Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 2004, p. 25

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The Canadien Champion, Frida October 1, 2004-25 P HONFý qNR2341 il X: MS-876-2164 C la ssifie dedmiltoncanaianchampioncom UPCOMING MARRIAGE Francis & MarIe St. Pierre are dalîghted ta annousace the weddieg of ilarîr chiîdrea Bethany to François an Satacrday, Oclober 8110 Église Sacré-Coeur, Georgetown 1- "May yaa know notidang but Q happvars fracs Sais day faraer PRIVATS %IL 415 Outiln Sa N.Miba Tia 3 spaaloua bederse Toenf-vaaa lcalad ie Mitons mosC daaîred Cantptaa. Pbrabed bellamnrt 1112 battis, ArC, sara aidor abrdasod fanm badas an le prisalae f-ornas. baautfip larrdscaped. Nirl rennaatld Posession ianeedltel OPEN IIousET Odtobar 2ed tise 10:0AM la 6:00 PM Anai ceiste agents satane. To ai.e cdIil icaccaul si Wb 705-4"416 OLDE MLTON Cage corner lot 3 SBr edaspit, 2 biarh, f-arida pafi f-as large addition dbien laenlmfi wg il rani dcil t/G pool, ta aI16 Cabana, f-ed Mmr lise sera, ait sPited wandoras, sera ididra, cerarras t, BA app C/A, CA/Fin beln ailwai bar, 6 car pis. 250 Pwtama Dr-W. S32.Oa0.a ENGAGEMENT an Jim M ania s asd of Midr on ,se an ted ora &K CatheirineBniofKlrd L plde e t-8-g-7 eer a parierenth , egragemen- oa ernds esedry, e Jilann Bgacrand Dmaiel nars.N Cal CHAIS e 1- la36 peis nos 51951< $95 aroas anage' Cucnl05-a7-418 COtJNTAYlro100%vaatr Mii credt OK CetOntaio 2bdoer lg saitng km ofinSfl or editaraeNrae rarking Nor 7887 or viei l u appleld. Z iabnoIa A oa i ars New pels/snf-al pliancas indauded, sera sera fw Cal 900-fl3- $1775/f00s1b + utlOes. 5474, 905-876-4299. EDO DUNWOODY L9MITED as Liquldator of Sale and Sound Children'c Centre mnc. INVITES OFFERS TO PUECHASE LAND AND BUILDING. DAY CAltE EQU2PMRENT TOWN 0F MILTON - 2 LOCATIONS BDO Dunwoody Limilec, as Liquidator, ia inviting offers toi purotrasa landsa and buildings, as viel as certain asseila currenlly uliliza i n two day care operaliains. The chattel asseta include ail fumiture, fixtures, chilcirens laya & equipmenl. games, craft supplies, complut- ars, atorage unils. televlsions, cota kitctren equipmant anid oCher daycar lama. There ara lwo locations triait are for sala raith the land andi building of approxîmale sile as follows: M407 Pina Street, Millon, Ontario - lot 668x 132' with 1,925 sq. fI. building; 2) 8 Th-ird Sldaroad, Milon, Ontario - 2.1 acres railh 3,600 sq. fI. building. Tfnay are raady for immadiala possession, occupancy and oparationa. We do nol make any raprasantalions or warrantias wilh respect 10 the availabilhty or tranafar orf theia ast- ing daycara lcensa(s). In addition la standard liquidation sales larGos, the lollowmng larGos and conditions apply, but ara not limitacitoi: 1 . Wa rasarve the night f0i accepl any oSfer aI any lime; 2. The higf-eal or any oSfer may nol necaasanily ba acceptla: 3. This invitation il aspira on 15 Octobar 2004 unlasa exlendad by us; 4. Offara 10 purchasa aach proparly must ba subminaed aaparalaly; 5. Will consider offars for jual land andi building or juat challal assata; 6. Onily "en bloc oSfera" on the challel assals on aach proparty