What happened?' Staidents are jut geting back io school, ýo grading hasn't slaried yei for lhem. Howes er, the situation is different for Ontaio's goveroumeni, Premier Dalton Mcntuinty and bis Liheral goverumeni have heen iii posser for more ihan II0 months, and fike others mn susciety. Otario's farruers have been payîng close attention imi iheir efforts and the resuits 10 date. Many have raised questions about the goveriment's effectiveness ait keeping promises. Durîng the election campaîgn, Agriculture and Food IOMAF> mas descrîbed by Dalton McGuinîy as a fead minisiry if they were elecîed.' At the Ontario Federalion of Agriculture, we were looking forward 10 ibat promise becomîng realiîy. After a summer of budget cuis and dif- ficuli consultations, we're asking, 'Wbai happened' Perbaps tbe firt-s clan ibai ibis promise was soon to be forgoîten was wben the government announced the Minisîry of Agriculture and Food was being replaced by the Minisîry of the Enviromment for purposes of enforcing the Nutrieni Management Act and ils reg- ulations. Event in the face of ibis change, Ontario farmers and iheir organîcation weren't easily discouraged. We continued to seek c(nstructive dialogue wiib the govern- ment tbrougb what turned oui t0 be a bec- tic scbedule of consultations -consulta- tions n(iw viewed by somte insiders as an attempi tut dîsgîise titoiber agenda. Wiîb ibese issues and a tumber of other disappusiintets tow bebind us. Oniarto's farmiers, îîsîîalfy genervîns and forgis itg. a ould be incfined to telf Pt-entier McGntuty ,înd bis cofleagues tlîey ire grasftng fess fiail sattsfatory. The Ontario Fedierativin of Agriculite bel ieves Otitarto's fatmers deserve betier fromi their governîoenî. Afier al. mach of ruiral Ontario depends on a successful agrictural economy. ,mnd agriculture bas long becît recogiied as the second largesi economic driver mn the province. What has prompted our faf I from favour wîîb the people this province elected last Ociober? Farmers contintue to be the environ- mental stewards of the bulk of Ontario's lands. This tact becaîne a fecature of the recent report from the provitîce's Greenspace Task Force. Thai report calîs for agriculiaral lands and other remaining green spaces 10 be preserved for the cal- tural and recreational use of others in tbe province. There's an economie cost 10 that for fat-mers. There's also an economie cost 10 farmers if îbey find their lands designated Hop On Board With School Bus Safety. Whiie youie un the «eo bus, foltuti Ue simple uafety milen: *Remamn uealted thenugbu time ride. *Keep yiamr arm, bandsaund head if ide the bus. *Keep matir bnlanimnts away fram the aie 00 Ot istra, tthe bus driver wi th 1tuud ines,t vujien munements. OPA Paule C'ommentary for agriculture use onfy. Devefopers woufd p:my mach mot-e for ihose acres iban the production of fotod eau retarn tu the fat-met-s in ioday's economny, s0 the Ontario Federation 0f Agriculture f OFA) bas called on the government for meas- ut-es 10 promeci the viabiliîy of farming for t uture genteralions. We have no assurances fromt ibis gov- ernimeni ibai ibis will bappen. There's been no solid indication from govero- ment officiaIs ibai ibey- aven recognize tbe issues the OFA bas heem commanicai- ing 10 ibem. Some of the solutions tbe OFA and uts coalition pariners bave taken 10 the min- isier of agriculture and fond, as reason for fat-mers 10 comply witb the Nuti-ent Management Act, bave been the cosi of ibat compliance being affordable, a demonsîrated need for lime objectives of ibat compliance, and a science-based approach in the formation of tbe regula- lions. We're waiîmng for the OMAF 10 gel back to as wiib constructive dialogue ammed ai moving ibis issue formard. The unceotainîy lefti n the minds of Oniario's fat-mers about the Nuirient Management Act and so many (liber ainresolved issues faciîîg fat-mers is cause for a sub-pmr grade in ibis category as mclI. Tbe OFA woald lîke t0 be able 1o gîve the province's government a beiter grade for ils treaiment of agriculture, but before ibat can bappen, ibis govemmeni must be more open and fortbt-igbt in ils dealings wiîb fat-mers. Tbe govemrmeti needs tu earn the confidence of fat-mers. Paul Mistele is a inu'ther oj« thte Ontrario Federaioci oJ Agriudure execu- tlme conimittee. tALK TO MILTON'S RMTREMENT PLANNING SPECIALIST Whetfinr pour dreams are simple or grand. mont people imagina a future ft-ee of financial mornies. Achieving this ideal. however requioes planning. You need input direction and advice tailored to your particular financial circumstances and mindful of pour long-term aspirations. Effective wealth management and the opportunity to live your dreare are as close as pour Milton Itetirement Planning Specialist Doug Rdirg was iaived ir Milton and stirl resides here, Doug has oeri p' Oid i retîmert planning ard sealtr management servires ru t1he Miltor andM -u~ r.. -r.'t- -Dt Vvtp; -s Champion Country, Tuesday, September 21 We believe...e in helping. Angone. 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