iny tîm more than daycare, says operator Vue' resrrourprirsed. Vue aire.ndy have 75 lanoilie. registered and we jest opjened in Juiy,- said director Hleatiter Baner. The official ribbon cnttùng ceremony was held September 30. The f«acility is located at 3037 Der-ry Rd. W.. across from Milton District Hospitat. -Its a great location -very picteresque," Ms Bauer said. The tacility is Iicenced for 132 kids and will accept babies as young a.s six weeks np to school-aged children. Tiny Tirn is no ordinary daycare, Ms Bauer said. It offers a French prograen for children who will be enrolling in French Immersion prograîns in school, and also otters a speech and Ian- guage program. "A French teacher cornes in and offers a fabulons program,' Ms Bauer saîd. Tiny Tim teamsunp with the Halton Speech and Language Centre fror the speech and language program., whîch con help detect speecho delays early. Another of its differences is the eîotphasrs it places on the erttire tanoily. rather than jnst the' clrild. Ms Baner sard. -We're moore titan eust a daycre. We care about the rteeds (if the su ote t"inity." Ms Barrer sard. addrng. -We don*t searrt t trr be a riace n icr e ptarerrts just (trop-nil and pick np (their krds). So. onrce each itirerr Tirty Tint bas a specrai eveitt l'or tarrilies. And ri rrder tu, keep parental inoput foirng. the iacility bas a ptarent advisory board. The firsî Tiny Tîm Deveiopmentai Schrrol rtpened in 1974. There are now locations in Branmpton and Georgetown in additton to Milton. "My mother started it," Ms Baner said. "1 grew np with il." SCANADA W Iii i h worneêî wïII develo Watch for and WIN B REAS2F a reai change of i CA N CE R air today TCF Thnenrsk inrouses th agit The Ontari Brenst Streea a P..g.nt T prvdes brns exniat n Eniter our corttest A ..50 y*ors of ngn rovr today and Say AIl moite y.. .ppoinrnnt l.adsy.1 ooI gobe toindoor 44air poilution ailo Frt.-f....M a -1:year long! N 1 -800-668 -9 304 Bw he eith Pubicatinn YOD don't want tn missi Look inside for yoe chance te wint FaPtel flO 8 vo lANCES >WIN FEMAR t EXCHANGERI enumeennoiio.e.HEPA THE IIELTH SOLUTION HEPA 3000 Air ExcuguulHom t covwyi HEM Ftrain Say goodbye t. anale plu.lmkmoorM The Wanmar HEPA 3000 renes yaur stoin indaur etmntsecu uair with tesh Outdo arty dg h e seasens, fites miceo u ncep ic p o tan ts and particles, and preheats you fresh ontdner ai 'c re an - hroughout yen home. Ffi1l in this contest coupon for your chance to win! Mat yar oeqmo ta.r Metkwr, coRamt sailes 0e»-w A«eea et Playng INSTANT KENO just got a whale lot better. * Better adds af 1:3.56* * Win up ta $50,000 * Win Up ta five times Yau've anly gat a short time ta play, so drap by yaur nearest Lattery*Retailer. Pick up your bonus today - only $3. 00 Know your limit, play within jE! * I