/Spaces left for parenting conference -0 By STEPHANIE THIESSEN IJI~ The Champion Chli5~ ,,1Unfortunately, kids don't corne with instruction manuals. Parents must do their best wtth the resources they have. Recognizing that, lte North Halton Ontario Early Years Centre will presenit a conférence tomnorrow designed for parents of chul- dren up to six years nid. S A V E Il will mun fromn 8:30 arn. to 1:30 p.m. at the Ontario Early Years ý1tsaoedyseminar filled with ail sorts of parenting infor- mation," said organizer Kate Williamson. "Parents have the most important job, but Ihere's no formaI training. This is a way 10 help (Il... .'L '~ tbemt with teir jobs." M~32'<N i L S.#2o, :»M The keynote speaker will be Peggy Graîl, who wiIl discuss 'Parenting on the Same Page'. i.ii 810403"l'in going t a lk about tbe challenges modemn young parents have blending their two perspectives from their tamilies of oni- WOODBHE SAUDAOCER 3 T :2RPM WITH $ MILLIN IN rS. Hwy. 427 & edl1\1 1165RC 1WobnEnelimetcr gin," Ms Graîl said. She explained thal each parent comes with different ideas of how a family should work and how childeen should behave. It lakes some work 10 merge the perspectives. "Il's about bow to work as a team in parenling kids,' she satd. Other toptcs that will be covered include siblings childcare options, develaping literacy skills, and nutrition tips for picky eaters. Ms Williamnson said 50 per cent of the registrants are dads. "Dads are taking a more active raie in parenting. Chtldren need a father ta look up ta:' she satd. Specifîcally for dads will be a workshop entitled 'The Footprnls of Falherhood' by Bnian Russell. It wiII address how dads can cre- aie fooîprnîs in which their cbildren cao follow. Ms Williatnson said. The workshop on childcare options will feature a pianel that will give parents four different childcare options. "One af the hardesi things ta do (when a parent returns ta work) is gel appropiate childcare," Ms Williamson espiaitird. lncluded in the panel will be a representaîtve fram the Halton Childcare Regtstry and a local cbîldcare centre. Ta register for the canferenîce or for more informatton, caîl (905) 876-1244, est. 13. .St'pltwts Tltie'sset can hi' re'c/td al .siltîcsseiit«antthoîtiaa& anrItanspion.coni. Wy e believe... in helpinge Anyone. Anywhere, s Here's your opportunity to Save 1live-S. Milton Blood Donor Clinic October 23 Milton District High School 396 Williams Street 9am - lpm Cal 1 888 2 DONATE for more information or to book an appointment. bloodiservices.ca PLEASE GIVE 10888332153433