Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 2004, p. 29

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The Canaedien Champion, Friday, Saptemtsar 17, 24-8 a'- ICOHEN, Nathan ITAMMY BAKE Satddety ai foc AMandaIe Narsing Hama, 'Aprl 18, 196 - ietmer2,2 LANDLORDS & MiRton on Septesobr 15, 2004 aI te age IHOUSING SEEKERS of 85 poans. Beloved titabanal of Della. Htd lIen I nalHie d e n nd lmd an t p ulacue Dean stap-fatlier of Wa ne Harper. He put Hie vanal poan d Wifed yo n ret LANDLORDS Greodifather of Scola and Vattr Harper. Hie Garident mm be ot. He -i1-- tIalu te tit rou WVftOf Great grandfather of Jesse Paquette. Doar lande of Larry Cohen, Riasha Roys- ton, Vichi Ceimus and Satan Calmus. At Nathans roquaIt no funeref sorvice ciii be held. LIVINGSTONE, Dlavid Alexander January 26, 1947 -Septomber 3, 2004 Peacefuily euth bis lomîiy by his ride on Friday, Septemirer 3, 2004. Loviog hushool of Morgan (Smith) oi Burlington, Sear loiher of Heaiher and ber hoshuol Mîke Kuilboer of Burlington ad Melanie and fier husband Scott Wagner of Kitchener. bear grandia- ber of Taylor, Cortney, Aloxandria and lily. Soroioed by his ooher Lily (Livingstone) Bull und fis stepiaiher Norman SuS oi Montreai, his sîster Fiera asd ber bus- band Richard Conley of Truo, NS. und his brother Don and is alto Gail of Suriington. President of Haoe 0ur Plastic nc. for 20 yoars. Ho wiii be cheriosd and missed deariy by his dedicated and carioî eorployeos. Daoe wiii be sadly missed by other family, triesîs and business asociates. Visitation sod Fuoeral Service acre bel d ai SMITHS FUNERAL HOME, BURLINGTON (905-$32-3333). A Gravesîdo Service ciii be bold aI Borliogio Memoriaf Gardons, 3353 Guelph Lise, Buriington on Saturday Octobar 23, 2004 atlba.I desired, expresions of sympathy to the Crolit Vaitley Hospital Founlation - Oocoiogy, Hoat & Stroko Fsundation sr tho Caoadian O abetes Assocation could ho appreciatoI by the tamly. TAMMY BAKER Septembr 20th, 2003 We thought ni ynu nth lace todny. Bat 1h11 la nothlng an. Wr thauoji abut yen yeuttrdny. and days blonr ton h. Wte binli of pou in aglence. We oêen sptal pour uai. Nont anl vir liane la memoirles. And yonr pleltue inna fcaae. Your aeaary la aur liteptale. Wth nthlch ntt'S nete paut God ha yen la hie kttpla& %,f have yen lu tue lient. We mina you Donna, Micro, Dret, Sidney & Camryn BMR CHIJRCHIU Marcl 12, 1920 - Septembr 16, 1994 ilb"li Doi for Your Stnst of Humour, Ymie Lovt of Games, Ymte Sbffl Wul Mile Yaur Gin Nature, Yout Snttt TooSO, Your Ahit la Malit Evetynne Fet! Wélcnat, Fer Seing Seines& 99e cheMih lime gMS pou len an, lbey tarsa tht lieut meunerien of yen a laally couli liant. ofe thniyoa evteyulay, ni vire ahu yon mate Ilio woedo con ay. Lovlngiy reembered, Fenr *W1f Jean and Famfly In Memoriam - ~ donations to The Allendale 18 Onai S.S Foundation MloON are truiy 9R-8"141 apprecuated. Hie hntw 1h11 yna wert suifelng He liment yo ntet na pain. Ht hat" duit you wnaid never gel oreS an tarili agalit Ht tant yam- paetit wra diflicuit, Ht doaéed pour tfred eyea. Ht whiqertd to pan -Ptnce lie Tiat" nd gavt you wiga tu lly When ste ut yn aiteping n calui and fret af pain, Wt wnald Mi ulali yn bath on eneli i te uer ance &gain. Ynu've Ici! - predomatelanie, pour love nil lie aur gald. You [ivem ona~ pogbour fanlly, ynu'e alntnyn hy ans aide. Il benhe ont lirts tu lime pou, but ynu dld Bol go aiat. For pari of ta orent nIlli ynu on the day He calle yoo home. Love Adahna, Aaaasde, MIkn, Mom n Daia4 5ca4 DAt, amu, DiwUden Grale 7bnMgéKon, anatMain, Tinmy Sue Baker Apfi 18tit, 1966 -Septembr 201h, 2003 Wr tnch woiked 60 ha n your aemory rnasng or $1000 Wo cancer research Yen were In our heurts every sarp of thr ntay. We w!!! neter forge! yon. Margaret, Carobet. Simoar, Montera, Charfrnr, Robin endMWary. lu Memory of Bert Churchill March 12, 1928 - September 16, 1994 Thanha Dad for your atone of humour. You were aiwaya redy with n quici ne t flic lieut aoments ta make