Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 2004, p. 26

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SINGLESGETZGATHER singles Soci Club for 35 + Comforiable gof fogethees. ROISE: Fred Peocohtifly euth fasafy by hos sudo, if St. ~ools Hon- pital, Hamilton on Mnnduy Septorober 20,2004. Frod Rouso in hos 92nd yean Beioned husbanti of62 poars lu Dore,, Rosse. Lovsrsg laSher of Pot and rer huse band Bruso Camnazzid o ond Ens Stoddarf. Loood grandtaolfn Pots, Tommy Lise andi hoc husbanti Roy, Wayno and Gi on. Great-grandfsftor of Doavi. Konny anti Knnterfy. Froti si te greati misooti by his stop grandchildon and sfsp greof-gvndcdr flic anti Cathy and Don anti Lis, Koyla, Tronor, Malion and Giflas. Predoceasd by hse grandcteielrn ibsdy, Chrslnphor anti Ksvv. Frioints ivre reconstd i theli J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOMUE, 21 James St., Mi- tnn, 905-878-269 on Wsdnsdsy Septenflir 22, 2004. An fnt nfsss no ld at St. Goorge's Anglican Chardi Cscnssrl Lowvdls on Thurshisy. Soptootter 23, 2004. fn foeu nf fboots, donations moytbe matis t St. Pstss Long Tons Cars Pocdlty; Hnndlon orIte tierdy 0f ono's chouco LACEY, KELLY: Septessher 24, 1963 - Mircit 18, 1992 Who woutd ever have thoogit lta a person ,eosld «Mit ho so sorety msilie afler al]tls lme? Seeau tike yesteeda.. t msssà yoe site, pour taugit, aid eapelattp nGW, t miss poils compasson aid wllbagesa to listes and hetp me lisrougts my lousgt limnes.. you were alws lucre. t Miss pou. Happy Bthday, my frend Sleep eaay and SMAS L i_êR & dole LORNE MOUNTAIN SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 We miss yen very muait, Your presense la slii with Ua, Eey ee ego Your memtory we wltt alwsys keep. Your golfe of 51 yean; Ellen Clslldren Lysa, Loainn, Eric and Lee Grandchildren Jessica, Jeremy, Sansantisa and Rebecca Sons in lave ichard and Ran LORNEM OUNTAIN March 3lst, 1925 ta September 25th, 2003 lih has Sein the strangeat year to lIve: liue yvar wlthoul my tiot. I loois acroas your living ravon t soc yoo- Valentiie's Day)1 teased yout about tise carda flylng enruit thse schoul yrd. March 31#t we were vita Iou for mords. lite gih turned 13 It Ap4Il. litey msshs tiseir Gruitdpa. 1 loois alo tise swing)I baugis! for you anti main. Il ho emp0c. itge tirant porcs l iare. 1 louis downtuwn in hopea ta aee you malhing aroand. lise gils go Inte grade 8 tis yeac. Fou realty got a hick out of Halloseeen. t con spiais for aIl of us Chrhotmnas ho.'! Cheistmsas wltisotyou Daut, FathrEn-lam, Grandpa. Wî really mss you, cure for you and laue you Dad. You mire a greot providic. 1 believe tisa! you helped uas andi nsîu one reryonr la doing things for thenselves, this is tise snly moy pou can hiep us ho trois aboce. Love atseays liront: Ros, Luann. Sonsantisa anti Rebecco HFLEN ST. JOHN Apri 7, 1933- September 26, 2003 Flom oic happy home ait dce Gsd bu. taken thse one we toved. ltte borne front sin sait soerow Toia nobter rest ibove. No orne issoi how we vaisa lier, N4oie tbut acbtsg hearti cii tell; Los on esth but fonnsesven Jeuns doeth ail thfisa wett. Mlaaod by Hauand Lovern. Also by Mly Ron, Janet and Grand" dTara &Allio. nie fsnsly of tise laie jouit PreZto wvodd Meb go eepreu our heoefel tlsasls to tise sosy fldetsds asnd fsaily so sent cards, Ilowvesà andi denatioss duritsg oie veoydffil tise. licitA te ou ftiesdu frons tihe Kindo Hii wso sup- plied thse fatsity sa elas duefrg Joan 1 illneu andi wel ofier ho, pastiun. l7sanA