6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 1, 2004 *Comm en t *The Canadian Champion B3ox 248, 191 Main Si. E., The Canadien Champion, pubashed eaaia Taesday and Friday ai 191 Milton, Oni. L91 4Ni) Main Si F Milton & ot ,LOT 4N9 iBox 24Bi.e oane et The Metraland raning, Pub strinag Dribtrg LUI goupaofsuburaincomparesrarsrr £>~(b~- , mlades AlavüPickerinq News Adaeetiser, Aitiston Heraid/Coarrer Barrie (905)878Ô-23I 41 Odvaarce Bolton Enterprise Bramipton Gaardian Burligtii Posi, Barlîiogia Shopping News City Parentl City of York Grrardiar ColBrrgaood/Wasagr Corneciran East York Mra, Eria Advoauie/Coaniry Routes. Ftoirbrol Editonal Fax: 905-878-4943 Garda Fimaogr Rae see 1rg Gadiar Adverisîn Fax 905876 364 Irdepeirderri Ocrai Fiee Piesý Hali Buinress Tries. Orra Basinss Advertsing Fx: 90-876-264 rTies.LidsayTis Week ManioamFaarnoms &Sun Mrdland/Peaetang- Clasifed:905875330 ashene Murer Milton Shapping News, Mississaaga Business Tries, Clasifie: 95-87-330 M'ssissaaaa Nens, Napanee Garde Nassaaaeya Nenas NenaiarketrBannia Circulation: 905-878-5947 Fia Banner, Northuaiberland News. Noath York Mrr dakile Beaveni Oakaiiie Shopping News, Tianneaille Banner. Oldtniers Hoakey News, Trilia Ian Oliver Publisher Tnday Oshawalanrrby/ClarianieaaPo Ferra Tihs Week, Peterboroagh Tis Week, PicinC Gaai ade, Rirchmiond BrlliThornhlllVaughan Litera, Star- Neil Oliver Aaiattaao Pîahtisieir bannoal Minair Siaaitaille/Uxbeidge Tribune Jill avis dito-in-Cief danerisira es accepted ai the condiin tiratin Bhe rnt ai a typa- JiliDavs FiîraîeîChif aapisa erîne, hai portian af ire adaerisraa spate accupent y ire erra- Karen Smith Mianaigine Elitiaa ireoas iem, indether waiFh aineasoaae allownie nir signature, trili loit e 'SNedy MNah dî'n iner ît cha e foer i bat the balance of the adandtisiaen wiii be Bard for ailthe aBplî- WendyMcNa Advrtisng De e(forsanie raie. 'Tire patioher ieseiaes tie rih au saiedarra adaertseaients ai Tim Coles Peaduiotnir Mariage. declire Fiuio aagr Eiolan advr sin coatentoflhe CaadiaiCapionais preced Charlene Hall Dit hy a Mang na an Unautoe Fa e ada s pthrbniedý leri Casas Offi- Ma ge Tir Milan Caeadanf CBamipion isa Onaurniabia Preiat Send fugitive home r NRL PLAYER$ Sr IARE NOT GREEDYJ) FIf4R!E Once again. Canada is being ptayed for a foot an the case of an international oatcast seeking refuge in our country. This time il's convicted death-squad leader Anîbal dos Santos who's trying In work our syslemt in order 10 escape serving a lengthy prison sentence in his native Mozambique. Whaî crime did he commit? He only led a hit squad thal murdered a leading inves- tigalîve journalisl in that counxry. He then broke out of the high-securily prison where he was supposed Io be hetd for the next 28 years. After gaining bis freedom -as a fugitive -he headed for Toronto, where he was arrested at Pearson International Airport. In a desperate antempt 10, slay here, he has reportedly filed for refugee status on the basis thal he was wrongfully convicted of his crime. Understandably. Canadians wilh lies 10 Mozambique are outraged at what they see as a travesly of justice. Perhaps iî's limne more Canadians felt likewise. For ail the praise our country receives internalionally for ils humanitarian approach In world issues, we also sem 10, be an easy tai-gel for international terrorists, murderers and other undesirables. Dos Santos' case isn't the fi-st, nor is il likely toi he the last time Canada's soft- sided national security poticies have been exposed for aIl toi see. Il was just last spring that the Khadr [arn ily made a mockery of our nation's emhac- rassingly easy re-entry process. A famity whose members were suspecled in embassy bomhings, boasted about tics 10 ai Qaeda. were linked 10 Osama han Laden and whose matriacch believes Americans deserved mahat they got on 9/11, was ýwel- comed back with open arms despite ils extrernist views and connection 10 mass murderiog terrorist factions. Canadian cilizenship -don't gel caught terrorizing abroard without il. We said hack then that Canada's per- ceived inaction only strengîhens nue nation's reputation among extremisîs as an easy country 10 enter, and remain. Dos Santos' heing present on Canadian soil is proof of that. White be remains under arreat in