22-The Cairadian Champion, Taesday, Octohen h 2004 r îaîning Cuaeeor Treînfig Free Career Seminar For: internatloan7 Traee rtsinl ENGINEERING WhPn MarnaY Arrýober4 2004 h Ofi Apm Caîl the YMCA in Burlngton @ 905-681-1140 ta register Wages Vary CC r opoion iaton A W trr îl itrain the iidrihtoe perodîcî h or iedta apeir rîr u ak i ay fo MATRIATLS AOLS f 35joea dolîvs a rd repoîalles.o 0 oîîr Full aîhmar mnn e TracinaAa ak eraîran plas tn rhnue :905-82-16 C Foorr8- atinat:kin @cl.o A M a mtrDtiliofycievemsrl steelgruivsv dirieit oen s cIl o avie r lt fobri, a gh eiriduisadrsonsd ie u the osie on Qaatiecoli tinig an l ngc st r og dr s , i g l ph intn ce ac tnd aer < ke o n- grdesy 1 ca n a it workl hr minisl hoei Aso employer - pa ca s nvionrn oa n d. ih Ahffpsitin esawit esue a 75as fa Sret, M05lton46 N etedhcts Plmeae Datt a yA chtemoans - 10aans - a Rese t Mat' have wonk boot çIýRob @ 490 erPalett ob a godas te cff FreetyTraining IcniePorm BeeiScol a Dnierorm-Fe Wa nted r bassestaf, km png Mnd pay tea Feldos oue. Appy n 100so Annthrrnng ai SOEN SES DERNIG Mil/Atemons lanonGroupsawe Monaye eeningon PM Rob.Au!ls Unht Curt 12 ain Stm, E., 2bnd lorv -e.e i-,-ý4;1 NOW HIRING FOR PRODUCTION Wherr a compasy as evperiencing success, the people fhaf are parf of that corr- paay are growîng as wellt That's exactly whaf's happening at t he Guardrar Fiberglass, Erîni tacrl4t. Our ertryees enjoy the stabilrty of fherr aobs and work for onie of rhe aery sa in nhe tîbergiaso manutacturrsg busrness. 'ras car average $48,000.00 +per year wifh aaertirre and look farward fa frealthcare. dental, prescription drog, flle, short and long term disabirfy insu- ramn e besefîts, pension, Company match RRSP, safef y basf and clafhîrg affawances, pard lrolidays, producftion, safety anAd attenidance rocenfîses. Are yoa a dependcabe, dedicte and safety csnasciaas persan? Waafd pas en- ray workrng tr a faat paced productron esarament O Gaardiani has an rmmedrat e seed fat gaxd people lîke you ta work 12 haut natatrsg safîfs (f0:00 10.00) tai caver ast 24 hoar sperattan wittt eeery athet weekend att. If yaa are eager ta fais a winntnig team we oad fille you ta came in and campltee an ap- plrcation Mas, tai Fr). 7:30 am - 5:00 pm ap astt October t15, 2004. Guardian Fibergiass 300 Main Street Erin Ontario N0B 110 (1/2 heur tin of Guelph on Hwy. 24lCounly Rosé 124) Na fefephose caiinpiease. Oy tiraxe selectet for an irtervrewe wrfi be onatacteit! Order Pickers Night shift for Milton warehouse. Top wages anid excellent benetits. Own transportation recommended. Please fax resuime to: 905-878-9010, Attn: Chris Nogl DESIGN PRODUCT MANAGER An outgoîng serf-starter as reqred ta coardînate sales anAd marketing actiaPties for a technîca educa- tion software teselter, The succesafu appîrcanit cuIr be nespansîble fan fîeldrng sales maqires, hefpînig ta manage exîatrng accaunit contracta, asashsfng in aal- hourd lead genieratron anA masagîng an-ging refatronshrps wrth suppliera, Eeperirnce in mnde sales of a techsrca nature as preferred. Knowledge af office software (Doîdmine, MS Office, Coater 0mw) is deairable. Repty ta: Merlan Scienific, Georgetown, Onitarro Fax M"577-0929, 1emaif: mahtyn@merfan,ca -CANADIAN TIRE - 2070 Appleby Line (Millcroft Centre) RETAIL MANIAGER We are lasAîmA far a oucceoofaf candidate wha yaoseevoelte faflowîag skîlls " Strng rotaîr background wifh Canadias Tire vr lange depattmest store " Castamer Seraîce facanent attitude *Strng roterpensonaî & sales aklls " Abîfîty fa maniage basp envirnnent Days, everirgs anA eekerads are reqoitent We ahler comn petif ras cages empîsyee discoant, profit shatîsg & bensa fifs, Aller prsbafîonary petiant of empfvpmest. Fax reum & aarexplcitations te: AtUes: Stephame Vîladrs, esnemai Manager StrangA mtnessi aaee T IRElî commensu Cati Samnth uteiec SCHOOL VAN DRIVER reqained puArtitre lot Childcate Ceantre "B«or F' liceaoe rviguired Ple aoaclt W05-332-3971 ROOFING LABOURER Full-lime poai- lion. Metro Ton- onto ares. Local Foreman depant- ing from George- towin daify. Colt David 416-684-1738 30x30 MEE5 0 PEOPLE SY5THE 3M. nur adva. ttrm sas evtnp ieeel positions, in castomen reltons, sales and markeeting. nf eau are pxsitiee and protemiaa, we cui train. Oaaranteed pap + Bonases! Cati 1905-844-10251 Handyman (MFjl Jack-0l-AII-Trades Up ta $750/week Local co s fnokîog lai ctahfspetsans skiffeA rn