everywhere. id' ose buzT Bergsma's Home Decor 194 Main Si, E Downiown Milton *90M 876-4922 w~SfI*~NEW FRMOUS IZ &WINGS 15 MAfIhN ST., MLTONi PICK-UP SPECIAL, LNE PM 1 MEGAr PM à ha? MPM___à_hff The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 24, 2004-15 i t- rq ù ýlll ï OF TNIS Mil 21111 - From decoruting to comfort food" auîumns' splen- dour van be fet in the cosiness if a favourite sweater seen in the wonderful display oif colour presenled by mother nature, smelled in the spicy aroma of pumpkin pie tasted in a good old fash- ion Thanksgiving dinner and heard in the laughter of children frolickîng in a pile o! leaves. tl s a lime of change that van be 50 much fian when applied to decorating, indoors and oui. paining a room or an accent waIl with warn colours siach as Ralph Lauren's County Cork-NAO6. Bnidle-TH38 or Chîmayo Red-TH46. As the weather cools, pile rugs bach on the floors. fold ihickly woven blankets oiser chairs, sofas and beds. Casi intiniate pools of lighî wilh a varieiy of table lamps and groupings ofcandles Trude sheers in for thickercurtaîn panels in a warm colour that wîll keep your roorns feeling cooy aIl winier long. Nostalgia is a wonderfial element worth recaptini for the sense of comfort and sîmplîcîty tl brings. any lime of year Even thoiagh the memonies may not be our own, nostalgia helps as evoke the unassuming style of an era not so long ago. An antique dress- er or vînlage chandelier van find their usay mnto even th1e most contemporary of styles. In fact. tl s these rooms ihat any vin- tage piece van mahe the boldest statement. Pichets and Pnimrose offer you many eloments that van mahe your faîl vîsually appealîng and comfortable. From beautîfiully scented Colonial Candles such as Pumpkîn Pie, Hareest Bounty and Vanilla Brandy to cozy lhrows, vîntage and aniique firniture, and Ralph Lauren paînts, we are sure to be one of yourfavounite stops thîs falI Wîth our decoruting expert- ise we can help you comine colours, textures and rnaylse a feus ireasured antiques that ailI mahe your home ready Io welcom you usith warrnth and friendliness for tis season and always Scotiobank ZP Milton Main Branch 244 Main Street East Milton, Ontario Tel: 905-875-2150 Fax: 905-875-3585 www.scotiabank.ca Scotiabank 5 Lite. Money. Balance both. PICK UP YOU MMER READI.0 MOTE &U THOUSANDS 0F T!TLE TO CHOOSE FR0741 Tuen-Frt 12-8pm Sat O-r6pi gun 12-5pm 13 Charles St. Unit 102, Milton, ON Tel: 905-878-9071 Fax: 905-878-9534 Email: pagesinctobellnet.ca GKi oPii B',s-r $50.00 Dc --(,o os Gios CoTERR Samhi Tqplcy 327 Main Street E. Milton,, & 276 Main St. (905) 878-4171 lu The (onifort and Warmnth of Fai Decorating We ar ai saddened to say -good bye Io the dog das of summer yet fal brsngs us o many ways Ioadd a lte comfort and warmh toour lies