20--The Canadibn Champion, Tuenday, September 21, 2004 910 aie 100% NATURAL BEEF Spltsi des $2.575 No cisemicais. no growth hnrmnnes, noanimal by produdos Cali Aissonders Naturel Reel @ St19-853-4334. BIKE hoaier strotter, excellent condliin 2 seater wcOS stor- uge, tnp oft he lise $250/080, Coli 905-876-4560. MdOFFAT bonld-n dîshwasher, Entertoinment unit, TV stand, Caracos bosch suies, Semis homidifir. Çai to iee. 905-87(-l3 POOL to/de. 4'xe nec feit 5450.00ý 905-e76-0128e WHITE /ndge-575.0e, Lance Roll top donb-$300.00,' An- tique dresser Sm/ton0, Nîght stasds-$tO.00. Coli 900-075- A Dînîng Rnnm, Cherryrwaad, double peutat tale, 8 chairs, buffet, halos, denetoil constructhon. New sitl in busý et. Coul $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600, 905-567-9459 A King Pilnatnp Musseras Set. New in plastic. Cnet $100. si for $450 905-567-9459 SEO, Amozing hargoin, queen orthepedtc pilnwtop set, nec rn plastic, wanoslty $150 905-567-4042 aMil deliner. Bedream Chesrywood, 004, shoot, dresser, 2 sightstondt. Osselet Construction, Neyer oposod Ceet $0,000. Oocn- hice $t1,900. 905-567-4042 cARPEr i hase seserl t,000 yrds. of nec Otainmatter & 000% nylos caipot. Wl de iingmemn & hall for $309. sn- dodoes cerpet, yod & installassen /30 yards> Steve. 905-639- 2902 Hol Tub: 2004 aIl optoans, watalt, Ozanatar, Ram» waad cabinet raxa aaed, suit in wrappas. CeaI $99195. Sait $5,000. 4168953-5197. PIANO'S good selectise under t3K Boy and Oel. Cuti Otose 905-631-0200 hailln Cnnsetoy 3031 HWY Os RECREATION/Huntara, 6 oheel ARGO c/c sstbourd mn- tsr&taiier, $28000 14' Aiuminum beat, 3 scisel sos, 1Ohp., $2000.00, 2-Hondo 250 didtbikes, $700.00/$t700.00; Brand new mînkntu teet costrol electei- ca rai 9ng moctos. 0000.00 Cali (5t9/853-4207 WWW.PIANOS.CA - Piansseuse Burtingtsn. 200 nec osed Piaos and Grands, Yumattu Kacuï Oumick, notfera 905-031-9259. WANTED Ai China, SiderCnystal Tea Cis, Royal iol ton, Oearont/, Gos Jocolety, nid tops, c ocibas as- tatas. Cal JohsrTracy 900-331-2477. SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE Te Estale af the laies Doralhy and Harold Brown. Satabu Saplennber 25, 2004 ut 10 90AM. Presiewa 9:00Ansa et oui rdence 400Ksnsogh Court, Milor. antique fur e, nos china an/t househo/t eshoots. AtiCTIONEbtt. 15090E WHTE WHTiS ACt05 SERVICE (9e5 876-2884 1989 Chu. Cuaaier, 4cyi. 3901 /'ostiac ttsa 4/te- cîte,5 5,OOOms, beige, 92,OOOkms, 4-cdnnr, 4dr. whte,154,00kslull loaded, spotiess $750. un s., s996 Frs $15,995. Coli 905-702ý Windstar V6. Rurg., 0250 alter 60pm. 225,000kms, 2002 Honda Cinic LXG. $2000. as is.; 1990 Honda 35,OOOkmt, beige, AIC, Cîvce, 4cyl.. ddr., whito, A00, omuise, floup 100404, 214OOOkmtn, $500o. as se AM/FM/CD. $10,500. Cui Col Mike 0 647-444-0311 905-87-7-8486. (Gorgetown) SELLING the cors ond 1991 Toyota Terce LE. Cee- vans to the highest bidder tihed/e-Tested, ciil main- 10.00 am on September laine/t, great on ga0t 240h, 2004. Colt 519-003- Os Onn0rras, CD p oyar 5353-1250 $2,500. 905-873-1883 Hghcay 025, Adtos 1992 Lununa sedan, lady dmien, sec braites, soc tiras. Excellent condition 185OOOots- $2,000- Cali Suait tacdryo 4 loelng tor 905-877-0687. ho/p athmceui prepara- 1 »4 VW Gol, 5stpeed, ful- ti-, Mmtlduy the Thora- /y ioeered, M3 minora, day. No baby tOing re- 240,00tira. Weil main- qtaired. 