Here's just a sample of over 250 used vehicles we have in stock. ff2004 TOYOTA COROLLA CES Auto, air, PI, CO, kevless entry, Between 40,000 & 50,000 km. Sa lance of Toyota warranty. M KIA SEDOU EX ALL PRICIED AT l'at¶, 06km!! Fully Iêaio, quarts, fai air BJ1ao o MIBA $1 5 .5 9 5 116230 S81_28 BI-WEEKLY Sl.g [~~1m PU04TOYOTA TACOMA X-CA 4X4AJA PKG 2000 TOYOTAI riti'0,11aohl t imoy, inac& %%mire,*l Bf-WEEK #72257 -Im 202 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4 2004 GMC JIM Ooty 72,00 km!!lla monir intd mutA Mire ~ o~f0m 11600051 $188.77 BI-WEEKLY ii 13w6 IIJ0 J aW 2004 TOYOTA CAMRY LE'S 11193PFAuto, air, PW PI, keyless entry. Between 35,000 & 45,000 kms. Bal ance of Toyot a warranty ALPII AT $20.,g795 SPORT I199 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE 2002 CHRYSLER SEBRINO LX i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ kl Onento QgNi0 m ert8oo autairîMF6Pt moIepIl V6, ardo,r, F6. PL, #262451 $154,38 B-WEL Y . 5 #5u $897B-WEEKLY K4 KlNG RANCH 2000 MAZDA PROTEGE 4 DR 2004 JEEP GRAND CHROE LAED 4X4 ine Iih firt butAit W1i60,8110 km!! Fin speed, very eomamical. Balanie il In<~,~ m)6~î air, F6, Pt, pouerp ce&moaci KLY S2 .99i à110647Idl S6.71 91-WEEKLY S7.995 1 i48601 £23263iWM L B26.9951 199 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GTP 4iDR 2003 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 2000 HONDA ACCORD EX 209 Orly 100,000kril! boulier, minntat, lUt & oe sIemt one~0 km!' buaf & momrtl. Salante ilToyta ki~2~ kim!lait alola, & moariti. Blotti il Hirda 1 #216292 $133684 B0-WEEKLY lM O 11725736 16r90 BI-WEEKLY 1 9,9 11803165 $176.09 BI-WEEKLY i1,9 * 2004 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S Two have aluminum rims p erseat, 25,000 &32,OOkm. Balance of Nissan warranty 2001 DODGE CARAVAN SE4DOR ALL PRCIED T a n6eme! V6, auto, air, F065, PL, tlt, millo & miro. 0 W Ar 11#177565 $133680 BI-WEEKLY$3M With our written Warranties and Guarantees, our cars seUl themselves Thoe flksin the showroomn are just there to give you the key. li GORRUDS AUTOU 410 STEELES AVENUE, IN MILTON 905-875-2277 WWW.GORRUDSAUTOGROUP.COM ~vhe 999 an ee.940 o l eils19 n p iorAmrizationA,,h24 to72 months depening on vhcleyear Subjec t rrs ad omsson More than $340OOO to be saved t ram REGION on page 1 thai a decision had already been made to contrat out footcare and hairdressing serv- ices at Allendale, affecting four employees. This led to a seulement that defeered the consideration of contracting oui ai Allendale pending the outcome of collec- tive bargaining next year. At the two new facilities scheduied to open within the nexi six months in Burlingion and Oakville, named Post Inn Village and Creek Way Village, Superior Cleaning Systems of Elmvale will be pro- viding housekeeping and building mainte- nance on a tbree-year conti This carne about after a lengthy staff investigation mbt what the private sector has toi offer in laundey, building mainte- nance and housekeeping services, which spurred public outcry fromn residents. fami- lies and staff ai Allendale. "The contracting out of these services is common in long-terni rare and it was feli that these services were more amnenable toi provision by an externat provider," a joint regional staff report said. "Staffing levels identified in the rompa- ny's proposaI are consistent witb those that would be used if the services were deliv- ered by regiona staff, and tIhe company agrerd to meet or exceed aIl specific per- formance standards." 'Mse report noted that tie contc would result in a savings of $340,000 rompared 10 thse m-bouse cosi. Halton had also investigated contraciing oui laundry services, but no companies met thse specific performance standards put for- ward by thse Region. Staff are re-issuing a requesi for propos- aIs for general laundiy services and hope toi bave a conteactor in place before thse new facilities open. Personal laundry would be done by mn-bouse staff. Melanie Hennessey ran be rearhed at mhennessev@miltonî anadian -hampio, ý'Sex assault case in court A correctiona officier accused of provid- ing contraband 10 female inmatrs foîr sexu- aI favours wîill reture tu Burlingion court Novembr 10 for a pre-trial. This was decided last Tuesday when thse accused appeared ai Ontario Court ot Justice in Burlîngion. Haton Regional Police rhargrd thse aduli maIe employer of Milton's Vanier Institule for Women wiîh four counts of brearh of trust and threr counîs of sexual assauli in MarrIs. His naine is being wiheid 10 proîrri thse safély oftihe viims, police said. ---------- rial