Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 2004, p. 27

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The Canadian Champons Taesdav, October 5 2004-27 national bre.o ascanceDrcFwa reDnessmonlb Breast Cancer -Early Detedtion is the Best Prevention Breast cancer has heen a mîdespread disease for years. lis cause is uoknomn. and it knoms ne race or age boundanien for attackîng mestly momen. SUPPORT FOR WOMEN LIVING WITH BREAST CAN- CER TORONTO -iTe Canadîan Cancer Society betps women living mîîh breani cancer hy offering reliable infor- mation and cemmonity support servic- "No mrnan need face'hreast cancer alone", says Sylvia Leonard. Senior Direcior, Canadian Cancer Society, fOntario Divisioîn. Trhe Canadian Cancer Sîciety is here te heip. We ofler support and information for peo- pie living mîth cancer. their careginers, lantily and lriends.- The Canadian Cancer Society oflers reliahie informalton about hreast cao- cer, diagnosis aod trealmeot as wcii as mays te reduce one's rîsk oîf caocer and mit people need te knoi about eariy rietectien and screenîng. Yen cao pet the inîformation yen need by calling i - 889-939-3333, vîsîttng or by cotacring one of our cenînîunt îy oflfices ac ruis Ontario. Tue Canadian Cancer Society's coîttsnity services itîclude peer sup- port by phtone or lace t lace, rides te and I rîot cancer-reiated care, and prac- tical suîppuort for people ai cancer treat- mîent cetntres, lcidges and ituspitls. "If yîn uir stîmetne yen care abut bas been dîagîîused mib cancer. yoo probabiy liave many questions and cooiceros," sayn Leonard. "We're com- miiîed te respondîng te yoar needs, mbether you're living mith cancer yourself or your life bas been toncbed on some other may by Ibis ilinens." WHAT IS BREAST CANCER? Breasi cancer is an uncontrolled gromib of breast celin ibat may foon a mass of extra tissue calied a îumor. Tuntors can be benîgn (non-caocerousl or malîgnant (cancerous). The mosi common type of breasi cancer begins in the lîning of the ducis -the tube- tike part of the breant ibat mîlk passes tbrougb te reach tue nîpple -called doctal caru.inoma. When tl spreads est- sîde the decis, it is called invasive breasi cancer (niesi breasi cancers are invasive). Metastatic breast cancer is cancer that has spread front the site of the initial cancer te ether parts of the body. Wltile breasl cancer is more cent- mon on women user 50, monten of' all ages cao taLe qaick actiotn te proet their breasi Itealîli. To find eut mocre about screenîng guidelînes for tter age greups and breast cancer rîsk fac- tors. vsnîl or cali i-888- 939-3333. SIGNS OF BREAST CANCER The scarient paîrt about breant cancer is tise yen cao bave il and net esen kno it. Eariy breasi cancer nsualiy dees net cause pain and ibere may even be no ymptonîs ai ail. Hîîmcver. as tue caîncer grems. il cao casse aoy of tue foliemîng changes: a lump or thick- ening in tir near the breasi or in the Educatlng youraelt about breaat cancer and creating an early detection plan, whlch ncludea giving youraeilf a prope broaat aelf-xam, can help aava your 111e. underarni area: a change on the si7e tir shape of the breast; nîppie discharge er îenderoess; inverted nîpplen: rîdges or pîîîung of te breusî (in looks nimilar te an orange peel); and lte may the skînocf tue breasi. areola tarea sur- ruîundîog the oippiei tir nipple loLks or leels fred, scaly. martî or smoiienl. EARLY DETECTION Studies show thal regular breast self examo, combioed with an anoual esam by a doctor, improve the chances of detecting caocer earty, wbîch is the key te, more trealmeot options aod a grealer chance of sarvival. One way momen cao take an active part in the early detectin of breast cancer. according te thebreasteancer-, iv hy foitowiog an earty detection plan wbîch meassi having: - hreast esaminations by your doctor every Smo years from ages 2010u39 aod every year thereafter - regotar breast seit-exantinatteons