34-Te Canadia' rhrýrr F,,da1/ r 7 9104 STuhAbou *ot Co mnt Fou Halton Region and its partners have been working towards making aur community a better place for youth. Youth, parents, professionals and interested community members are invited to attend this important event to hear about our efforts. When: Thursday, October 7, 2004 4-8 p.m. (registration begins at 3:30) Where: Regional Headquarters, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road (QEW & Bronte Rd.) A light supper wiII be provided by Community Living-North Halton. For more information, please contact us at ext. 7152 or email at tosca nom@ region. ha Iton. on. ca T u , APPLEBY LINE (REGIONAL ROAD 20) GRADE SEPARATION CITY 0F BURLINGTON UPDATE: ROAD CLOSURE WILL BEGIN ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2004 AT 7:00 A.M. AND CONTINUE UNTIL SUNDAVI SEPTEMBER 19, 2004 AT 4:00 R.M. CONTRACT NUMBER: CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: R-2223-2004 MIKE RUSSELL EXT. 7614 NOIC OF CONTRUTIO ROAD RESURFACING ON BRITANNIA ROAD (REG ROAD 6) FROM TRAFALGAR ROAD (REG. ROAD 3) TO REGIONAL ROAD 25, TOWN 0F MILTON DERRY RD (REGRD.71 ('J o a W O Z BRITANNIA RD (REG. RD. 6) Z Zz O J. - $- O Z ZL EL z LL- Co if L LOWER BASE LUNE CONTRACT NUMBER: SCHEDULED START DATE: SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE: CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: R-2294-04 SEPTEMBER, 2004 NOVEMBER, 2004 BRENT HAMMOND EXT. 7609 Att.eitioei Haltozi Gardanis! Vanl CozupoMt GîVe Away&V Mgozday, Sept.mb.r 2oth - Igaturday, Igop".mner 2.5th 8:00 &.Zn. - 4L:30 p.=. Halton Residenta are welcome ta collect Halton Waste Management Sit, rlch, gardien friendly compost produced 5400 Regional Rd. 25, Milton through Halton's centralized composting program. f_ " Ail Halton householda can collect a y' maximum of seven bags of compost. AsqmroM 42 " Residents are responsible for shovelling ' and bagging their own compost. à " Please bring your own baga/containers and shovel. " Donations of non-perishable food items Z or cash wiII also be gratefully accepted on behaif of Halton area food banks. «oua. ue.anugp W. Ceam welpi Bring your reusable clothing and household items to the Salvation Army Depot at Halton's Waste Management Site. Community Partnership I I you to %provIde cJa sa% crlnking w*.er Providing dlean, safe, dninking water is one of Dur moat important responsibilities at Halton Region. As part of aur ongoing program ta pravide information and education about private weIl maintenance and management, we aller four information sessions a year so you can ensure your water is safe. We will be hosting Weil Water Information Sessions this faîl on: Thursday, October lth at Stewarttown Public Schooî; and Thursday, October l4th at the Campbellville Lion's Hall. The sessions wiIl be open ta the public from 3:00 p.m. ta 9:00 p.m. If you would like mare details please contact us at 905-825-6000 ar taîl free at 1-866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866). aklon ftogional WMng SohdUe: Sept. 22nd 9:30 a.m. - Regional Council Oct. 5th 9:30 a.m. - Health & Social Services Committee Oct. 6th 9:30 a.m. - Planning & Public Works Committee Oct. 6th 1:30 p.m. - Administration & Finance Committee DUNDAS ST (REG. RD. 5) ROUTE AREA 0F CONSTRUCTIONI