Canada, there's little douht that he's enjoying a more comfortahle stay Ihan the outlook he faced an bis horneland. #*Our RaesWrite There -s no easy access to Miton -s new WaI-Mart for eîther pedestrians or cyclists Dear Editor: I read The Champion's article about Wal-Mart's grand opening and I'd like 10 say that although l'm happy that Wal-Mart is here, sorte- one forgot toi anclude some basic infrastructure. There's no easy access 10 the store - no hike path or sidewalks -1I gel 10 Wal-Mart if yoo're a yoa're cycling or walking. Not pedestrian or cyclist. everybody in town owns a car. And as [a- as I kom there's no So until an access for cyclisîs and date set fo)r when Wal-Mart mai11 be . added 10 our town's bus route. And pedestrians is put in place, lIlI he even when il doies. our hases don't one of the customners who can't gel run on the weekends. 10 the new Wal-Mart. Il would he nace 10 have at leasl Flavia Tarzwell one way tu gel 10 Wal-Mart if Milton Whitlock's world record run deserves recognition Dear Editor: Sunday morning Ed Whitlock T-ant in the Toronto Scoliahank Waterfront Marathon and came across the finish line in an incredihle 2:54.49 - breaking bis own world marathon record in the 70 Io 74-year-old division. To mun 26.2 mites as an amazing accomplishrnent for anyone. but ait the age of 73 Ed is trnly an inspiration 10 us younger monners. He's an incredible athlele and Miltonians should be very proud 10 have him living in our homnelown. Congratulations, Ed. Joanne Sellors Con way Court Share the wealth of the Milton Community Fund How much is loo much of a gooid thing? This was the question of the hour aI îown count- cil Monday night. where the majorily of the meeting was spent debaîing a $100.000 grant the Conservation Hallon Foundalton received from the Milton Communily Fund. as seen etsewhere in Ibis paper. For those unfamiliar wiîh the fund, i was cre- aîed so that local residenîs or groups can appty for mîaney the Towan receives fromn Slots aI Mohawk. The approval of ibis large arnounit leaves only abot $158.000 in the fund for tbe remainder of the year. and I have to agree with Ward 3 Coucicllor Cindy Laanau that thîs înay 001 he enoîagh mone> 10 adequately hetp those deseri- 1l1g il. Recommendalions on landing arnountis are passed dovm [roin the communily services advî- sory committee (CSAC). which follows 'guide- lines' for fundang levels. Since the foundation wanîs 10 use the money for expanding and reno- vating the Discover Centre aI Mountsberg Conservation Area, il was deemed 10 be in the project grants category, which bas a guideline maximum amnount of $40.000. Nom. Ihere's nothing wrong maith the founda- lion aaming high and asking for more Bhan double the guideline amnount. But. 1 betieve the fuel that the deadline for the fait round of community fond grants is Monday should base played mbt CSAC's decision. The commatîce is 001 obligated 10 approve the exact arnount thal's apptied for. Il bas the dascre- taon to dish ouI tess. Such was the case for Imo local tain hoîýlers, who asked for a comhined $3.275 10i cover paort of their botl costs. food. sundnies and compensation tor tost wages oshen For somte groups, a smal arnount, even a dona- tion of a couple hundred dollars, cana mean the soccess or faiture of that organization. A dangerous precedent bas been set thal could quîckly drain the community fund in years 10 mi- ~ 71r.' iew corne. As Ward 4 Counciltor John Challînor alluded 10, Ibis is only the tip of the iceberg. Soon many other funding requesîs of Ibis magnitude ft om here îlI most likely begin pouning an. they travetted 10 a recent competition. CSAC rec- sonne bard decîsions. ommended ibat they he awarded $360 eacb. Later Ibis [aIl. Towan staff mai11 be seeking inputî wahite the guideline maximum for individual [romt CSAC and counicil 10 furtber clanify the granîs is $1.511). fuird goîdelines for 20)05. Il would be unfortunate if local organizalions Tbe lown shoolat cainsider lori-flo the guide- Ibat meet ail crileria and apply b> the Monday fine amoants inIe actual maximunm tundin.- limite deadlîne are turnied down sîmply lxecause Ibere and cri-aie a lesel playîng field for eveîyone mabo %%asn't enougb money lefI 10 go aroond. applies le the community fund.