tvtryoue Inugli. You Ioved tai teane and illitz, whtther Il ora Mata, us idd oe fanally or felenda or the cati, You etafy provtd rIglit tu tht end thna lnughtte la the lient mtdldint. Thanha l)ad for your love of gaontas. You dido't cre If pan wron or fnt Juatnoa lontg as you gaI tht other tent etltd Up. Plnylng gaaea, whtthee In' carda or haratuhoto oot la the anae ortthout you, but wt'l do aur lient ta carry an yane alnchlevous manner. Thanhu Dad for your a!raug ork ethic. Yen tauglit un, liy actions alune, thnt liard a.aek nnd deteemintion pny off tn tht long ron. As chttdren, vit re er neter nware ut tht difficultita, an pan struggled ntlth mure thon one jobi t n tame, la order ta, pravlde for pane tamnly, oa anily ai thty oeeded, but aino nl thtp cauld ornt. Thnns Dnd toe pour glvlng ntue. Yau nete thauglit twtct aboaut ltodlng n lielping lind and wet alornyn there whlit wt needed you. If wt art abile in0 continue au wlth your wnyo and toatill even part ut paur clircter La u chidret, pour graadchlden, thtn tht ored wtt! lie a latter plact. Theai Dnd fue pour aort tuuth. u gave tu ail the ahbRty tu lie conulautucar ut tht lit part ut evtry maa. 'Ibanl God Muas Uved up taoaur expectatiana la lier caouig Wtt! nete et another sndat orithout thlohlug pau're abut tu match tht cherry off the top. ThLanka Dad for pour gift of mahng everyooe tee! oretroat. Yuu laed n lunch of mang peuple coaturlnlile on nooo an thtp ntnlked la tht dune. Openlng your hoat and your arum orna second nature ta pou. No ont Iet your prenence wtthout tht bontedge thnt they ntauld lie wetcaaed liy pan agnin. Thanha Dnd foe ling atlllena Yu alornyn thouglit of otheca lafoe yaurnelt andt nete let us limnt whlen you ortre feeling linet. We'Ul atter relly lnow liaw machi pain yu tee la, liecause ail yo wred aliout oras hun wt ortre ail feeling. We are ail su peuud ut the willpowtr ndi strength that yen shanted on ail duelug tht leat couplt of munthn, tt ora a gin: vtry cheelnhed liy on ait nd It orll emaln wlth on aud guidt on thraugh tht liard timen ut ue lîves. Lent liut nul Itont, Thonla Dnd, for tht memueten. We'll thIol of yen every tamente molli lato tht liaunt nd net pour chair oiet pou luve tlu, ait andt oratli tht wortid go liy. Wtt! think o nyuu every font vire att n ock of geene ara abol ntlwth lier habita. Wtt! thinli ni yen tantvie play ntlth ur clitleo and ur cala. Wtt! thioli ni yuu orlen tht Lenas carry home tht Cup. WtUH thinli ut youen woe worl in our gardet. Wtt! thtnli ut yen.. Love from your family ~ICanadtan Cancer à iSociety n Memonams in tha form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. DIVORCE HURTS, Find help ai Divorce Care, a special weekly semîinar and support group for those separated of divorced. For more information Cai: 9054825-2992 *Praa ad on tha Iuntenet! PFroa adIo Hor inBoad'. HOUSING SEEKERS Foue 9090111 assistncl *Rentai Vacaocy Listogs! 'Information on Tonant Rigbts & Rosponsibilibies PFoiiot cp il Support! For ora intoniation pieuse contact The Hallon Regioo Hocoîng Rap Cent re 905-825-000i1-866-442-50 EsT. 7042 acru region.hafton.orci.trousinghec 059%l NATURAL BEEF Spit sidas $2.050k. No ctracîcals, no groath hon- moires, no anima by prs- ducts. Cali lexandere Nat- urel geai e 519-953-4334. DIAMOND ritg 1.20 CTS, S1 -3, H, saluel et $14.000. fout staer soot $10.000. Cai (905f 975-9500, A Dîning Rstm, Chterry- moud, double podtat lable, 8 chaire, baftet, htcti, dosotaif correteso- bon. Newr stitin boxesss. Cout $11.000. Sacntfice *$26110. 905-567-9459 A ring Pilsatop Mattiosu Sat. Nen tn plastic. Cout $1000. sotl toi $450. 905.t567-9459 BED, Amazitg baigaîn, qseet ortropet9c pioortop set, oea in plastic, oaanty $150 905-567-4042 viri do- usive. Bedreont Crryoood, Hed, chaut, drosser, 2 nigttrttands. Donatail Con. usuction. Novai openaed Cont $8,000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-507-4042 BIRE toilai streilar, excl- oent condition,' 2 seatet cdt storaga, top of tie lita $250109, Cai 905-876- 4561. CARPET i hase satanai 1,000 yids. of tntw Stain- mastar & 1001/ nylon car- pet. Wtt do livitgmomr & halform $389. Indudas car- pal, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-039- 2902 REE EsAimates. l3ot woti- hty chaire, tirad issking isoodhfiskus? Fields Cus- tsar Wood Ratltatring an Pamiture Rupaire. 