a- à à à MUWRD àf jora In our 37 year history as your "One Stop Ford Dealership we would like to introduce you toi Brian Goodwin. Brian has been apart ot our Sales Teann for 12 years, and is a film believer in our slogan... "A Tradition of Value and Trust". His hobbies include various sports and is the team captain for the CIBC Run for the Cure. Please come in and mest Brian and see whai he has Io ofier! BRIWS PICK OF THE WEEKI11111111111111 1 ose N13CURY SABLE LS Moonroof. leather mi 6-disc CD changer, 3 OL V6. DOHC, chrome wheeis & nitich more' Non smoker. one owner Offly 106>000 kms loaitaculate condition Stk#S5062A A MUST SER iProblems with Credit? Bad Credi - No Credif Need a vehîcle? lie can helpl We problemuis Gel fieancedwith the besi poss ie rates!! C UALUMNUER FORD LINCOLN t -Discharged Bankrupt heip good people with credif il Jel Oremn 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON >-- www.Uallingorford.com iof Datem e - from DATELINE on page 16 Centre. 917 Nipissing Rd.. from 1:3010o 3:30 p.m. For more infor- mation. cati (905) 825-6000, est. 7299. Miltotn Distnict Hospital holds a breastleeding clinic with a certi- fied lactation consultant f rom 9:30îto 11:301 a.m. For more infor- malieorîtOCf make an appoint. ment, rail Jean Galles ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. St. Jobn Ambulance meels lrom 7 to () p.m. ai the communi- ty centre in Norval. New voles. teers are weicome. For furiher information about the organîza- lion, cati (905) 877-7658. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensiblyl meets ai 6:15 pirn, ai the Milton Seniors' Actîvîty Centre. 50f) Chîids Dr. This is a nos-profit. non-commeicial sveight-ioss support grohip ihai pros ides motivation. -apport and friendship. A mininmal charge applies. For further information about the group. cati Nancy Nowak af (905) 878 4(125 or visit wwvw.tops.org. Tise Halton/Nortb Peel Naturalist Club invites the pub- lic f0, hear Jitl Dwyer speak about tse,t-aiton Naturaf Area Inventory Projeef at 7:3)1 p.m. ai Centennial Middle School. 233 Deirex Blvd. in Georgetown. Weilspring Halion-Peel. a sup- port neîwork for cancer patients and their famîlies. hoids ifs drop- in Ovarian Cancer Support Group from 1(1:30 a.m. f0 noon at 2545 Sistb Lise iii Oakviiie. tî also hotds ils drop-în Caregiver Conneciion group fromt 7 to 8:301 p.m. and drop-în genile yoga from 1:30 f0 3 p.m. For fu r information about the programs, rail (9015) 257-1988. The Milton Seniors' Actîvîiy Centre. 5(10 Chîlds Dr.,- hoids a Remembrance Day Service fea- turing ifs Kîtchen Band ai 9:15 a.m. with sing-aiong war lunes. Reserve a spot today by caling (9(05) 875-1681. If aiso holds intermediate hune dancing i 7 p.m. The costi s $3.51 for mets- bers and $5.51 for nots-members. And ifs Downsizers Weigbt Loss Club is field ai 10I am. The cost is $2 for nietobers anîd $4 fuir soit members. Foi iutîrher information about the ci rnis. cati (9(05) 875- 1681. Wednesday Nov, go The Peel North branch of the Reiired Women Teacbers oif Ontario meets ai 10:3(0 a.m. ai the Credif Valley Golf and Coîuntry Club. 2511 f)ld Carniage Rd.. in Mississauga. Foir nore information, cati Karts ai 19(15) 796-2146. A bridge club sponsored by the Close and Over Sîsty Club meef s al St. John's Church in Nassagaweya on Guelph Lisie t'rom 1 to 4:30 p.m. Il costs $2 each. Ebenezer United Ciiurch hoids a book study on 'Tbe Jesus 1 Neyer KneW by Phîtîp Yancey trom 7:30 te0 9 p.m. For more information about the eveni. cati Mark Rutiedge ai (905) 854-2423 or (519) 956-73(03 or e-mail mark.ruîiedge@sympatico.ca. The Womien's Centre. 2t0-1S5 Rebecca St.. in Oakvitte boids lis Abuse Support Group from 6 f0 8 p.m. To register or for more iniformration. cati (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Actis ity Centre. 500 Chîlds Dr.. hîîids ils Evening Euchre Party ai T31) p.m. The cosi i. $2.501 Il hiulds contract bridge ai 9:30 a.m. The costi s $2 for members atnd $4 tor- nîts-members. lis Hot Luncb prugram takses place from 1l:30) ans. to 12:45 p.m. The costi s $6. which incloides saladi. an entrée. dessert and a beverage. Reserve ai the receptîtîs desk tir by ralling (905) 875-168f by Monday. lis evening clogging takes place ai 6:45 p.m. (or beginners and 7:45 for intermectiat e cloggers. The cos i s $3.51 (tir inembers and $5.51 for non-members. For fur- the inionsiaio about any tri these art ivîlies. cati (90(5) 875-168 1. chapio Q OUR AD VER TISING E MIH Mackenzie- MACKENZIE IS THE CARRIER 0F THE MONTH FOR OCTOBER. Mackenzie received a Subway kids pack, t-shirt & water bottle from District Rep., Sandy Coles. He is part of our SYLC Collection program. Mackenzie is saving his points for a PS2 or a trampoline. Mackenzie is in grade 5 at Holy Rosary School and plays Rep Soccer. Great job Mackenzie! if you would like ta become a Canadian Champion Carrier and start earning points towards great prizes, Cai us at 905-878-5947. Cherish 5 NURSERY SCHOOL 9b. *917 Nipissing Rd., Milton (At Thompson) For chîldren 2 1/2 (toilet trained) to, 5 years 1 hlrnper ciass with 2 experienCed, *Morning and Afternoon options ProjeCt based, cbild initiated criuu *Focus on developing social *skills, Creative arts, drama, science & discovery, music Field trips Fees Choose a to or tbree morning program 1 2 day program $1lO0./montb 3 day program $135./montb "As children develop, they are not ..learning to draw, Iearning to paint, learning to sculpt, learning to build. They are ... drawing to Iearn, painting f0 Iearn, sculpting to Iearn, building to Iearn." s e FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 905-875-0612 A progrom of Milton Community Resource Confie. Lcensed by tihe Ministry of * ChilOres and Youth Services