4-Tk,. 0ýýradiar C5h.impon Tuesdav Octoher 12 2004 i4oman who det rauded employer ordered to stay home except to work By STEPHANIE THIESSEN Thse Champion A 48-yeae-old Milton woman convictrd of defrauding her former employer of almost $100,000 will spend the next 15 months at home except ta work. Judge Rtchard LeDcessay delivered the sentence last Tuesday at Ontario Court of Justice in Oakville. Ifs a serions fraud tn terms of the amounit and ttfs a serions offence bt-cause uts what's referred ta as a breach of trust.' Judge LeDressay said. ThMat situation must be taken into con- sideration. On the other hand, Vve taken inta, consideration your guilty plea. That indicates you've accepted responsibility and shown somne remarse." He also said he kept in minc that she had no priar criminal record. Cathy Sboebridge was charged in April of last year with cammitting fraud from 2000 ta 2002 wbile empîoyed by Blue Beacon. Ms Shoebridge was charged with additional traud coures two months later relating to the same complaint. ln total. the charges she taced were: two counts each of forgery. fraud over $5,000 and nttertng forged documents. She pleaded guilty 10 the charges. Ms Shoebridge was earlier in the case ordered t0 pay back $87.000 in retrtbution ta Blue Beacon. which she did through the sale of her house, Judge LeDressay said. ln addition ta the I 5-month conditional sentence and two yeacs'prohation imposed last Tuesday, she was also given 150 hours of communtty service. Moments before the sentencing. Ms Shoebridge told court she was so-ty for the trouble she had caused Blue Beacon. 1I was wrong if handling the financial situation in the way 1 chose," she said, adding she's embarrassed by what she did. "I hope ta forgive myself someday." Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. ,Milton m .an wins $250,000 Lottery luck bas struck Milton again, tbts ta my wtfe, Now you cau have the whole ttme for 63-year-aid Bnian Chambers wbo pay t-btque ta yourself. ' claimed $250,000 from tht- October I Mr. Chambers is a driver for a printing Encore deaw. company. He and his wife, Ana, have two "Tbings have bt-en tigbt financially for aduît cbildren and five graudchildren. He me and my wife," he said when pickiug up plans ta pay bis bills witb bis windfall and his prize at tht- Ontario Lottery and enjoy a debt-free life. Gaming Corporation's Toronto office. The winning ticket was purcbast-d at "When 1 found ont I won the lottt-ry, I said Dominion on Derry Road if Mississanga.