you ta Dr. f<ollssih, Dr. King and J. Scou Early Fanerai Home nt thse wondo<fidi nursing itaff oi Niktoo Ddstvsol Hospital. Ail of yoar intinoa wel fond- ty be ,-emesnlered Ay theofaiuny WATKCNSON, Mary Helen (Wbee1ilmin Woostscannot begt tu expres sur ir te you, our frteid and retativen o you overwsletmlng support, throstgtout lte lime oflour ssdnes Your visitai, phsone cailla, carsis, mass cada flowers, charitabte do-ons, - wel s ait thse food, sa tdssdty prepared on Our belsal, certalnly coottributeti ta eaue our pa=u.Mary Heten tas greagly mlssed, ltus bow Mteeweiare to be sttrroungded by ucis cau- log lndtvlduas Wïth Hesrttelt lilanAa, and Appreclsllon lise WATJNON, WHEEIJIL4N CARPET f hans senerai 1,000 pitis. 0f noo t Oain- manfor & 10%9 nylon car- pef. Wiii don lionigroon & hall foc $389. Indudes car- pot, pati & intallahion (30 yards) Stens, 905-639- 2902 FREE Etimates. G0f wnS- lily chairs, liroti lonklng oot i nêi«? FilIds Cus- tom Woodi Rohinishing anti Pumîfors Rspeirs, 9-9,905- 632-9090. Hot lTb: 2004 aIt options, wwllt, Omnalor, Rsd- wSod cabirnet none usadit tf Inwrapper. Cent 51.91. sli 508. 411-Offl197. PIANOS gond sslectin usder 13K< Buy anti SsIi. Cati Stens 905-831-6200 hailon Consnvatory 3031 HWV #5 RECRSATtON/HasIOrs 6 olisol ARGO cfs oufhnor rnutontlrer, $2800.00;.14' AJumîsuts Seat, 3 swivei oais, lOlip., 0200.00; 2- Hnnds 250 didhîikes, $700.001$1700.00; Brandi sois minhota fout contio eliocl trolfing motor. $000.00 Cail (519)853- 4207 SEAT Sail Freshen up pour dissosi/diigmoom chair soifs oisolecteil laS- scos han $f9.90/ia. Oeuf oso quaty fons re- placoement honi $29.95/ea. Fouit Pumdare anti FaS- nics, 9-9 dsdy. 905-W2- 090. WWW.PIA9IS.CA - Pie- nos Bualn 200 noolusoti Pianos asti Grands, Yamaha. <anai. Samick, Chers 905-631- 9259. WANTED -hI China, Sil onr Crysal Tea Cups, Royn Douton, Stanol Glass, Jee#y od foys. cohtectble entateon Cal JohrVrracy, 905-331-2477. ïJSupport yssue local faroser. 4.rl- ts a great crop. Conte Ick our apples. yPlettYour o vf hl utalt & AReady Picco1sllhlpou lt ~ Mac Gata NO ADMISSION CHARGE- Wednesdays Seniors 10% Off - Weekend Wagon RldealCandy Apples We tii hman cheex, pies, francoe frt idcr, muffin batter, jamo, honcy, peari Huttonville 905-455-82~ Came Vit lTe Cern Maie *Mon.-Fr1. 9-, SaL ,Sun., Holiday. 9-5 8805 Herîtage Rd. wwhattsovlis.comdftrsdsdnioe 1M0 Clos. Cavalier, 4cy9. ddr., white, 154,0OOkms $750. an is.; 1996 Ford Windstar. V6, Bnrg., 225,OOOlfmo, $2000 ana is 1990 Honta Crac,4.. dc4 ddr. - cis. 214,0001050. $2500. an oi Cali Mike st 647-44-0311 (Gsnrgatoi 1881 Cavalier os oa. Liv- ing contrly must sif. $50. 080. Cali Bias 905-873- 1492 1996 Chesy Coraco, 3.1, vis auto. $4500000O. Cerh- hido-testoti. gnnti condi- toril 142.OOOAin. Pote lms -HnM" Cisic coulis 20 yoans eitpeoncs. seul- shI to tut0, eatiy readsng, SI. 126,OOOjlnns. auto. hilly tIf olentary subfscts. inadoti. spoifsî. afîoy eory mth, tscience, wlss faclony sscunty anti plyiycs alto anatlabls. systns. & more. Nothmg 98 ho49. 0-63 soitijst drivse, omWt sinusaftly, lsd indludoi. 