRSP/PENSION z$$$$s Guardian Pîbeiglasa, Inu a ixading manufacturer ni nesîdential tibergiass insu- letier, iv seekîng pnoaucion wvîkers. For mone infonmativn nxgandîng Guandian Fibengiass, axe oui webante ai appie in pxnsvn on mail even application iv: Gvandian Fibergixes, ire. 300 Main Street (oyants Reai 124) Enin, Ontania NOB 1TO OR E-mail pavi resvne ta: OR Cati tnt an applicaion: OR Fax ynsi resume tai Guadiaîî Fibe,7Ce 51 9-833-9645 519-833-97409 _______ vs, Onu., is an Equa Oppartunity Employer CANADIAN TIRE Reqaîres Fut/Part-tîme empiepees AUTO SERVICE ADVISOR AUTO TECHNICIAN Lvvkivg fot great attitude, initiative and piabteno saivivg skitis Ca be part ai aur tear Sabmit yaur resumne ta: Attention Dealer, 70 Plains Rd Wst Burtingon 41F/5 47_2e 7P nFFA F/T & P/T PERMANENT POSITIONS Day Shift, Nighf Shits & Afternaaa Shtfts * F/T & P/T Bakerl t se ri " P/T Supervisor, ýir s !1 We aller aneve iser/gu ans iree senelire a/lel t yeai weekeird aînd nghi nhiet premîlme, paidbinîng tree ani tonne, inuentiue progiave, tree tood and staff discuiini A9ply lu ponton: 5%61 Itarnoator Rd. (At Applet Linol helbglan, TOI., 905-681-1841 Kap> BURLINGTON TOYOTA ICustomer and team foçatfd indiidall I required foi out growing dealetship To lin awining eam ax esum ofcal! G EORG E CAlE Fax: 905-335-4048 0 Toi: 905-335-0223 Generai keWp Genera "ep DRIVERS STILL NEEDED Free Training SuCent Bus Orîven's Wanten Call 905-877-4448 1 vadiei an vocal npportnine Cyovi BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH OPEN 7 DAYS 24 HRS mx ncexO n ana evu lv nan wnrk force, Wevnx enu are inniiîng for fll limne emninemeni, part lime lnvvrs, or a rewardiîeg caree. please appie in per- son al 40 Chîshvim Di (no pCone exils pleasel. Comnpany pays 50% of grnep inscrance ates pro- baion peon tanîing base wage is na0/es. Ynvî abiiy lv, prondace in a lest pane ai n envimnnment wiii resuil in an average waae vif 1000-16.0e/On. Cvme in and sex il we cen create a wxîk schedale Chat wonks fnn yox. CUSTOM MADE ALUMINUM Requirea wîedaw a/ding insalaler as soan a0 possible. Espenience requîred Cf poasible. Pteaae call: 905-331-9333 or Fax resarne tel 905-331-9334 RAMADA INN THE FOLLOWING POSIONS ARE APACLABLE: *Fuit lime/Part lime Hoaselneeping .Part Time Night Auditor Must de abie to wnor ecrcnds Appiy in pelsun i I an (905) 878-9701 Mature pencoe e e d feoe e eng eýh euy comm rca c ea n in Mitn3-eas ek PANl I-I1IME POSITION Axaiabie fat responsîbie indîxîda with an interest in ilvess Must 0e flexible regarai warking nevîs. Semetîmes requmed iv, xpen gym at eAM. Cati for more Information: 905-878-8702 We are here to help, you target yoear job search. /Cleaners /Shîpper Receivers /Distribution /General Labourers $Liçhit Assembty 1Forklift /Office/Adminrtration ""i.. K an i /5-t iw.ittingneup cern OQ OPENINIE Exele t tneron Sevnetilare uie (95 689-4631 equre Ganterai H-el Generai Help Full time Position Jr. Data Eniry Cierk PleasanC pernonaiCy, flenible houms, fant paced environmenC Please fax résumne 80 Connie @ 905-875-2910 KIDS»! IlS KIDS --Ages 2-t-- Wanied Con TV & Movie Jobs! No FFeent Men,/Women 16-65 pro. Needed for snme! No extrais. P arents cati: (416)221.3829 TRUESTAR FOR WOMEN Nutrition, Fitness and Total Health Company Is iookîng Cor quaiiied personnel who wanC Ca work in an ennirofomeni Chat Cmuip improxes the unves oC oihera. Part-Cime tC Career opporianities. Cail: 905-864-6644 NIGHT SHIFT Peîsnn Io ealk with, ana supervise e smai shif in a vase Wooa nenp. Sorne hevvy lining Besic ennaenrkng requiren Must eisv be nîgenînen ana saieC consconv Aeela in pxrson eath îesvmx ana eane especiatino 12 Armstrong Avenue, Unit B ALSO 090 AND NIGI4T SHIFT AOAîLABLE KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! Wanted for TV & Manie