report aoy changes on yosr breasts a manmogrant every year for wonteo oser age 50 Kccptog a record ef your sell-esams and mammnograms and marktog yoîîr caleodar with reminders miii help yes iollow your eariy detectioo pian. PROPER BREAST SELF EXAM Oct in the habit of deog a breasi self esaminatien once a month te famîltarize yoorseif mîit <tom your breasts normnaiiy luook and ledl. Examtne yoorseif severai days aller year pcried ends, miten yosr breas are least likeiy te he swîtllco and ten- der. If yes are no longer basing peri- ods, cheese a day tlhat's easy te, rentenher. socit as the first or last day of tce mentit. Step 1 In tce shomer msth tiogers li. otove gentiy over every part et each hreast. Use yor rigbt ltand te examine your ieft hreast, and left ltand for right breant. Check for a lump, liard koot or thickeoing. Carefully observe any changen in your breants. Step 2 tn front of a mirror, put your sons at your sides and inspect yoor breasts. Raine your sons high overhead and look for any changes in the con- tour of eacb breant, a nmeliing. a dim- pting of skin or changes in the nipple. Then rent your patms on yoor hîps and press firmly te fies your chens muscles. Note that fem momen's ieft and rîglt breants match cxactty. Step 3 Lyîog domo. place a pilliim under your rigit shoulder. mah tîglît am hehiod yoar ltead. Witlt lîngers of' the left hand flat, press right hreasl geotly in smrait cîrcolar mottons. nuis- inf vertîcally tir îtî a circolar pattern. cevertng the entîre hreast. Use lîglît. mediunt and firot pressure. Squieeze aipple and check for discitarge nid lumtps. Repeat titese steps fer yîoîi leit breast. Don't panic if yen think yoa ledl a lump. Most wmnen hase some luttps or lumpy areas te titeir breasts ail tîte tîme. and eîght ont ef 10 hreast liinps tîtat are remeved are beoigo. Homever, il yeu notice any changes Ihat lastiinct a fuil month's cycle or seent tii get morse or more tîbvieus over tinte, i(s best te brtng thent te tite attenîtion (il your duicter. À~ Design & Print Centre *Graphic Design a Hlgh Speed Copier Typoseing -Foll Colour Laser Copier *Mut-Culour Prlotleg Wîîe Format Copier *Finislrleg & Bîectery Tel: 905-876-4647 - Fax: 905-876-1100 100 Nilaing Roud, Unit 9 Milton, Ontario L9T 5B2 ibehlnd Milton Mail) îTry ona pair ai jeana ao upport breaat cancer reaearch and asearenesa. Puîkýbî i3i eefeIof od.u/iUoa[ &.£af4 and 1af4 ýW£Juds" Safsty Product Ltd. R.M. (BOB) Harrisonl Milton 905-876-1111 617 Main St. E. 1-888-829-9922 Milton, ON Fax: 905-876-2023 heritagesafetyCon.ibl.COm DIAN MARIE HIAIRSTYLIST (icctled iîrtide Halton Beauty Supply & Salons Corne Sée Our Line 0f Wigs 15<) liai>R. E., Vilton ON 905-875-0313 Celi: 416-949-9084 AUTO REPAIR INC. FAST, RELIABLE REPAIRS M »"ula Rdé, Unit #2 1d.W: 57&010 Amon, On"al LOT 4»9 Fat 906476-M4 FEECTRCAI CONmAfCTORlS * -as * -OM 0POLE UN 24 Hr. Service (905) 876-2519 Fax: (905) 876-3903 400 Morobel Or., Unit 1 Milton, ON 19T 4N6 Cur'e3. The power te amaze yourself.'" For 30 minutes, put yourselffirst Cati Curves Today! loin Oct. 12 - 16th 0% Service Fee wlth Donation.* Over 8,000 Locations 905-875-9246 327 Bronte St. S., Unit # 10 Milton, Ontario L9T 4A4 www.curresinteruu* Halton Healthcare Milton District Hospital 905-878-2383 COME IN TODAY TO SEE WHAT'S NEW! The Harmony lino of breaot ferma are lightor, softer, and more - comforloble <han any breasi form you have oser worn. Ask yoar professienal fitter at our store to ahow you nom bras available only f rom Naturalwear by CAMP. Diannels Mastectomy PROSTHESES - BAS COMPRESSOf STOCKINGS, SLEEVES By Appointmeni X Tel. 905-454-5710 'ReaefininghFt We are just a cut above Wt MRIKE'S Dairber Shop 148 Main St., Milton 1 878-3916 Thanko for supporting Golflng 4 Cancer Professional Cleaning Service GUARANTEED Residential & SmaII Commercial Cai tol free 866-327-5522 or celi: 416-575-6243 <MAIDI

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