1Asln§ $8,500.9280. Cati Cothsnne doyhime 905- 702-4666, aitar 6per 905- 878-4898 a 2001 Pontiac Montana, mV kVU in beige, 92SOOims, t-door . ~ full f oudeti spoliera. maikub $15,995. Cuif 905-702- 0atba 181111l1 (MW 132841 X22 famtlle& (9587-7 0250o aller n -us-aaaspae.a INCREDIBLE LIQUIDATION 0F NEW FURNITURE AND ELECTRONICS BY UNRESERVED PUBLIC ÀL1 IT I > IaI Saturday, September 25, 2004 Gellert Community Centre, 10241 Eighth Line, Georgetown/Halton His, ON 401 to Trafalger Rd. to 1lOth Side Rd. (turn right) to 8th Line (tumn left) Preview 10 arn/ Auction il arn Robert Gosse, Auctioneer, bas becn inotructed to liquidate this superb collection of new furniture anid accessonies ai a "NO RESERVE" auetion. Approximnately 20- 3 pieee sofa sets from traditional to contemporary to designer looks, from 100% Italian leatbcr to tbe bigbest grade fabric on tbe market. 6 Gorgeous Dining room suites, some witb matcbing buffets, butebes and sideboards, some in solid Wood and in wood veneer; ceeny, walnut, mabogany, pine, and maple finiobes. Elegant bedroom outfis to include a stunmng 8pc Queen Bedroom Suite in medium oak, and a fabulous 8pc Queen Sleigb Bed Suite witb bidden drawers. Gigantic Cberry Finisb Poster Bedroom Suite. Gorgeous Frencb Barley Twist Sleigb Bedroom Suite. Beautiful Pine Bar witb matcbing stools. Vegas Gaines Bar Counter. Huge assortment of coffee, end tables, jain cupboards, gifts, entertainent units, and lanops. Huge assortonent of electronics and borne tbeatre- 19'"-61l" onide sereen TV's, DVD players, paper sbredders, small kiteben applianees, ail under warranty. Selection of electric band tools; b ammer drills, grinders, planers. Many framed pieces of art, Lisnited Edition numbered "Group of Seven". Hand painted desks and Bombé Cbests. Quality mattresses and box spring sets in single, double, qucen and king from tbe most economical to tic bigbest quality pocket coil pillow top sets on tbe market. Satsuma, Limoge vases, sign boards, and crystal. 32pc pots and pan sets from Germany. 65-98pc Cbina disb sets. Cutlery and Knife sets. Tribal Art, masks, porcelain dolls, 8x 11 & 5x8 carpets, baker's racks and Tiffany lamps. Hockey Memorabilia and signed and numbered jerseys, sticks, prints, pucks etc. Tbis is a partial listing. Many more stunning items not listed. Subjeet to additions and deletions. TItIS MAY BE THE BEST AUCTION YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! Ample parking. Delivery Service Avoulable. Payment: Cash, Visa, M/C, Debit. 10% Buyer's Premium. Everyone Welcome! For more information coul 519-821-9331 Or visit And CS adfor ai -LIIA - -O onnes, selery fumds se 1998 Gran aaa a0 cos, etc. 905-878-314 dl osoinins, rien AC s uo ais froni an coll 905-876-7950. 5 5tenres/h5s Etstoti axpesoncei, Mito bsd Podc Copn pw/Pl tilt 3.3L. prf i istractor. Classified Hours $5,0o RusOOnl Rom no egislrarion feu. Corne grow with us! We offer top Monday 10 Friday Ridi (905) 875-ddl. wages, a fast paced environment 9 amn 10 5 pm st and benefit prograrn. Boy? or Girl? Fax eu t9O7900 <.. ~ let you f fl-siy frînds Att. Guy Ramsay or apply in with BirtFt AnnoLgncernients person 2705 Durante Way, Milton. si al t ai is 9 Free Carmer Seminar For: ELECTRICIAN Guesi Speakert eanor )sbnio, From Apprentieli y Board When: Mondai Sept.211h S 20-Sy Cati tis YMA ta Baulleriez 0 9654M111401to rsgtma The O1akvls havit & Att llato Publlcatlaaseale IoMI.g t. MI1 lte foi- lowlug position ftu am Issos: AdveffliL Ia.uu.r Productom Dlsfrlbuutlo Gompetitive Compensation & benetits Please forward resumes Io: aux ma, nus Subil, hauter 467 Ipes NOua, 0"kli0, M LOI 3S4 or mli :kalls@mobi.u. BROVLE CABRERS NEW MILTON TERMAL Looking for 6 Owner-Operators toi run open board Canada & US. a $1000. sign on bonus n New pay package Contact joan

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