aili ba considareci; 7. AIl assets vili ba sold "as la, whara ls"; and 8. Closing date 28 Oclober 2004. For lurthar information. pleasa contact Lac Fulton at 905-615-8087 estl. 241 ( SDO Dunwoody Limiteci 33 City Centra Drive. Suite 880. Missisaogo Ontario, LSD 2N5 I f if îTeitour ferri,8 r~i6ends. vilf-Bf-tfAnnourncosentsl FOUNO ceil phono near Commerci & Chartes. m Gnescrf-e t0 crmi. Cati 905-878-4205. LOOKING for [ivn ont Nan- a - nie tor Cospsl aea 152 il chidren, 1 & 3 yrs. Cous ee m ki 7 T2nas- or dys, Mon- Thora/Pr steling Ot or Non. Cstt 905-854-5801. -m MILTON, lusrsl f-ache- GEORGETOWN 2-bed- lor apt., suillalrle for single, rosa conds. A/C, f-alcony, mature, dlean perses. Ns 2-undergrsund parkirng, smoking/pets 5670/mth rouli 10 GO. Availuf-le No.î firstlast. Cali alle tipa veaber 15th $950/monl 905-875-1706. plus utilities. 1 905-825- ActonsApertrnants 15&2 8258. bedroos Opartrnr avait- GEORGETOWN Dowo- sable Nos ald for flr. town, 2nd lsor, bachelor Fnidgn & rston, iauUfl apt., $700/mth, lro in- facilitesu, Ns dogs 510-53- cluded. Fndge & atone, 4374 open 7 daya/week asler & dlyr Aoailaf-le saane day appronal. issedatl Duy-905-702- oOWNTOWN MILITON 9288, uller Spa & ses- Mittarde Towers 82 Mitîside isends 416-931-5030 Drine 1 &2 Bedrons Apts. G5ORGETOWN, 15th News apliannes. Closes to idedLrebneo Downtown. Bus sp ut Sdra arebceo F-ront Door 905-876-1249 apassent, 2nd Plont 2-ap- pliancos $700ismonh + ul ila Aoataf-le October lar. 905-873-4413 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Brerls Stnrt South, Milio UKE nas in nc caos tao osa areai oa scoptig tres. $525/sontil ndd applications far: ig atanis. r bedroom, 1 1 &2 Badrmos bath, large apalmelnety Aparsnaints ireonatsd. Walk dewnrsncs, Formo Anadtabte end ni Saptard>ar Informain anittr ta ad October. Pleasa cati meke 5SI/ wannlp. 519-581-7537. 901476-7 MILTON 2-f-dm bungalow., Buand à Fbocgar 2 car gaairga lot dni- ten, $12951+ uNlils. Asvat MILTON 1 & 2 f-arsrrantle Non 1Ce. Oeal 90l-75 avefiabte. $945. +. Clan 3750. arnd gari butilding. Cail Jadu 000 lU2Oi8 Avait- MILTON 3-bdrs f-vasa, sal ermadiaîaIy anailabla Octobair 1Ct 433 ACTION 1 -badrom pr George Si. Nn pals, ses mens Anatit" Ni Sanobeea aider opia pire tl Plasa colt affar lemed. $12Odnth filtt 1 7:0Operm aa345 n ailas, rataercas reNs ACTON 1-badirocn, ilt quired. Cali958681 abida retaly Fdg arm aiais rraadN pets, frlst, raierarcea requard. Cail 519-ffl- 3877.- ACTON largetfin Sedîos apt $775/sontro Aise MILTON 3-f-dm bawn- large 1 -badrons apt, totuse, garage, spfoeul $600/mtr+ Caîl 51 9-853- î 1275/1m1h + strIfires. Cai 5080 ar 905-876-2997. 519-853-5352 MILTON dhrmirra 3-f-dos ACTON reeonaied 2-bal- isefnusa in Hawthrnse rssm, 2nd to aSI in quiet Pillage for Nos. 15. f-uildng, Nse-smorer/ pets. $1350/siS + utilities. Ocisller 1C. $890/otsnt- Pascal perd & garage. CatI inclusive. Call (905)-702- 905-884-6274 lor appornt- 3301 mn COUNTRY 1 -tdos, sida"e DAKVIL 3&d Berdrsoo gte persani, va pels/smsis- lOeAISS ndfl Lina, 5 irms N of 401 sediatli rf-rosgit IsalatNnnrat al 55~ Decamber, 4 appiancea. firilastNo 1 i.Cal it opedala Mail sae Laissora Management. ERIN COUJNTRY settl, 100876-333 bedrnen, 2 tenais, caasrrc fIsors, sia carpal. Prinaia dnracy, petio, Nons arad- ir $950.00 Ulibess tsdad- al 51-8n98a23 ERIN. 1-bedroom spart- ment localed os qari Creel. Naraip decoraled wa8a large vaau, bal FIJRNMIED roser near roo as anto clos rat - Mirtos Mal, parking, teun- ais. seadads haf-f-d etc.