Th- Tues(lav Oc'tntsr 19 9004-23 4Soortks sleblanc@ Softball slugger 's successes continue Photo tbî GRAHAM PAINE Ail roughed up Nelson's Simon Ouick manhandies Bishop Reding ruaher Ted Fair during aenior football play ai BR Thuraday aflernoon. The Rayais took more than their ahare of lumps, getiing anni- hilliated by the powerhouse Larda 56-. For further resuits, see page 25. Another Ontario titie for Teague By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion N eil Teague's championship hits just keep on coming. Adding I0 his iaundry isi of sotbaîl suc- cess stories laie last monih in Niagara Faits, the 37-year-nid Miltonian heiped guide bis Binbrook Easion Brewers toi top honours ai the SPN Men's'A Cbampionships , Pairoling fîrsi base and detiver- ing his usuai ierce plaie pop, he stood tailtîhrougboui theLao enire weekend whicb was punc- iuated with a 14- Neil Teague swinç 12 decîsion over different sofibali tea South Essex. Teague sent 4-for-4 in the finals and scored il four limes 10 fuel the narros vie- tory. -Hart back in ring Sat. Mail Hart îook a long lime 10 gel in bis firsi professionai boxing iigbl, but won'î bave mucb resi betore bis sec- ond. On Saîurday exaciiy one monib afier scoring a unan- imous decision in bis MatI Hart pro debul - te 27-year'oid sellerweîghi wilI reîumn 10 the ring ai tbe Hershey Centre. Tbere be'l ltook to make il iso-in- a-row againsi a Cincinnati opponieni. Tickets for the evenîng card. scbeduled 10 include five figbis. cosi $15 each and cao be purcbased by calling Hart ai (647) 828-8349 or Don Crowder aI (905) 878- 7109 or (905> 691-3738. -Ima preîîy reliahie binter." be said modesily. The Brewers booked passage to the championshîp wiib a 9-8 semnifinal wun oser Sudbury, whicb served as pay-back for their only ioss of the tournamenti n round-robin play. The receni provincial iriumph was the ibird for Teagne, who aiso has iwo nation- ai tilles under bis beli -ite mnosl receni of wbicb came in 2001. Sînce iben. the quesi for Canadian gold bas been a ciose-but-no- cigar proposition. ;s a hot bat with two ms each aumnmer. "We've been sluck in fourib for a wbiie now," be noted. Teague's dia- moud prowess basn'i been tîmil- cd 10 provincial or national opposi- tion eiter. With tbe Briisb Coiumbia-based SunTést/Tanel 360) Majors -com- prised of players frontî as.ioss the country b e went an impressîve 2-2 in Sherbrooke, Quebec ibis pasi summer ai tbe 29th annuat PIF/Air Vacances Transat Toumament. a worid cbampionsbip quali- fier and by far tbe biggesî sofibati sbow- case in Nortb America. Among SunTesitfanel 360's wins sas a 14-10 decision over pre-toumnameni fasourile Beloti's oui of Rbode Island. -Canadian leams are definiîeiy making progress ai the PIF." said Teague. wbo but around the .700 mark ss îb SunTéeTanet 3611 this season. "One leamn acluatiy made the isais ibis year. "I've piayed in a number of big tourna- ments. but for consisîenîty iopnolch com- peftiion lbere's nothîng cisc like tbe PIF. You have 10 be on top of your game. every game. toi be successfui ibere." So shai does Teague do when be's not siugging il oui on the diamond? Well coaich hîs niiîe-year oid son Aaron, ot course. "Coacbîng Aaron and tbe other kids is a blasi."« be said. -I sas tucky enougb toi bave somne very good basebail coaches shen i sas a kid grosîng up in Omagb and Milton, so I knoo bos important vol- unleers reaily are. Besides. Aaron playing bail gîves me a great excuse 10 keep a pitching machine sel op in mny basemeni." Core's Pump Service &< Well Dring " Weil Rehabilitation e Water Treatment e UV Sterilization Systemrs " Weil Cleaning e Reverse Osmosis e Complete Pumping iod e Flow Rates Drinking Water Systems Systems rore, Tel: (905) 854-4515 Celi: (905) 69 1-6 118 1