Tho Cunudias Champion. Toosdup, Oclobor 12, 2004-31 professuonals can answer, please write to: "Aok The Profesoionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 in a or Fax to: 878-4943 I Curpolt Vinyl Coramics * H-lrdwuod *Paint *Wullconeringu Showrnout RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geenline Henkefle 845 Mainit. S.L Mille 378-4280 lu tbe pasî we hase tslked shoot utout floor*lgu; Iaminae, utood tile etc. We ail tond to waut ochat uto tee in glossy mogainses or boar about wbtch is fiue. Houtouer it tt sot jut tbe product to cousîder bat the application alto, so ho willisp to diuiersify. For instance cltck lautîsato is a bot itout but renenhor, il roqaîres a good lovel surface. So if yooe roonn tu like a ski slope, thon a lot of preparatros is iuvolved sud sonettnes un alternative choice nuyhe necessury sud utîth this lu utiud, yoo woout ho so dtsappoiuted ochen yoae coutrutor pals yoa off. Wrth crants ftles, roenhobr hetgbt problenîis instoute situattons nay ocar asd yoa utay buse to renove yoor esistîsg floor te allous for this. hy thuvîng doors sud hîtehîtards. 3/4" hardwoed if heîug nuiled. ueeds a good plywood or the nutîs cas pop ont sud yoar floor souds like thc utatîngcry of a large sonatse ..SQUEEK!!! Auytbîng is possihle, so long as se kuow alîead of tute. Thore utay hc ote pitlails, bol ne accept Ibis sud usuaiiy use aire bappier kuoin a we utade tho rîglul cîtîtce for tbe rîgbit On tite other baud, don't alnays îlîînk yoa are limited eiîher. "-Oh 1 can't hase tbts look or fleur. We base choices aud designs. yon base sot oves looked at. For esautple. KARSIILAN floorîng is a conîpauty that hias tuken vînyl and prodaced a very unique prodact in tîle or wood effeot that tucorporatet horders, accent strtps. inlay effecIs. We have had a great respouse to tl. So we cas cover aIl lattes sud reqairemnts. It is classy sud toagb, plus the design aspect is grealt sud it's exclusive to os. By the way, ute hope yoo aIl bsd s tory happy Tbnksgisg. MBARROW FAML CHIROPRACI 180 Ontario St. S. Milton (905) 878-4994 niososes Fax:(905) 875-4485 j Email: drabarrow@sympatiCO.Ca HOW CAtI CHIROPRACTIC HELP WVITII MY ALLERGIES? Millions of people soffering fron a wtde vurlety of conditions, allergies îucloded. bave hosefitted fron cbiîopractic care oves tboagb cbtropractic is sot un allorgy treattoont. Wby? Bocuse chîropractie is a netbod of boaltb cure thut pernuits poor hody to foniction ut tts hest. Thut la ospecîully iutportant if yoo soffer fron allergies. Yoor tnnone systeut is wbut recoguloos and destroys anytbisg that is sot supposed 10 ho ru yoo: hucteris. viroses, polloîsuts. dast. pollen, draps. tutors, dead pieces of your owu colis. etc. A beuitby somune systeut neuns bîgh resistance Ko diseuse sud infection, botter shilîty to deal wVitb stress, sud groater beultît sud wollheîng. Yoor innune systen is rsflueuced by pour nervos sud hormones, by pour dret sud hy ostotional stress. Il il is asbeaitby, it may tai to rocognîce sud renove absornai oeils. il utuy sot osercosso infection: tl may oserressi te ioregs substances, hesoune deprossed or oves aîîack iseif! With allergies. ochat eccors is ibut the immnune systosi siotTracts tut as aloergen (dasi. potiee, souk. duîg toc cal daundo - struochorrios, etc .) and producos tout uany noutraliiug cherucais tospecially histamnes) te sosutersot il. By releasing stress on fic servons systeno chîroptactie perunîts ibe tutmune systen te inction more oflectîvoiy.. sonethisg ail alieegy sulforors oced A bocaithy servons systen belps tile imune systont Chiropescoos correct a hasts cause of body unaluctin te boul the imumune systeut. A beaitby body is capable of neutrliing ubeso louis substances sud a body that bas utulfancttonisg defeuse meshunîsuos canuot. The onphiasîs on allergies nust ho ou building a beultby body, sot ou îryîug bo use evastue tactiss hy eliîsinutîug ail ibe ailergeus. ilz _ b,'The Milton Community Guide - -- 15 your source book to Milton. t The guide is published once a year and is 1/ delivered to 16,000 households within à,~ Milton, Campbellville and Hornby. leleqlîei» This invaluable directory includes /tf~WCt~ft¼tzz- community, health and government . M-we services. Schools, sports, interests and - . '-'rservices clubs are included. Specialty pages for shopping, restaurants, pet care and home improvement are featured. n ruuq- IF l 'R an* -. - - - us - - À Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist Wakefield Professional Centre 1 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Ron Skrohan 905-878-5882 Optometrtot Mus-Thurs 9-6, Wod-Fri 9-5, Tues 9-8 Soturday AM by appalulutont Slow we see affects bot tee SEE. Vision is pour most poseerful and influentiot sense. l-tusng tho abitis te son otearly, in tut affects tho îhtnkîng piocon. sund the abtltty to altos yout body 10 ho present sud certain. This aftocts cuunîcatîoîtin tangoago. sud physicai actîclites. Esery niovement. and thoophti s înlosced. and influences tho vsuai pereptuat proctss.I is na isoitay srooi Notooeing cloartynesttti iilthisking ttOattt Nol thînkîng cloaty thorotoro intluences tho brouts iorprotosion. aud teaulsan aicoucy. Thistinueos a streua condition. Thos tho ctantty otf vsieon. auj iheot oreotho uccutacy et rosponse in tut toavsea nutory in theod od fonction a as leatnod.Thelarodbohulio becore ntoioed iita petsons body tousi aud porsosality. Euorgei civels otid toa icirotue le ci.iral osorgy instheobody tissues. Theoonoîgu iduoed \eai doitho tbody Iunutons. and tintrnos a tIi the ettetoy oihnewNn aanss ioh yosrosnonneut. and cour inoorpretaleon as le oho1 ion atre An (eleno vi-sa t ,îsstsinul oi ey50 exarinatiois inuc o- i--e itiaii a doiorrniualiieitoitheiteeodtertgtasesI tiatsenet i(LL1 iaii oeeoaloath. poisiplioi aned canoe i-t rqolttol iet Ic (tilsci epoedet lleîopiicaracieritiis atiio.iitodpenouiiitseiti 1e porc cpi ad pieu oece tsiapioeauhielutnolabelooecteiarty ill otee Ho, soold leiica.e toat tmlustd ficducaiioial oeiiosunien!AidoliI oe eloi odosauouatosxpesooiec itheoctdlhes doiotop' exmn tionv es oic tîtîatheof theooysandfileoibitlityl>ieeý Wîîaikiit et vsion doee flie oiheîh01 l theopopltiton as hihaie dvnPonoui highuas!Onetudoosuolot oOltley an sooîngatîo-e-tttoythavsor totononce o obcess-dby Tho doparineent ii tansporttasmmiutuum noquironioet for ision. and yel niasy peoplo aro os oui highuays oîîtî beoosthesssosuuniquomouets, Yoarty assosssets arctlosotictalto osoryoso, botint o a to yoorseIfand yoor houlh