$c gllOwaee Pleama F rstasi raesareces re cali 905-878-0882 grsred. 518-833-2316. GEORGETOWN -ed- fol spt, DoeaCswn, Oc- lober Ca. parln laundry, f-es ng nduded. $755 anlf Rete ences 1-95-737/-8749 34000f bungealw iel GEORGETOWN 2-bal- paînlal bedros in Millo rom bassinent aparraser. Great f-sae, sf-are ortf- one penaa entrance and loue- sale levant,. Ns pets, dry. Anailable 0125561 fat. $125/pet ek sinde S825/ssntr plus hydro. utilities & osf-ln Colt 905- Cati 905-877-7910 for ain 690-8337, appoiorsent. MariMarijuana T Local distrf-nlnrs rsquired for tegat cannab-is producla ridino nomernus hsatth benelr Pteaon cal 4156 c 571-11470 oudt@rogers.conil ~MTeftiyier! ?ace your ad im the Olassifiedis! Grng & Kalita DOLSON Inae Goherryl are plsased no annsonrce tf-n 105 ni their daughter Julia Karen Dalses, vigf-il 7 tf-s, 7 oz ai Milton District Hospitl on Sunday Sepîsaf-er 26th, 2004. Specrat thanka t0 lins tremendos OB staff ut MIl and th-e prsud grand- parents Bruce & Louse Gaison and Wiliam & Vi 20rnai GIlnDpoisEtizW.A beftre aasnd Anse s LOPING Mnther in South- Milon. 18 sonthas- years rm 7.30asn-5 GOpm Lunch Prourded. Col Veana 905-693-1961 LOVING Mornr of 2 has sas oIr chilciren, t-5 yrs. filr aid, CPS. croSts and pers sting Cai Lyno O 90"-76-2072. 1994 Viking Tant Traiter. 10 6f-se boxing and dnuble toiada. isix anery oer torgfil. 3-way tnidge. su- terrilc teraca. smnrng and nana. 84,725.00 Cal Shef-ry 105-75-4842. WOOOEN plap san, 2 for arase, 2 alidea. 2 swiegs, rosiraI nder. 2 rspe ltidrs, eraniep bars, brartd nsaîn f-na. Sellaera- lalt fnr $1500. VIa a sait- raglan $655. Pteasa ccll 905-257-4390. A Dirisg Aorn, Chaerry- essai, double podestat tell, 8 cf-airs, buffet, f-ucf-, doseai construc- ion. New sttl sn boes. jCosi 511,000. Sacrifce $2,800. 905-567-9459 A King Pilotlaip Magrl Sel. New in plstic CnCt $1600. sait for $450. 905-567-9459 aRa, Amazing bargaîn, gueen orlirspedic pillnarop sel, mawin plasc, ananty $150 905-567-4042 MI de- Hver. Bealease Cf-erry-ansd, Bel, cf-aal, dresner, 2 nigf-isisrds. Doeebel Ces- struction. Nmaer npened Cani $9.000. Sacrifice $1,500. 505-567-4042 CARPET i hane senarai 1,000 yrde. of ser Stii- meal & 10% nylon car- pal. Will de Wroes & hallfor$3M. ledades car- pet, pad & italation 130 tardsi Siene 905-639- 2902 FRIGIDAIRE 30r sef cteen- ilg Cma.e lif top Mâlea, ex- collant cnditon, 3 pr OC., Anbîng $350/080. Cali Nos Tub: 2004 cli aption, alerili, Omucter, Red. Woodr cabinet ceve > I ae isll In rapper. Cait sel85 Soi $5,000. 4164-117. PIANO'S gosd satection under 13K5 guy and Soit. Cai Siese 905-631-62500 Cahfte Coseaesslry 3031 CWr 85 95WW.PIANOS.CA - Pra- nof-ouse sudingron, 20 new/used Pianos sort Grands, Yusaha, Kanar, Sasîch, nf-s 905-631- 9259.

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