carpenfry, piambing. electricaf, ceramî Painting, cailpapet, dry- eau, f100f covering. Flexible hoaro. Receîae fîrsI cheque by Fri. Ff/PT Reqaira reliabie transportation & ocr 905-578-440 Titred&Lb ApExprcessqiré Pooions o avullten TAand sanrvuing aeneas camprix wagiers d eses. PIese ineti ain peean a: 905-31-625 vEice n rentate anenane tetsar cta Cnain T irent a utao Cupete le cekntl a ookingfo Atoot TFhiiens. Mebusy ahop qur more vetcana peav ap tennce ofC Mîtoen.ai Coet ntctoe David eeves en Vaeserd Mechan mt e team-i enedan hav epeiecewit hdrue cs dee/a riarms Mus bra Prmt la a ndar sri fe a ciiippiim uma2- Rears, 2330iee NES ofer Wopefte Roage Oande n llen 6M1n bnfi arc-4789kage cuing@at sic.ee 2nd oreme3rd ear Appi yrentice o diarutwtrak ng e hascal o kîlix o en05a87s 1e7ge50 anA Miffo lrcatos eale necf og ig V 11n 11 aaailabf e1 nDpn oTtre Atteto Centr 178ac Guavih Steee Gorgetoln, ON7 A HrANDYMANd and von Rae Rýc Exmpitrzderivren w lgith ecele n andI tool fora new oes230Ui Fax: 73905-459-1587gOrimc.o# HAIR SALON Ll-i1ýcd 1Liil_,lý 11,1 ,S500 SIC.N ON BONUS Y, ('ýill Lisa 905-864-6051 1 "-L9F- "9"9" FWW '11111RIIIIIffl , - The Meehan Tcam, RensaxB1uv egs H lisen Cerp. rgqeires aP/TAdnistratjee Assistant Fu AmHeth, hahn 9AS 85-528- BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Fiil lIfnqualI oA e doal renure hd costomer service. for Piin00100 5 d A hruor Cormpiler skIls & basic accoorfioig dv s ie aset Subm i moimes Io Eoer-Gard Ieorgy Prodocîs os 5by Oc ose602004, Fax: 905-336-1507 Emait: admln@ensr-gard er cîrcles- Customner Service Positions!! Not your average Coli Centre... Are yoa lvakrng for a unique, fan anA newardrng careen0 If paa tbrrve in a fst paced eneiranmen, love f0, surf the internet, and are wrfting logo above asd bepond ta hetp customens, then cansiden a cballengîng canrelen Wît Circlea, a teading layaty manketing senvices company eepandîsg in Oarfrngfvs, Ontario, 00e are looking for coscresîloas Customer Sereice Protesaienan taraois vur sec Cal[ Ceore lvcated at 5050 Soath Service Roa n o urlînglan. The Service Prafessiana hasdfes a variety of per- sona service requesis sucs as dîsîsg nesenaatrs and saggestions, flacers, grlt baskets an incurnies about tickets, travel or fadgîsig. Respansble fon ail phase and emal correspasdlence crit aur cas- tamers, as wel as cvnductng intenet research anA infonmation gatberng. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Oaalifîed candidates wîtt have stnong venba and criffto commanication and anganîzatiosal akîls as vielf as the praven ability foi pnovidle qaity senvice in a fast-paced envînasment. Peqainementa rocrade twa yeara of castamer senvice eaperîence, and ksawfedge af Windaws 85/90 openatrng systerris, Mironsoft Wond, internet seanchng, and keyboand- ing. INTERVIEWS WtLL BE HELO Taeaday, Oct. St thru Friday, Oct. 88fr ut: The Bay Area Leamling Centre 860 Harrlngton Court Burllngton, Ontario 905-3&3-3499 1his la an invitation-only mvent 80 pleaae qub- mit pour reaumne and caner 180cer 10, hr8cr- cles.com by Monday, October 4th lo be Conuri ered for an Interview. To learo more about Circlea, piseas check out our website at httplhwm.circlenCom MATERNITY LEAVE 1 Year Conttact Local compony reqaîrea immediately an Administrative Assistant. Deperiesce in an Administrative enviroanet aa dulies erîf îscfude Receplian, Accoants tteceeab e anA Amcounts pable. Candidate must haae eecellent ttult-takng, orgasozational and communication aIS anA are ta eatk sn a fast paced envirosiment, An houdp positon eorkn a foty haur eeek at a rate of $14-5O/hour for tie one year anA benedis ahter 3 monts. Please fomoard resoime In: raorock@aztecne.com DrPD. Box #2546 280 Guelph Street, Unil 29 Georgetownr ON LAD 481 J. Michaeîs mnc. A Progresoive Ladies Wear Chain -OAK VILLE PLACE- Cannenly taakrng ta tiff farltime sales associ- aies pasitions in san Oakiîte location. Oalied indrivicdas cil t passesa pnacr eap. in refai salea and have a passian tan Ladres Fashion lils 15 Y OIJR fl f rPOTJNT o SHOW YOIlA CARIER WTNA IT REAME. Pleate brit pour reoumne sr peroon or Fax toi: 908-330-0704 emal: pltachor@lmlchaels.ne Sales Person Required MuaI have expenrence in construction/ door & mindow renovaron. Sal ea feada for entrance door manufactarersasaemblera an aaset. Please fax résumé 10 (905) 878-9211 or mail or drap off ta: Elton Manufacturing 59 Wheelabrator Way Milton LOT 3C1