Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Nov 2004, p. 13

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pi 'û y>Lutig ien wer e ýa team I.l' N ASI Oiak Tel; Fa Wr. infli gram dcli împ ici fres ahe Ca. Co. Coli Tel col Set cor: Ani Br; Cai [E Fir Ha M kts et t rom SECOND on page 1 'tbcim I rcspectc une-t about tIrn bad noiirg te do ý itb their atbleiictsm." Mr. Henildcroi sard. "lis t ibaibey iespcied cseryorie ssi tbe saine lesel. wbeiber ihey ocre plrvsically rieedV. emotinally necdyI ho he % bomaituie ibey ocere as lac as set- ring o bat lite's ail about. Hrirr Maynand, blicliael',s failier . ad tiis \oceeribas becîr a "double lira y for many Mrlîentans. -l Cenîrîni ask fosr a berrer son." lie said. "He oýas special." Stafa aic Irbspi rît Lonrdorn sard ihey'il ireser seeti airyone rce ere se mach love andI respect treiri trtends, Mc. Maynard added. Frtends oii Mc. Maynard and Mc. Brns ocre collecing phooes f the pair yesterday te prît togeiher a collage. Ryan Eacrcîî. 23. sard bc'd knom Mr. Mayrird sînce kitider- parers. Flc cemmeiried on bis abrliiy to put eveiyone in a gond mood. Il'yîsa ever îrcssed bror ru the hall. yon'd ceave wib a smle'- Mc. Eacreii sait -He's ni a ieagh pUy, be's a ssseetieart. bru be's sîrîl sirring." Adam Scîsi, 23, who mas clisse wih brrih young men, sard be didn'i bave al single bad memnory rît eiber of ibem. Mr. Maynard and Mc. Brns were a leam., be arîderl. "Il'rlrey were ati a parly. everyrine would sit down and match tlie imîs et'theer." Krrsiy Gisedearle, 23, sard Mc. Maynard's dreate oas te open bis issn urban clrsing sîtore is Milîron. Fosnd memeries ciren't iii short sapply. she sard. -We riserl ris et logetber ailter srrpper aind jasi bcmg oui on my front porch wrîh music playrrrg." Mc. Brns muiveri ciwcy tir Dundas in grade 10. Hîs brother 29- yeac-oid Craig, explarned ihai Dring lid stadieui ai Humber Crîllege le ieach drsabled stridents. "He rince sajd he irîveri ihem (bis studenîs) because ihere wece ne masks, ne fronts -yrsu could see their seuls." Ccaig sard, explainrng Deug then decided te broaden bis horizons and enrrlled in ci police feundations course ai Humilion's Mohawk College. Doug's def'ining teature was the way he caced about orbers, Ccaîg said. "Douglas had an innate qualiîy te sec people's seuls," he sard. "His lciends called him Dr. Phil. Ai any moment you'd catch him with bis ami acound semeone, helping them." Dotrg's hand rn helping rîthers extended beyond bis living yeacs. with the donation of bis organs. Hîs heari and two kidncys ment te three people. "We calied hrm a git fcom God. He mas the baby of tire fami - ly," Craîg said, adding Doug's also being missed by bis oldesi brother, 3 1 -year-old Brad. Milionian Betti Robert, whese son was a close friend et Mc. Brns, sard she sîrîl bas petîcil marks on hec wall fcom when ber son and Mc. Bums ecre kîrîs arnd worîld measure cind coîmpare iheir beiphîs. "Tue lcîst time i scss Isusi, lire hcrr grcswn -he scas big, il ni big- ger ihmn bis brsîbecs.." sIre scîrd rit Mc. Burns, c.rding poignanily, The Canadian Champion Friday, November 5. 2004-13 1D, Proess r . eCnieta Coell erie Are yGu concernsd about a Iovsd ans gambling? "No one kness hoov hig Dongie sscsuld reallv prow." Mr. Bumrs' fnneral % ill he held iomorrow ai 11 a.m. ci Grdce Anglican (Juih 317 Main Si. The visitation continues iodcîs ai the MeKersie Kocher ['aneraI Home. 114 Main Si.. tcrnm 2 Io 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.mý Visitation for Mr. Maynard scili take place ai McKersie-Kecher l'ineral Home Snnday irons 2 to 4 pri and 7 te 9) p.ti. A luieraI mass mill tise place Monday ai 1l ai Holy Rosary Cîrurcli. 139 Martin Si. Crematton sstll folloss. Ssî'plaic ue ssensrs <i l ' sonea lie sniflss ai-rird We believe...e in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. Is pleased to announce the appointment of.. Judith E. Finn 15; Director of Technical Services Judith joins the centre vithll decaden of experience in the field of elecîrolynin, cosmeîic and laner treatmenîs. Judith han been recognized in bier field provincially, nationaliy and internaîionally and has subsiantiated and pubiished journal artices tbcough the Mayo Healih Chonie. Judith is passionate about the induniry and nirives t0 work wiîh physiciann and educators tu provide training and treat- ment for a more healîh oriented beauiy indusîry. She looka forwacd to workîng wih our clieniele t0 regain a more positive appreciation of iheie appearanees. GARDENS RElIREMENTf RESIDENCE Enîoy un independent fie style Where assisieti living is always an option NOW OPEN Alfordable ail inclusive cales Studio style suites ftrom $2,100.00 per montb One bedroom suites trom $3,200.00 per month Two bedcoomn suites trom $3,600.00 per moni CalI for your personal tour 905-693-8592 45 Martîn St. Milton MUE NMondai - Friday * Pet Food & Supplies MITO 8-6pm . Clothing, Footwvear Country De pot Nat B-n BdS ___Lawvn & Garden 28 Bronte St. N. GfarSpes 905-878-2391 Propane 3J Equine Supplies MITO 90 .63-25 -ATN.HLS958329

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