1-2 booms pet day. te/te. $3,300. Ca/ 905- Itd"a canidate cseld bo a 875-2473. ctsnid lady use savs f0 - ceok and would li/e 0 atim 1995 Casutier tomes extra raoeey Plkase 199,000/aras., e-testZd ce/i 877674 atos 6 pmt il teuai ooured, $900 or inteeestad cake ie os ofer. Cati 905_693-9410. URE-IN rune required tor 1996 Chevy Corseca, 3.1. .soonekeefopng. Pas te- S utn, $4500R000. Ceeh- tome- 905-279-1901. hiede-tesged, gond ottA lo,142,0001one Pote (905/873-W8- 'a j OITJrAR LESSOs I5Y'I Pnvate gocoar lassons - Ta dR&130> - auailabie Sron an expenenced, tTC preleseiosal instructor. I clsstfedSt No reginîrabon Ite ~ i scasoeobiv rates R1cli (905) 875-4601 CARE SENIWAR REAL ESTATE If you are currently on course; recently licensed; considermog a change from your corrent broker or Iooking fer a new career, yoo owe tl to youroeif to attend this neminar Yeu IlttFind Out About wnAo should consider real estale (and who shoold sot) *Provincial licensing cousse *Royal LePage training, persontal deueloprneol and support Ho0w t0 gel a qoick 000r *How Io maaînoze your inconS 1Tshil SOLt 23, 7:U01l amiu aim ce 10241 IHMLU Sean is o m led, cai 00WO t eseea nnat! ý mvà5n Miltn W057848101 ROYAL LEPAGE Gergton -8f77.82652 -'-- Misseug 905421-320 LOCAL EMPLOYMEN OPPORTUNITISI TISE 0F THE COMMUTE? Arnold Bros. Transport Ltd., currently han mhe tel- sowing empîsyment opprlnities: - Local pick up ond deieery driser. Mont hase AZ joaenne with 1 year expenience and dlean abatract. - Licensed, or 2nd-3rd yaar apprentice traiter tech- nician wîth rer eperence. Ptaea fanerd rcaues to: Jatte Fracis Aroled Bron. Transpot Ltd 8100 Lewsee Bd.. Miltoa, ON- LIÎT 3C4 CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Is ourrently teeking ter o CONTRACT DRIVER te deliver bond/es ta or corriera. Most be reliable wvith eme van and valid dri- verl cenne. To sobmît your bld pIease contact: Aies Coîhon at acalhoos@ookvitlebeover.com or tox <905) 337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Ryder Canada has immediate pernmanent positions for AZ andl DZTruck Drivers throughout sauthera Ontario for local and cross-border routes. Rvdes offert: *competlssve nov direct/y deposited in your bonk weekly *cnmpany-paîd comprebiensise benehits anA reterement package sea wnrking enironment *teom and single tons *drrtraining and upgrading progrants onoilable Join us todoy andi get yur $1000 bonust iimMd- of-TI, fldSldle-labny- I ,u d-ima Mîtsiaga ctpn AZ Drivers noeded tac Mon aur leam Excellerit tiages & benet pMus bonus system Experienced cil/o structural steel, Ftot-bed wnrk No hand bobing - Hgome every nigh/i Appicants require a dean abstract Cal) Ed 90521.3788 Or fax resumne to: 905-821.9018 THOMSON-GORDON EXPERIENCED MANUFACTURING ENGII We have an immedîate opening in or Mnototang tacîlîty toroan expenie Eregineer. Responsibllties: This position ii report to the Plant Services Manager and ii be respens *Plant and eqalyment layeat I denty and imptement woste reduotîn improvements I dentification, selton and jutiatiîon of new equipment *Conduct time otodies os approprînte to esore proceos and machine cyc optimuma oapaoity. *Ensore bills of moterial are acourote *Lead in developing and reviewing enictîng product estîmating / costing os *Anotyze and optîmîze interna manotactaring processes Skiis Required " University Degree- BSc., Mechonicol Engineering/ Manoftotong Engine *5-10 years expenience in a moohining/metol worlsing manotoctaning enviri " Enperience with pelymero woold be an anset. Locoted in Barlington,ON wve are a progressive, tomily-owned company w tien." Fer turther information on ont Company, pteose vin/t aur website www.tha lnterented individoals pIeuse torword pour resame te: Donna Mason- Manager of Human Resourcen Email: donnam@tbomson-gordon.com Fax 905-335 We wo/d lîke to thank ait app/îcanto brot on/y thone oe/ected for an interviewi MARKETING ASSOCIATE ... care'r opportunlty A new opportunity exists for you ta Ieam and grow vitl this highly successful, Oakville-based financial services company. You have a background in marketing, complimented by solid design and production capabilities. You pride yourself on your computer skills and your attention ta detail. You are seeking a career building raie where you can hane your marketing and presentation skills. Ideally your past-secondary education is eiffler in marketing, business or economics. Starting compensation lis in the $35000 range. Interested applicants should farward their resumes by email ta: NewSource Managemfent We're hinn.,U ùakvill fod&drug Part-trne positions are ava/lable for aur Oakv/i for the following depadments: te Erocery ai Meat * Deli e Bakery * C ta Produce e Seafood et Hot Food Prel We are alsa Iooking for qualified: Meat Cutters, Bakers, Cake Decorators, and Ail positions are pari-urne with flexible schedules ta inc days and evenings and require weekend work. Please apply in persan with applicable reterences a) th Service Desk at the following stores: NEER ncRd Manutactsrng nie frthe fcîîcwîng JO/N PARKERS DRY CL EANERS- e timon uperote 0f COUNVER SALES & PLANT PRODUCTION un/tords STAFF NEEDED P/case Vyppy a 480 Guelph Lise, Burl cring oiFax: M0582-490 3nment padtetalbwoiîd cha.cue international repua- rnson-gardon.cam Mt requreo mature -4033 staff tnt permanent wtl//be contacted. FuII*tine Daya & We offer Besefts and compthlive Redwoad Pet Resort hes Fui) and Part-Ttme openings avouIable.ý Experience in o kennel or vet cl/flic preferred. Fax Re&uce To: 905-871n154 o Eneai Tut redwaradereden-ndaecrranrt.cnn Health-Counsellor *Full ttme *Sales oriented eFriendly and Outgoing eAvailable to work various shifts Emaîl: IserhalagaSfmiltan@hotunaII.com Fax: 905-693-9596 ~ Lot Person req'd immediatly CaIl 906-633-881 2016 Plains Rd. E. le! &Pan d QAVUUIEBAVER CIRCULATION OEPARTMENT is cornenty tookîng L ton on enthaniauto indivîdua ta loin OOt r Oepartment. The auccesatui candidate aii.. -Be creat/ve le stres -Have excellent le sorescommunication ski//s - Have somne expia- S r/ence c/th prome- ut rruft tiens - Be witttng ta care >araion closel withOu Force & part-lime stadenta - Be a setf starter ICashiers - Wark cuit w/th min/mal supervison lude - Have eoper/ence cdth computers - Be a qu/ck Leamer Sonne accasnting ecperience an asset. tf you are interested in thts position please contact Al80 Caihoun at acalhauri@akvll ebe ver.cam ofaut 905-337- -55 fne Ï_ __