Jobs! No 7Fees! Men/Women 16-65 yrs. Neddfor same! No extras, Prnsci:(416)221-3829 EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISIS oaa wîii Se respansibie Car candvcCîng ancatînnai ansesaments Car individvais wîth banniers ta empinyment in aIder ta determine appraprieCe empinyment goals. Yaa have a past-secandany edacatian iv a relevant discipline wîth et least 2 yeara esperiesce in vacatînnai aasessmenta & warkîng dînectly wîCh persana wîth empia- ment barriers as weit as eaceiient comaputer skiiis, a car & valid driver's license. Pitase tend remume by Nuvember 12th ta: Kathy Bailey Directar. 4051 New Street, Burlingtan, ON 171 1Sf Fax 905-634-1716 E-mal Whu/ena/e DistributionoComnpanydOW HfIRIG The Canadian PICKERSI CEKR Wages $8O$9 do/lais per hi Fit Mon -Fri Champio sain Ie comptete Canante nf ifting on Ioin beo AZ DRIVERS 1Christmas Fnosri l /o nda îte O/d iebeery aiea Pave S ni/fl/s Bueuun Plaeapi n panuna with eaume lao: BueuFn 222 Soh e rvice Rd. W., Qakville for i ~4tact-~oPPORTUNITY background an asaxi, mîth a tîîendtp ssinnet service appînach. abitityti i meen C/ghi deantînes and annk îndependenty withîn a tast-paced enaîrnmanit Auaiabie Ca wark eaniy mrnnng, 5:00 arn. eaevîvg and week-end shits. Appiy in person fa Dandas/403 Locat ion or Fax: 905-607-08 bat are Navember 7204. $$ EARN EXTRA MONEY $$ Deliver the New Superpages/ Telus Diroctories Men & Wamen t8 yeaîs and aiden mite însvned vehictes are needed ve deir in Hamilton and sunnandîng aneas. vie aie aisa taakîng tot office cietks & loaders, Detîcena starts about NovemSet 1l Wank a minimum nt 4 daa- tight banie pet Oayand get paid wîthîn 48 Sonne apan enccesatot completîva vinanute Coli 1-800-979-7978 balwean the hoars of 9:OOAM tai 5:30PM Mas-Fni. Rater loi Job #90410-B1 I fl; baivaton The Canadian Champion office is now accepting donations at 191 MAIN ST., MILTON Geinerai l-eip Gênei Help MONTHLY PROFIT $800-$1000 PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE Brlnington Eaniy mornn dont tai dont deineun ot the Hamilton Spmactaton & Tornnto Star Must Have a Reliable Vehîcie CALL N0W! 905-639-7700 Lyngar nc - New Management HMRSTYLIST Chair Cor rent in estabished haîrnaion, person with ciienieie preterred. Lr Cait Marg @ 905-875-2223 rstablished Salon in Milton Iooý ing ta rent space ta Hairstylist & Nail Technlcian. Pkease coll for more informationi @ 905-299-0510 c sis 8kff eM ..... 1 ------------ TRANSMISSION RE & RE PERSON WANTED FULIL-TINIE, M(-)NI).tY-1ýRII)AY EXPERIENCI. RF.(ýIIIRI'D Mli lof PLEASE CALL 905-878-8156 L -------------- _ --------------------------- MECHANICAL ENGINEER Reguireci Con fast growîng Company in Milton wîth utS emplapees. MosC have praven knowivdge and experience le injection mavling FVC erCdirng, roil Carmina and Se handn an. Enperîernce la monteS design ana laanching xew pradacts an enset. Contact Paula ef Elton Manufacturtng 359 Wheetabrator Way Milton ilT 3C1 or fax (905) 878-9211 CIL BURNER TECHNICN a Requîîed tan HVAC irstallatiors in Peel and Haitar His. Fax resarne Ca: 905-877-5262 fulltme GROOM. jOn Morse Farm Monday to Frtday Caii Peter ai 90-87O545 rNaiolCmpavnokig1 ICARPENTER & REMODELLER POSITION Musahve 1yea ftracte exei ne an eliabie vehiîu/e su auo art( ivf 50(j 'O jpoyees w~e Inn Ou Biigo eu Mai /loto e oif PIT SEAMlSTRESS neatter & repar i aîmeets. operate sewing machines Cana sewîng an0 cusiorner service Muai be able te wonO tien Coure incieding Svnday or @mail : i CLASS "AI AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN reqaîred by Hamilton Fard Dealer. Muat be a Ceam piayer, energetic and castomer aervice oriented. To join eer team cat Bevan McLelland: 905-388-6396. Fax résumne: 905-388-9923 E-mail: 1 suw Heip

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