9-9,905- 632-9090. LO$Tf$1OLEN 20' blk mongonsa. 9 yr old boy oery sad. Cai 905-876- 0180. ST. STEPIENS CI4URCH, Hsmby ai Steeles and 9th Lin saks Christan Moni- dans ton a Cattis Satvica once a nnh at nhuch. Guitar and Bans Playacu, Elactio and 9-onasti, Mas- dolin and Piddio. Kay- hourds and Dnammare, Sîigare aiso Plsais cati the Reo. Ton 905-976-007. MATURE, EXPERIENCE dayonor asikar to nana toi 2 chuldos in my home5 days e caak. Aspae 416- 92-6206. Daloru andt Aller Carefo Guardian Aegel/SI. Petere, Robait Bakdoi and Chous Hadhttd schonis. Cosor- ae toi MarckiChttas hieeho, Summar Holidays, Ee4ty Dismisoni and PD Days. Piase cati Sandie 905-878-M35. DAYCARE avaiiohf a. Hawttirne Village, Patl- Tima, Part-Time, Batore & ARler Scoo. Heefthy Snackis, plantaI indooi & outdssn acrites. Cali 90&- 875-0708. Seil it today in the (asaian 1991 Thandailtird, as ts $1.000 oko. fEngina toto- mission, very gond, seads sonnae a9klo tangdogo. 519-95-05. 1991 Toyota Tnmat LE. Cor- titiad/e-Tasted, wati mait- taittd, grat os ges. 180,OOkms, CD playor $2.500. 905-873-1883 1092 Larina sadan, lady donaen, tac brakos, ntw tires. Excettatt condito. 19ti.000ons. $2.000. Cai 905-877-06137. 1995 Caoatiar 199.000/knms. e -tested, tai coiourad, $900 or make mean on chr. Cai 900-093-9410. 1M9 Me"ur Sabla, ily, isaded, sac tires. $12001090. Cati 905-693- 008. 2002 Honda Cisric LX.0 3ti,O00kms, baige, AiC, ABS, creisa, futly tondait. AM/FM/CD. $10.000. Ca# 905-877-8486. SELLIN tha cre and oans to tfa titiasst tindder 10:00 am on Sapambar 24tW 2004. Cai 519-853- 5353-12590 Highcay #25, Acton. > Whe we gravourapples vregraw the frr k /eur O brut for you. Wc can put thitron athse IReady Pickedl bag or you can pick them tou. SMmcms Gala NO ADMISSION CHARGE \Cortiad~ Wednesdays Seniors 10% Off Wr aise hve checor piesEm frifait, didoe, mufa& battco, ianm honcy, pean. Huttonvilie 905-455-8202 Conne $Vsit 77e Coirn Muan * Pion n. 94; SnL, Saun., Holfidas9- 8MHerftage Rd. BatIdu, ouiat, Red- wond calbie fluan uaaid, utI la @cplans. Cost 119e9. Som $5,1ME 416 95'4 5197. PIANO'S g004 selection aridut 13K< Bey and Sai. Cali Slaow 905-631-6200 ratfon Carsarvatory 3031 SEAT Sala! Fruken igi your dinetoe/idningroonn dmte seats wiselectied fair tocs fract $lgaSiuaa Sat otushos qaity 1oasi8o. placement from $299010. Pids Furcitur and Fah- rics, 9-9 daily. 905-632- 9090. WHITE fridgo.$7S 00, Lance Roll top dock- $30000, Antique drossa, $100.00, Night standc- $10.00. Cali 905i-875-0771. WWW.PIANDS.CA - Pia- nohosce Butigton. 200 nocisseit Pianos and Grands, Vamaha, Kacai, Samik othors 905-631 9259. WANTEI2- Al China Sil ver, Crycta, Toa Caps, Royal Doultor, Swarooshi, GasoJewecery, od as, collectiies, estatos. Cal J niVTrac 905-331-2477. CASH paid tor antiques and collectionas, chna, fig- urines, jocattury, turnitura, oins, etc. 905-878-3145 calli oOS--7.ia Kmey Midi Cicaners Nccded We are looktcàg for afoiltgood plet Wr offcr n I)aytjme Hours -Mon to Fil " Paid trairdng " Paid Mitieage *Banefi ausitabe (9(05)847-2210 Let Persan roq'd immodistoly MgS FiS U. E. & Plains Rd.) Banttndit 0i 4 laalaag ton halp wfth mentl prupana- bans Montiny dmMus day. No baby sitlrrg ta quirod. 1-2 troare pu day. tItua sarelidata noeud bo a rand ay mira lotus to ocii and ascii * fi amo sana axtra rnay Ptans call 976-4704 allr Ip f ulacaota< LIVE-li sasey mequiod tor 2gils (2 & 6 yare r- hoauaekeating Fas r- saine: 905-279-0981. GIIITAR LESSOOI Pti vtt toutai lassonrs anali abla Sont on expetaoced. potessaonat eishoctor. No tegisinssion tee, retoe rates. Ricti (905f 875-4001

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