Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 2004, p. 27

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ASSEMBLER TECHNICIANS A Ieading marine Prigine manufacturer Incated in Mississauga Ontario s urrently recruiting 2 Assembler Tesonicians, This contract opportunily requires a minimum ni 2 -5 years experiense in the meshanical asseinbly enuironment and/or a verA solid background in the technical areas ot engîne comporterts. Experience in the marine power, mntnnn ycle, or automobile industries an asset Other skllis reqiiired are orin lift operation, ability te use bard and power tfouis and inspection devises, mnuet pessess excellent computer related silîs. be prelîcient n Englîsb and pnssess a resiiient physical stamîra. Positions ou Ce illed immediately. Please emadl pour resamne en a word document by Octeber 1, 2004 te a Pieane Nore: onierenne rorlacirO oui tue înieruîewed. Gerre blectrir ttaiio' largest indepeedeni eleitrisal d1iatribitoi lias an opeoint for a motîuated indîvîdual te join rur gtruant leam TRAINER/ISO COORDINATOR Rot TNR 05 Based ai the Head Cttice in Bornirgton yne wrîl bu ostor- sîble for the designî anjd lao.ltion et ail Iraining Aou stîn backingînîîîd ri îeaciîg Micrsoft Ottiri Pregiuiiin an well an an ooaeisianinq ut Proess FlOus IO Prucedores and Iii abîlîty ou ennuie nur Oialily n/niem is maîntaîned usines alor 15 bransthes vîlI maine you an ideaI candi date Pieuse rend resome witti salart expertations lu Ab@geiiie cein * FAXu 905 bAt11774 or maillte GERRIE ELECTRIC WIIOLESALE LIMITED 4104 South Service Reaf, Builiegten Ont LiT 4X5 Atin Auman Renniiices Manager Pleane rote, ooly thure coroidered tri arr intervew wr11 bu ceetacbid AtI reerme e Aeid rn confidence. WELDERS FITTERIWELDERS We buux immedraîx upeningu lui bulb eileru and bllxîiexldxîs for a stelxx fabrcation plant ru George- townr Positions ciii iraball9 C baiful-lime lemporary bul coula lead lx bull timte fut the rigbl perxoni Must baux sxuaal yxars xerîxncx anti uboulti bx ablextli resti xrgîneered dracingu. Pîxaxa fax resumnes lu: 905-876-3163 Wajax Industrie.. airmajor aîslrîbutrfr in enustriai and construction equipmeni bas an immediaix openng for woull latlime rouirions. 1.,D4riece snriv rie A Pas esm o Teuuporary Recepiouist/Teieinarketer Requrreol by Milles baseol aisînibulti uf Pulice/FirxtEMS prouces. ouîgaing nersunaile. excellent lelepbunie mannex computer ana organe- zaîronal skîlis required, May cadti l permanent position fur tPe ninS candiatex Piraftse nd reaumne lnctudlug aaay expectatluns toi John MacDonald by Emati atr Jmacdonad@mega-techltriconI or Fax: 90".93-8936 Fuil-Tome Customer Service/Disaaigh Position avaîlable. Experience prelerred, but noS ueceusary. Pieuse fax resume toi: 905-693-8564 PART-TINO: Rapîdlye xpandîng Miltoe campany requires a mature part limne Data Entry Clark lut ussîsl aur Somvie Coordinator. i-ours flexible milbîn the business Peurs of 8:30 - 5:00 pmît 12-166hxurs perceek wili be required. Send resumnes tor Box 246 Sin. Nain, Milton ON. 191 4N9 or RECEPTIONIST Evenings f0 8:30 p.m. Starfing lmmediately Fax resumé ta 905-693-8874 or e-mail ta 626 LEGAL SEC Gîergetown Gererai Praclrc lime administrative assister rioive vanneus areas et iaa inrl estare, matrimonial a ussel Pieuse lorcaif applicaion anti relerences te: Heison Kogoni Ashbee Cc AftentiQnr John E. Sch 132 Miii Street, Georg Onipy appications rer Otbr220 RECEPTIONIST Paf limae, maînly eveiog 15 brs/ minI Must Ce fex capable ut baniliot a bu board on a prutevuîunai m