Does It... nulV1 The Canadian Champion, Fla September 17 2004-Bll SIn-RBONDBAOR *Çhimney IRepair *Ueneral inr -Il kWork Work Free CIl Steve McDougl Estimates (905) 878-9560 " FRIEEOL Y " RELIABLE " AFFOROABLE " FREE ESTIMA TES BRUCE 905.-b1r4p5 PAOFESSIONAL WORK AT A REASOMABLE PRICE RYNLAN (905) 878-0894 6Mo7nths No Payment OR We Pay The Tax S SILH (JETTES & fni~m El CILSTUN Rt SS vibilt' Vu 0 t xr "Èe S Iao H :ul 1~04, oi il-5 WaterÜ~Depotb U-I Water .aI..,as $2.40/18.9L Boulie Wat«.er5ofeo ElrNie - Irus & 5a4,AurFiltrs Riererse ttuo, Sauvas - tli Rmveai - HIOT IVIS FIe Water Aals rvr Sei li Makes* -er l n 5sable FAR)YDRETPIlN (9)05) 69»-820 525 Ont"rtSL S., Milton-- * ENOAOS BUILDITECH CONTRACTflG Residenitial/Restorationis eCeramics/Taping/Drywall/Laminate flooring eKitchens/Dathrooms/Basements e Stone & Concrete Worl, etc. * Additians/GaragesIDecks TONY 905-854-5623 Il5 yrs Experience Cou: 416-999-96141 47JayCo"S,nu 9. " Additions - Windows " Garages -Flooning - Painting " Offices -Csrpentry/Trtm " Rec rooms - Decks *Insure 0 Relientla 0 Commui é fleuencea 'Ou Bay.ou 905-878-6478 Nemi. - lMW-Or CooMftmoet WINDOW CLEANING *WINDOWS - EAVES *SIDING 21 Years Profssional E.spet tnc FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES CALL BRUCE HARDING 519-853-3335 ACTON, ONT FIiag # Roc Romes Steel Studs # Docks *Dathomloooos ilop celliogs (5) 876-02 Stan j 1. ver 50 Years Experience Co mmercial & Residenta - J.HARDIMAN ROOFING Tel: (905) 876-0958 4252 ~ ~ ~ R (edolo p Rx195878-3447 Il. No. 1, Milto Fax: 1905) 870.930 ILOT 2X5 Free 0: 1-877-687-4958 " RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIST "ALL TYPES OF SHINaLES " FREE ES TIMA TES CA LL TEDA 905-875-0933 RoetNoble Mt. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING 150 Fr. olHose For Crossîng Lassns H i Pressure Drai Fluîshinîg & Repair Sane Dav'yEnegenc Servie Truks toSereYou RadobDspatcl (519> 853-050 Aco" Anîwerîng Service 905-878-6869,~' MPOX 773, ROCKW l e _ Certif led Fores *1TRE -TREE TRIMMING OVER 30 VEARS le EXPERIENCE icE FULLY INSURED Provincial Arborists etry Technicians E ANALYSIS & DIAGNOSIS -TREE REMOVAL - HEDGE TRIMMING Burington Water-Tec 7 DAY EMERGlC FUMf' 5ERV1E M.O.. Lie. WelI Technician -20+ Years Ixel e SWater Ssfteners, Pressure Tanks WeII Punis & Inspections U.V. Stenlizers & Reverse Osmssis. Etc. (905) 631-3007 1-866-892-3889 THSSPOT CU BE VUSFOR&M CALL 905-878-2341 EXT. 232 WÀE PUIICTO & FILs A k e e Rod Coire Tel: (905) 854-4515 *Wet Reha *Wett il -Flow Rate -Water Trea & Well Drilling bitîtation - Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water ring Systemrs s - UV Steritization Systems Ornent -Comptete Pumping Systemrs Ceil: (il5 691-6118 Have You Cleaned Vour Windows Yet? The Choice Is Cilr Residential & Commercial WE ALSO CLEAN SIDING & EAVESTROUGIIS Fuliy Insured 17 YmsRdbkmioiar4Queln YogA. Fer A Free Estimate ïq (519) 853-5456 L We an ReadyWben You Au! Core's Pump Service The Milton Community Guide i5 your source book to Milton. The guide lis published In one a year and ls J' delivered to 17,700 19households within Milton, Campbellville - ( and Hornby. This invaluable directory -~ includes community, health and govern- ment services. Schools, sports, interests -- and services clubs are included. Specialty 'emnqe ~,-»:+~ ,~ pages for shopping, restaurants, pet sj&VEcare and home ~ improement are featured. j~,zt 9O5-y7-2941 '+RZ= Il 1 mommaugý- 1 TREE SERVICE ý WINDOW CLEANING . Canabian Il - cemptm,