communiîcaion andol rga vu inepbuard is esuxotia IMPORT supervision anti xuop me peuple rn un eetnxmxlp p DEALERSHIP fax ,f,, eunto un the Hunier aiea jean carte, iruringn loi 2od ye ar reg- 8441Relia S usturef autemt1fve 720 Guelph apirrurice oeea urllnglant, Pleane senti reoumu Io ý nhe Puni, 5040 Mainray 1 . col r Fax. M0-3 Suri ngiur L7L 7G5 Box 12016 Reception/Ad oBalloatant Mackay Chart shailerituit posinion aeaia essustantý This positionr ena Fuli-Time suris un a protessierul, corc OFFICE! pone mannrues Theu acconr ACCOUNTING eruertuti anti peu MbSt wti ASSISTANT reuuremenîls are Office 200 Knîwteî5ee if piayur; excellentivrgaoizatieut Geca fie pereisoiulSI Senti renom. Proceures nclud tieros te AP & edrus ust îu Lanra Readie, 4200 Sth deAP r usied Saa 5015, Bartiagtam, ON1 U Io Coaituenuoratan wih 28 Faxresrn alngINTERM to fax#EDITORIAL Formua Media Grou « Ont., Pas an immedial Ciaeeifted Heure gromîma negionai cens Monder te Frday wxii ruuntied edilur wi 9 amn te 5 Pm zatienai uiils ant i ssî years euperîence, pre evrn eni requin 3 Pinax torse inciadiog saiary jobs@lburiint HAFELE Estabihe in r1981 Htiele Canatia lac s part ni a global disetributien and mtiruiactariii cemparpy spucual- îîî0g in the sepply et liftings te the tointure and assecu- atet inudustrius. as celi tisa gîretn pruserce un the Architectural haîrdcare marinut Oased un Berlungoe ce currenhia rave a vacancy lui an Internai Sales Representative Th/e successuel candidate ciii bu cusioer tecsed. computer literate anti able te coin as part et a smail but buuy teamn A customner service bacintroundtir pîxtur- able but net esseoliai au full trainng ciii bu guvur Competitive salaty, benetuts packnage & bonus. Pieaae appif In the tint Instance ta: Warren Cisaver Cusiemer Service Manaaler Fax: 905-319-4446 or e-mail le. wcieaver@hafleieicas.cas INSIDE SALESI CUSTOMER SERVICE We have an immediafe opening for an linsîde Sales! CRS in our Agrîcultoral Division rn Bunlîngton. Responsibilities : Integrating communication betweeu custumen, supplier, carehouse and trauspodlatîbu for order ptecessirg. Mainiaining iueentory records, înaoîc- îog yod expedîtîng shîpments. This îu an administrative positîvon repertnng 10 1he PreductlPurchasing Manager. Excellent keowledge rn computer prugramu & accvurtrog syotems is reqeîred Indesiry eeperîence an tisuet Bi/irgeal /English/French) weuid 0e an tisvet. Pieuse senti youl resume milS salars vapectations 10 nievsylonie ca. or fax: 905-315-2084 We thank ai upplîcante but on/c,, candidates select- pi for interviniv wmli bu contâcteî RETARY e lue office neurus fuir i Whie tPe positier cili eaperuetce and training nu igatuor eouid Ce an .wih cempixîx reumne raira & Ausocuaren LLP, rsnd on r ere ni ce couuaerea. I SECRETARY s & meukeotis lapprox ie Applicants must De sy, multiple uine emîlcIr- anner, peseens excellent nîzatio inllUI. accerac/ i, matin wîlb minimum mkirOg wilS a tiieereilp of redaclîee office. Pixaux rds Ciy Realy lac Linae, 3-5907 Iministrative ~tant o-ad Accoantats bas a hie tri an Adminisotraivue urus a moiti-tasuet ebo pie- leeae marner autb excellent tînt proessioun un deatin k ceil andur pressure SIl bmncîoeft balirtin team icommunication aod inter- e, incuioti s0 alaiy uxpecta- tSarvia Raad, P.O. ba fl 3Y8 * Fax: 90-639- EDIATE POSITION p, based ix Oateniiie, n upexing un a rapidip amer publication ton a lbn eucepliunai urgaru- un A minimumuo tl3 ieîabip in a magazine id. arci restiue, expectations, to0 Sales Person Required Must have experteece in construction/ door & wîntiow renuealîou. Sales leadu for outrance duor manulactureru/aoeembiers an asset. Pieuse fax résumé 60 (905) 878-9211 or mail or drop off to: Etton Manutacturing 359 Wheeiabrator Way Millton LEIT 3CI le> stSres. tamoan tforn invîctin& întoemor serice, are iorîkittî. fer permranen.t, flesible. [7/PT sales stati îîsclidng weekdayn, esenixpe & weekenols ter our store i: l0t1 Upper Middle Road lUpper Oakvtie Shopptng Centre) Wr are iookîag for peopple fres thes neughbourhood wine enjur> ciidrii qxality ioys, aoderstand excelets customer service & moald tîke te, 3011 aur team. Conupaisy benefits & geuerous empioyee discount a-voulable. Cuit the Manager 905-338-7779 or drop resumne off at the store SERVICE MERCHANDISING REP. FU. TIME POSITION AVAILABI. vequie va e al or Rua Big Bx soes in bnro r 1lAeuer postion Saa ca aowance ber- ett Mous be emrforable wih smplebhad tl Wie wil tainMusobie flebeIotavel b vsouai ver nh or e end etr b ena ed, Reppe ih a bre emome ea MCDONALD SALES & MERCHANDISINO Fao 905-855-8559 a-mil: BONUS!u ALL ýfe Ads With almoat iûf0years of experieuce aud a complementof murethan 2,500 employees, Saint Elizabeth Health Cane is a Canadian, not-for- profit charitable argaujuation thtt encels at delîveriug quality home care throoghoat Ontario. Community RNs & RPNs Modical/Surgical , Palliativo Caro Opportunities are available in tht Niagara Region, where we are prosd to have heen serving commonities for the past seven years. Competitive hourly pay for client cure Flexible scheduling - Group benefit and pension plan 24-hour clinical and managerial support Extensive paid orientation * Paid nnileege Educatien bursaries - A suppoltive team enoironiment Sohsîdized RNAO/RPNAO memhership Paediatric euperience is an asser. Ploase forward your résumé to: Cîody Andrews, Service Delieery Centre Manager, Saint Elizabeth Health Cane, 44-4 Scott St., Unit 5, St. Catharines, ON L2M 3W6. Fau: (905) 704-4570. candrews@saintelizabth.cuom Saint Elizileth DE-NTAL tkSSlITANTir Re3quired Fuit Tinme RECEPTrIONIST Required Fuit Time for famiiy dental practice 905-877-4003 Ax bas, nseen-phymcsian Farril y Practice ti b rnîton Otinario tous ru irtnirdiire oiiirio r ap.iri-irii REGISTERED NURSE ýuricntI ltrdinge regýrniaiion in i)riiiii, or nicars rhoIîîp itorli ir i e n en ui i iri Pieuse tue resumue te 0. Lutdry at 905-632-6932 Yolung's Pharmacy & Homecare 47t Main Street South, Georgetoer. Orntario L7G 3G2 Toepeer e 877-27ii Regisiered Nurses Needed for Fia Shot Clinics Tbis positio rivaeves pre-besked partf-ime bors te staff fluie is ln rur Pbaîmay au wxii as tr Cther le- calions. Clînîcs rri tramt October le December. Registraion wîlb the Coliege ot Nurses ut Ontario lu requireti Please brina in your resume in pertion ta Maureen Sokatowitteather Nacfficar PART-T IM E APPOINTMENT COORDINATORI or abusDental Office -2 Eerngs per eeinl Ivbelten experence preen Pieuse teply te, DR EHESNDR. HM EPR. GRî 1 Pua 905-677-3917 MANGE TRNE Wen offhaeth abimpettîvest teb artîn ia n boterOneftaro e p ckage and amppor usnity o Eopan Rstaffta dhoIdai.5 n@ tcornom - @h BOignal" i Brlngo h a psloig o h TAxt Plraing bugin an- evc Lino e staff Min th ae xiy oi o hn Top tak Pidt S 5hur q Lie oolica. *F/ WAITr STAFFr Apo epelbO e Fesao 0-2722 mu315 b P aîrî e St wur, l a uu bae t irebai c 3a1u GueaoElph e giton c11gnenn W fea opi v tring wg A 5day3030 E p ckage at Shortirt0lI fr /ror a Ope osenrOS t EmlRsume te:51 ww%&saintelizabetihtcom mm I nu

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